28 June 2021
Our Reference: IR-01-21-18485
K Roe
[FYI request #14677 email]
Dear K Roe
I am writing in response to the email you submitted on 10 June 2021. Your request has
been considered pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
As section 14(b)(i) of the Act allows, MBIE transferred part of your initial request to New
Zealand Police as the information requested was deemed to be more closely aligned with
the functions of Police.
The part of your request I wil respond to is, specifical y:
1. And I wanting to know how many of those people the Government chooses to
keep in institutions. So … From quarantine, some wil be labelled 'criminals' and
they wil go from quarantine into prisons.
Over 145,000 returning travellers have isolated in the Managed Isolation & Quarantine
facilities since the start of COVID-19 in 2020. Unless a returnee has been extradited
from another country to face serious criminal charges in New Zealand, al returnees are
held in managed isolation and not a prison, irrespective of their previous convictions,
therefore this part of your request is refused pursuant to section 18(g) of the Act as the
information requested is not held by Police.
I trust that you are satisfied with my response to your request. If not, you have the right
under section 28(3) of the Act to ask the Ombudsman to seek an investigation and review
of my decision.
Yours sincerely,
Superintendent Barry Taylor
Director: Major Events
Major Events
Police National Headquarters 180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.
Telephone: 04 474 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400. www.police.govt.nz