133 Molesworth Street
PO Box 5013
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
T+64 4 496 2000
Joseph P Stockman
By email:
[FYI request #14272 email]
Dear Joseph P Stockman
Response to your request for official information
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) on 11 December
2020 for information on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Information in response to each part of your request is as follows.
“Please provide all briefings, aide memoirs, cabinet papers, and internal documents
(excluding emails) that discuss the budgeted costs for, and supply issues relating to,
personal protective equipment (PPE) as required in response to the COVID-19
Ten documents have been identified within scope of this part of your request. These documents
are outlined in Appendix One with copies enclosed. The table in Appendix One also lists the
specific grounds under which information has been withheld.
Further information regarding funding for PPE has been proactively released on the Ministry of
Health (the Ministry) website at:
https:/ covid19.govt.nz/assets/resources/proactive-release-2020-october/HR33-CAB-Paper-
COVID-19-Public-Health-Response-Additional. . pdf
https:/ covid19.govt.nz/assets/resources/proactive-release/COVID-19-Public-Health-
Please note that documents pertaining to further funding for PPE for 2021 wil also be
proactively released on the Ministry website in due course.
“Please provide as dollar amounts the total budget for PPE during 2020 (both any initial
budget, and any additional budget planned for due to COVID-19).
Please provide the total actual government spend on PPE for the financial year 18/19.
Please provide the total actual spend on PPE for the financial year 19/20.
Please provide the total actual spend on PPE to date for financial year 20/21.”
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, all PPE for business as usual use was purchased by the
respective district health board (DHB) or provider. The Ministry did not play a role in this
purchasing and as such is unable to provide information on the amount spent in 2018/19.
In April 2020, the Ministry centralised the supply of PPE to the New Zealand health and
disability system to ensure there was continued access for those who needed PPE for both
business as usual needs and for responding to COVID-19. $450 mil ion has been budgeted for
PPE as outlined in the at ached documents, and in the publicly available links below:
The amount spent on PPE in 2019/20 is also publicly available in the Ministry’s Annual report:
www.health.govt.nz/publication/annual-report-year-ended-30-june-2020 (page 118 of the PDF
version). $204.4 mil ion has been spent as at the end of November 2020 in the 2020/21 year.
Please note that this only includes the amount budgeted and spent on PPE for the health and
disability sector. Other agencies wil have purchased PPE for their own needs which wil not be
included in the above information. The Ministry is aware that in some cases there have been
purchases made by DHBs or providers rather than sourcing from the central supply that are also
not included in the above.
“Please provide any emails sent by the Director-General of Health (during 2020) to the
Prime Minister, the Minister of Health, or the Al -of-Government Response Controller
(John Ombler) where the email primarily discusses PPE cost and supply issues during the
COVID-19 response.”
All emails within scope of this part of your request is listed as Document 11 in Appendix One
and is enclosed with this letter. The table in Appendix One also lists the specific grounds under
which information has been withheld.
I trust this information fulfils your request. Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to
ask the Ombudsman to review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may
be contacted by email at:
[email address] or by calling 0800 802 602.
Please note that this response, with your personal details removed, may be published on the
Ministry website at:
Yours sincerely
Dr Kelvin Watson
Group Manager, COVID-19 Immunisation, Testing and Supply
COVID-19 Health System Response
Page 2 of 5
Appendix One: List of documents for release
Decision on release
12 May 2020
Memorandum: PPE update Release with some information
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the
Act, to protect the privacy of natural
22 May 2020
Memorandum: Additional
Release with some information
Information: Personal
withheld under the following sections of
Protective Equipment
the Act;
(PPE) domestic supply
• 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of
natural persons and
• 9(2)(b)(ii), as it is commercially
sensitive. The greater public
interest is in protecting the
commercial position of the
subject of this information.
18 June 2020
Memorandum: Response to Release with some information
Personal Protective
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the
Equipment (PPE) Domestic Act, to protect the privacy of natural
Supply Query and Forward persons.
Actions and Activities
30 June 2020
Memorandum 20201069
Release with some information
withheld under the following sections of
the Act;
• 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of
natural persons and
• 9(2)(f)(iv), as it is under active
consideration. The release of
this information at this time
would be likely to prejudice the
ability of government to
consider advice and the wider
public interest is in effective
government would not be
15 July 2020
Health report: Response to Release with some information
the Auditor-General's
withheld under the following sections of
recommendations on the
the Act;
procurement, distribution
• 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of
and management of PPE
natural persons and
• 9(2)(f)(iv), as it is under active
consideration. The release of
this information at this time
would be likely to prejudice the
ability of government to
consider advice and the wider
public interest is in effective
government would not be
Page 3 of 5
Decision on release
16 July 2020
Memorandum: Update on Release with some information
the quality review of PPE
withheld under the following sections of
the Act;
• 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of
natural persons,
• 9(2)(h), as it is legally
Memorandum: DHB
Release with some information
experiences with PPE
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the
Act, to protect the privacy of natural
Memorandum: Quality
Release with some information
Review of PPE
withheld under the following sections of
the Act;
• 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of
natural persons,
• 9(2)(b)(ii), as it is commercial y
sensitive. The greater public
interest is in protecting the
commercial position of the
subject of this information and
• 9(2)(f)(iv), as it is under active
consideration. The release of
this information at this time
would be likely to prejudice the
ability of government to
consider advice and the wider
public interest is in effective
government would not be
Personal PPE distribution Release with some information
across the health sector:
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the
Follow up
Act, to protect the privacy of natural
Cabinet Paper: COVID-19 Refused in full under section 18(d) of
Response Paper 3 –
the Act, as this document wil soon be
Funding the health system made publicly available.
response to COVID-19 into
31 March – 5
Various email
Release with some information
August 2020
withheld under the following sections of
the Act;
• 9(2)(a), to protect the privacy of
natural persons,
• 9(2)(b)(ii), as it is commercial y
sensitive. The greater public
interest is in protecting the
Page 4 of 5
Decision on release
commercial position of the
subject of this information
• 9(2)(g)(i), to protect the
effective conduct of public
affairs through the free and
frank expression of opinions.
Information deemed out of scope has
been excluded.
Page 5 of 5
Document Outline