This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Contents of the Annual Report on Dog Control Policy and Practise to the Department of Internals Affairs and DCC Planning and Environment Committee'.

Script Code: 593382
Customer: Dunedin City Council 4 / OTG
Account Manager:
Start Date: 01 Dec 2020
End Date: 31 Jan 2021
Length: 0:30
Description: DCC ANIMAL Sea lions

VO: New Zealand sea lions are one of the rarest seal species in the world, and they live
right here in Dunedin.
The main breeding areas are Smails Beach; Tomahawk Beach; Middle Beach, which is
Moana Rua; and Warrington Beach.
Sea lion pups could be born at any of these beaches, so if you're a dog owner visiting
these areas, remember you must keep your dog on a leash within 20 metres of protected
... Please. Help protect our sea lions. 
... Thank you.
This message brought to you, by DCC Animal Services.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Copyright MediaWorks Creative ©
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