Script Code: 6844446
Customer: Dunedin City Council 4 / OTG
Account Manager:
Start Date: 01 Jun 2020
End Date: 29 Jun 2020
Length: 0:30
Description: DCC ANIMAL SERVICES Dog registration 2020 - Covid
VO: It's that time again - to register your best friend. Going contactless is easy! Register
your dog online, at dunedin dot G-O-V-T dot en zed slash dog registration. If you do visit a
DCC service centre, please keep to the physical distancing rules. This year, the tag on your
dog's collar will be blue. Register your dog before July 31st, or you'll incur a late fee.
Thanks ! From:
Jingle out: DCC - Animal Services ! Best friend to man's best friend !
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