11 February 2014
Alex Harris
[FYI request #1451 email]
Ref: OIA 0794
Dear Mr Harris
This letter refers to your official information request dated and received 11 February 2014,
On how many occasions since 2012 has the Minister invoked s4A of
the Passports Act 1992 and refused to issue a passport on grounds
of National Security? If the answer is more than zero, I would like
to know for each occasion the year, the specific grounds under
s4A(1)(a), and whether the refusal was subsequently challenged.
On how many occasions since 2012 has the Minister invoked s8A of
the Passports Act 1992 and cancelled a passport on grounds of
National Security? If the answer is more than zero, I would like to
know for each occasion the year, the specific grounds under
s4A(1)(a), and whether the refusal was subsequently challenged.
On how many occasions since 2012 has the Minister invoked s27B of
the Passports Act 1992 and refused to issue a refugee travel
document on grounds of National Security? If the answer is more
than zero, I would like to know for each occasion the year, the
specific grounds under s27B(1)(a), and whether the refusal was
subsequently challenged.
On how many occasions since 2012 has the Minister invoked s27E of
the Passports Act 1992 and cancelled a refugee travel document on
grounds of National Security? If the answer is more than zero, I
would like to know for each occasion the year, the specific grounds
under s27E(1)(a), and whether the refusal was subsequently
This letter is to notify you that the Ministry is transferring your request to the Department of
Internal Affairs in accordance with section 14 of the Official Information Act 1982.
This transfer is occurring because the information you requested is believed by the Ministry to be
more closely aligned with the functions of the Department of Internal Affairs.
They have 20 working days from receipt of this transfer to make a decision on this request, and you
should expect to hear from them in due course.
Yours sincerely
Alan Witcombe
Manager, Ministerial Services
Organisational Strategy and Support