4 March 2021
45 Pipitea Street, Wellington 6011
Phone +64 4 495 7200
[email address]
Dear Teresa
OIA request 20/21 0425 Request for information relating to a previous enquiry surrounding
birth records
Thank you for your Official Information Act (Act) request received by the Department of Internal
Affairs (Department) on 3 February 2021.
You requested –
1. I have evidence of previous Internal Affairs ministers acknowledging receipt of
correspondence that is similar to mine. So why has this Minister not responded to my
correspondence in the same fashion? If its an operational matter, please explain why?
2. I have received acknowledgement letters from the Register-General of LINZ for the same
correspondence so why is it any different for this Minister?
3. Is this not a breach of the Privacy Act 2020 Principles 5 & 7 as it was sent directly to the
Minister in her private capacity? and if there is no breach please explain why in laymans
terms as I am not a lawyer.
4. The letter from the Issuance Team has no lawful name of the person signing it therefore
doesn't it make the letter void anyway?
5. There are several Acts that allow persons to claim their sovereignty (should they wake up
to the fraud) and Acts that prove there IS a link to a trust (should one know how to access
it). So why does the DIA website deny that?
6. Finally, who is committing the fraud? Is it us who were born live, then unknowingly killed
on paper? I doubt it. I comprehend that this question will not be answered as no person
who works for the oppressor will admit that they are also the ones committing the fraud.
But I have put it here for the record.
In response to your request, I can provide you with the following information. For ease of
reading, our response has been broken down by each question.
1. I have evidence of previous Internal Affairs ministers acknowledging receipt of
correspondence that is similar to mine. So why has this Minister not responded to my
correspondence in the same fashion? If its an operational matter, please explain why?
We have consulted with the Minister’s office on transfer of this portion of your request and
have been advised the Minister has previously responded to you in relation to this matter on 27
January 2021. I understand the Minister advised in her response that she did not respond to
your letter of 2 November 2020 due to the matters raised being operational matters and not
appropriate for her to get involved in. I can confirm the matters raised are operational, as the
operation and administration of the Birth register and records system is the responsibility of the
Department of Internal Affairs.
2. I have received acknowledgement letters from the Register-General of LINZ for the same
correspondence so why is it any different for this Minister?
This portion of your request is refused pursuant to section 18(g)(i) if the Act; that the
information requested is not held by the department or venture or Minister of the Crown or
organisation and the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is held by another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it
or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or
Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority.
3. Is this not a breach of the Privacy Act 2020 Principles 5 & 7 as it was sent directly to the
Minister in her private capacity? and if there is no breach please explain why in laymans
terms as I am not a lawyer.
This portion of your request is refused pursuant to section 18(g)(i) if the Act; that the
information requested is not held by the department or venture or Minister of the Crown or
organisation and the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is held by another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it
or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or
Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority.
4. The letter from the Issuance Team has no lawful name of the person signing it therefore
doesn't it make the letter void anyway?
This portion of your request is refused pursuant to section 18(g)(i) if the Act; that the
information requested is not held by the department or venture or Minister of the Crown or
organisation and the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is held by another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it
or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or
Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority.
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5. There are several Acts that allow persons to claim their sovereignty (should they wake up to
the fraud) and Acts that prove there IS a link to a trust (should one know how to access it).
So why does the DIA website deny that?
This portion of your request is refused pursuant to section 18(g)(i) if the Act; that the
information requested is not held by the department or venture or Minister of the Crown or
organisation and the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is held by another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it
or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or
Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority.
6. Finally, who is committing the fraud? Is it us who were born live, then unknowingly killed on
paper? I doubt it. I comprehend that this question will not be answered as no person who
works for the oppressor will admit that they are also the ones committing the fraud. But I
have put it here for the record.
This portion of your request is refused pursuant to section 18(g)(i) if the Act; that the
information requested is not held by the department or venture or Minister of the Crown or
organisation and the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is held by another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it
or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or
Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority.
Should you wish to seek further advice regarding this matter, you are able to access free legal
advice through your local Community Law Centre. You can find their contact information via:
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Julia Taylor
Manager Operational Policy and Official Correspondence
Service Delivery and Operations
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