17 February 2021
By email: [FYI request #14489 email]
Tēnā koe Katie
Your information request
Our ref:
Thank you for your email
19 January 2021 requesting “information … in relation to
staff resourcing dedicated to the response of OIA requests, ministerials, and
Parliamentary Questions (PQs).”
I have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982.
What is the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff in your agency tasked
with responding to OIA requests? 7.25 FTE, but see also answer to question 2 below
Could you please break down the figure requested in Question 1 according to role
title and number of FTE staff under each role title? Number of Staff Dedicated to OIA Responses: 10
At HDC the preparation, collation and administration of OIA responses is the primary
role of the OIA advisor. The OIA advisor receives assistance from the legal
administrator and legal clerk who also carry out other work for the legal team. All
responses are signed out by legal advisors who are also engaged in other legal work.
Auckland Office: P O Box 1791 Auckland 1140; Wellington Office: PO Box 11934, Wellington 6142
Freephone: 0800 11 22 33; Email: [Health and Disability Commissioner request email]; Website: www.hdc.org.nz
OIA Advisor
1.0 FTE
Legal Clerk
1.0 FTE
Legal Administrator
0.5 FTE
Senior Legal Advisors x 3
2.0 FTE
Legal Advisors x 2
2.0 FTE
Deputy Chief Legal Advisor
0.75 FTE
Associate Commissioner, Legal
1.0 FTE
If not already outlined in your answer to Question 2, could you please confirm
whether your agency has a staff member devoted to administering OIA requests
(separate from responding/collating/reviewing information)? See answer to question
2 above.
Could you please confirm the name of the information/workflow management
system in place to help coordinate and allocate OIA requests to staff for response, if
one is used? Microsoft Access
What is the total number of FTE staff in your agency tasked with responding to
ministerials? HDC is an independent crown entity. It does not prepare
correspondence on behalf of Ministers.
Could you please break down the figure requested in Question 5 according to role
title and number of FTE staff under each role title? See answer to question 5 above
If not already outlined in your answer to Question 6, could you please confirm
whether your agency has a staff member devoted to administering ministerials
(separate from responding/collating/reviewing information)? See answer to question
5 above
Could you please confirm the name of the information/workflow management
system in place to help coordinate and allocate ministerial cases to staff for response,
if one is used? See answer to question 5 above
The total number of FTE staff in your agency tasked with responding to PQs?
HDC does not have staff specifically tasked with preparing, collating or administering
responses to PQs. If HDC did receive a request to respond to a PQ that related to
HDC, the response would be prepared by the team with subject matter knowledge
relating to the question and would be approved by the Commissioner or Deputy
Could you please break down the figure requested in Question 9 according to role
title and number of FTE staff under each role title? See answer to question 9 above
If not already outlined in your answer to Question 10, could you please confirm
whether your agency has a staff member devoted to administering PQs (separate
from responding/collating/reviewing information)? See answer to question 9 above
Could you please confirm the name of the information/workflow management
system in place to help coordinate and allocate PQs to staff for response, if one is
used? See answer to question 9 above
You may seek a review of this decision from the Office of the Ombudsman.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Jane King
Associate Commissioner Legal