15 December 2020
Cole Lions
[FYI request #14136 email]
Dear Cole
Thank you for your request of 16 November 2020 under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
Specifically, you have asked:
Could you please tel me if there was any computer tabulation software used by poling stations to
record and submit vote totals in the 2020 general election?
If so:
1. What is the name of and who produces the software used?
2. Did the computers running the software have internet access either prior to or during vote
counting and tabulation?
3. Could you please also inform me of what steps are taken to ensure that manually entered
totals cannot be manipulated by remote access or through installed software and/or hardware?
No computer tabulation software is used at Voting Places. All voting papers in New Zealand, both
parliamentary and referendum, are counted manually. Designated personnel at electorate
headquarters enter count totals into a system called the Election Management System.
This system is developed in conjunction with the New Zealand based company CATALYST.NET
LIMITED, NZ Company Number 952897
Computers at electorate headquarters have access to the internet. Al computers are securely
networked with antivirus protection software and relevant controls in place.
Our systems undergo certification and accreditation in line with NZ government guidance, this
includes penetration testing of systems to ensure that data cannot be tampered with or
manipulated. Access to systems is restricted. We adhere to best practice and industry standards to
protect our computer network infrastructure.
Yours sincerely
James Willcocks
Chief Information Officer
Electoral Commission
Electoral Commission | Level 4, 34-42 Manners Street, Wel ington 6011 | PO Box 3220, Wel ington 6140 | 0800 36 76 56