Minutes – NZBS Board Meeting
Minutes of the NZBS Board
Meeting held at:
by video conference and at
71 Great South Road
In at endance:
Mr David Chamberlain (Chair)
Dr Jackie Blue (Deputy Chair)
Dr Bart Baker
Dr Paula Martin
Ms Fiona Pimm
Mr Ray Lind
Ms Edie Moke
Ms Sam Cliffe (Chief Executive)
Mr John Harrison (Finance Director)
Board Secretariat:
Vanessa Siddins (Board Secretary)
26 August 2020
The Board meeting commenced at 9.30am.
There were no apologies for this meeting.
Updates to the Interest Register
There were no updates to the interest register.
Declarations of Conflicts of Interest for this Agenda
There were no updates to the interest register.
Confirmation of Minutes – 28 May 2020 Board meeting
P Martin asked to amend page 19, third paragraph down, take out the fourth sentence from the draft minutes.
The presented minutes of the 28 May NZBS Board meeting were accepted as a true and correct record
of that meeting with the above change
Motion by:
P Martin
Seconded by: J Blue
Al present in favour
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Confirmation of Minutes Board Meeting – 30 July Board meeting conference
The presented minutes of the 30 July 2020 Board meeting were accepted as a true and correct record of
that meeting.
Motion by:
F Pimm
Seconded by: R Lind
Al present in favour
Schedule of Outstanding Action Items from Previous Meetings
The status of all action items as outlined in agenda item 3.3 were noted.
The following action items were discussed:
Item 2.6 Future thinking – D Chamberlain advised that he will come back to strategic future thinking once
Covid set les down.
Item 5.2 Adverse Event Policy – J Harrison requested that this item be moved to the October Board meeting
as he would like to take it to the Executive team first for their feedback. S Cliffe noted that times
have changed since this policy was originally developed and we were making the best use of financial
reserves, as needed. D Chamberlain noted that we would have been in dif iculties if we didn’t have
access to that money.
Matters Arising (Not Covered Elsewhere)
P Martin queried the status of the submission to Medsafe on the behavioural criteria for donors? S Cliffe advised that we
had made the submission to Medsafe along the lines of the information that was shared with the Board at the last meeting.
This doesn’t preclude the Board from further discussions and S Clif e wil let the Board know when we get a Medsafe
response. Medsafe may come back with further questions.
D Chamberlain highlighted the money committed from the Ministry of Health (Ministry) on the Minister’s advice. J Harrison
advised he had invoiced the Ministry at their request, for $7m equity and $3.97m revenue recovery that wil be flowed to
the P&L on a monthly basis. He had been advised that the recovery money will be paid September which we wil need
considering our commitment level with CSL Behring.
S Cliffe presented the CEO’s report and during discussion the fol owing mat ers were specifical y highlighted:
The Emergency Operations Control (EOC) group had been reinstated and had been able to redeploy protocols smoothly.
We have had some of our best collection days ever for plasma over the past few weeks. The organisation like many others
is struggling with Covid fatigue and associated anxieties. The Executive team are tired, they had been geared up for a big
year anyway and now on top of that we have had changed working pat erns along with concerns around the financial
implications of the pandemic and the redevelopment. Currently the financial impact is not huge this time, but it will take a
hit. The organisation needs resilience and we continue to make the positive changes that are needed. It has been tough
on a personal and global level and S Clif e would like to acknowledge this. It’s been chal enging and staf have not taken
leave, especially in Auckland, however we are encouraging staf to take time out.
Responding to D Chamberlain’s request for an update on PPE, S Cliffe advised that nursing staf /technicians don’t wear
gloves outside of Covid, but now al staf are wearing gloves and masks on the donor floor at al times, although we did
move away from it again during level 1 lockdown. Currently all staf nationally are required to wear masks on all NZBS
sites if they are not distanced two metres away from each other and in communal areas etc. Back in March/April this year
we ordered plenty of PPE.
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D Chamberlain received a complaint from a donor that a nurse/technician was not wearing gloves during the procedure
(this occurred during level 1). The donor was phoned personal y and the protocols and rationale were explained to them,
noting NZBS was following the advice from the Ministry.
S Cliffe further noted that donors in Auckland are asked to wear masks onsite and are happy to do this although in other
centres they are not so compliant.
Organ Donation
S Cliffe advised that the Order in Council contained the wrong information. ADHB had given the Ministry erroneous
information which was frustrating but wouldn’t stop the process and we are now having conversations with ODNZ staf .
We are currently working through a draft contract with ADHB for retrieval services. They have asked for a clause that
would veto our choice of suppliers which is outside of the Government rules of procurement therefore we can’t do this. We
will endeavour to reach an agreement with further dialogue. More importantly are the privacy and consent issues which
we have been working through with Buddle Findlay. We are not there yet on the privacy issues and the code wil eventual y
need to be amended, however we wil need an interim arrangement. It has been time consuming and expensive to work
through with the lawyers but wil be worth it.
Discussion followed around the consent issues included the possibility to work with an authorisation from the Privacy
Commissioner and why ADHB had raised this at this late stage. S Clif e noted that any further technical or clinical questions
were best answered by S Morley.
S Cliffe advised that had today’s meeting been in person, there would have been a session on our plasma work and current
status. There is a lot of activity in this space and we hope to present this to the Board in the not too distant future. Targets
are huge, however there are questions around the sustainability of that demand in the years to come. The organisation is
confident it can meet the targets, nevertheless the question remains of how wil the DHBs pay for the meeting of those
bigger targets equating higher Ig demand general y. It would be beneficial to mutually manage this with the sector. S Cliffe
is having a conversation with DHB CEOs in September and wil be questioning them around funding year on year 12 –
14% growth. We are doing wel against our plasma strategy, however it takes a lot of sustained ef ort to maintain this.
The graph on page 32 shows the lift this year to meet the targets we set ourselves. We have increased capacity with the
opening of the new Epsom donor centre and it’s busy with more staf , capacity and extended hours. The team are also
looking at how to increase capacity in other centres. There is a focus on Auckland as that is where the greatest population
resides. We need our current donors to donate more often and need 100 new plasma donors a week in Auckland. The
donor relations team have been put ing together simple information messaging to encourage al staf to be ambassadors.
We are lucky to have a Minister who is an active supporter and a donor. Doug Gal agher, Director Donor Services started
this year and is doing a fabulous job implementing strategies. He has inspired the Donor Service team who are in a bet er
space, feel supported and have enough staff.
D Chamberlain commented that looking at the tables on page 34, it appeared we were behind but are now catching up.
He then queried if the organisation was confident it is running at the right level now? S Clif e responded that we have
enough buf er and that we have a low point projected in September but we are tracking bet er than expected due to the
additional staff, machines and initiatives. We have a submission in with Medsafe to go straight to plasma donations, for
donors who have not donated whole blood before or do not want to. The submission is also requesting making changes
to the nomogram which calculates how much plasma we can take. We will have our first mobile plasma units out in West
Auckland in September. There are cities up and down the country that have no fixed site therefore can’t currently book
plasma due to their locations. It was confirmed that these plasma mobiles are within our cur ent budget resources.
Milk banking
S Clif e noted that the information on milk banking had been added to the report for interest, further il ustrating how the
organisation is changing and morphing noting the clinical team will not assess this until next year. The Heart Valve bank
is coming in 2021 and the eye bank may come at some stage too.
71 Great South Road Governance report
S Cliffe advised that the building work had stopped for a while, with contractors now back on site doing what they can do
safely. Our clinical space in the areas of skin, organ/tissue donation and tissues type is changing and growing, therefore
we are going to need more capacity and staf . Management have concluded that the projected space at 71 GSR is not
going to be large enough. Our complex high end work requires lots of space and height and this is going to be a hard and
costly fit out for this particular space. The team are having a rethink about how we could do things dif erently. We can
absorb routine processing from Hamilton, however we are running into capacity issues with stem cells and tissue and don’t
want to design a space that is not fit for purpose in three year’s time.
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Individually none of these things are insurmountable and we have asked our experts at laboratory planning to come back
and look at what our options could be. This could potential y be moving advanced processing of site which could be a
cheaper option. Space for logistics and plasma could also be cheaper elsewhere, alternatively perhaps look at third party
storage. There wil be a fuller discussion with the Board once we have al options open to us.
The Board received and noted the CEO report and appendix.
Motion by:
R Lind
Seconded by: J Blue
Al present in favour
National agency for organ donation There was a brief discussion on the national agency for organ donation before EY joined the meeting. The document that
EY presented sets out roles and functions, however it’s not the final position and will be iterated.
P Martin felt that the work EY had done on the possible roles and functions for agency had gone as far as it could, noting
some of the material was not easy to fol ow. She had anticipated that the EY work was an input to our own work to send
to the Ministry.
S Clif e and S Morley have already had a chance to read EY’s version of the planned presentation. We need to get this
fairly quickly into the format of what we want to submit to the Ministry. The implementation plan wil need to have the first
few steps laid out. How do we take this forward if it’s not EY writing the document and what do we want it to look like?
D Chamberlain added that after the presentation with EY there would be time for further discussion around next steps.
Sarah Morley, NZBS CMO joined the meeting at 10.45am.
ITEM: 6.0 PRESENTATION: EY national agency for organ donation
D Chamberlain welcomed Stephen McKernan, Luke Wil iams & Dominique Squires-Newby from EY who joined via Zoom
for this item.
S Cliffe noted the objective of the session was to establish where we have progressed to with regards to the role of the
national agency form and function, along with feedback from stakeholders. We need to be at a point that the Board
understands what the next steps are. The Board are likely to have further discussions and be comfortable with what is
being proposed. There was an acknowledgement that the Board working group members had not seen what is about to
be presented as they last met on Friday 21 August.
L Wil iams commenced the presentation with a recap on the approach they had taken. There had been a proposal at the
end of May for feedback from stakeholders. At the meeting with the Board working group last Friday, they were provided
with a view of what the implementation pathway could look like with an indicative structure and resourcing
When this work was started back in February, P Martin provided a framework which formed the basis of the possible roles
and functions. The Ministry’s 2017 Strategy was also considered with the spectrum of roles the agency could have. A
range of stakeholders were spoken to across the spectrum to get feedback. It had been dif icult to engage stakeholders
due to Covid-19.
• The strawman of proposed roles for the agency are presented on page 6 of the presentation.
• Stakeholder feedback is summarised on page 7.
• Key changes made to strawman are noted on page 9.
• The implementation path diagram on page 12 shows a summary of actions / activities the agency wil undertake
over the next 12–36 months. Note the summary on page 12 does not include the ONDZ transition.
o F Pimm raised that she couldn’t see anything on engaging with Maori and the Treaty relationship on this
page. L Wil iams responded that EY are seeking feedback from the NZBS on how it relates to the Treaty.
F Pimm requested that this be included from the start. S Clif e added that she was commit ed to it being
in the document and would like it to be up front and centre.
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o S Clif e and S Morley like the table and although it does need some work, they are starting to get a
sense of what we are going to undertake.
• The national agency for organ donation proposed structure is shown on page 14.
o Indicative estimated running costs for phase 1 are presented on page 15.
o S Clif e noted that there is money within the Ministry for the establishment of the agency which might be
sufficient to set it up. The Ministry have the idea that ongoing costs wil be absorbed into NZBS which is
something we need to be aware of and make a strong case against. Our current business runs on cost
recovery, therefore there should not be any cost absorption. We need to be explicit there is no bulk
funding and the national agency for organ donation funding is all in addition. To operate properly and
transparently we have to have this arrangement, therefore when the document goes to the Ministry it
needs to be front and centre.
o P Martin highlighted that we have to think about current functions of ODNZ and where they fit in this
structure. L Wil iams commented that the operating model needs to be clarified as part of phase 1. This
is the structure and the resourcing for phase 1 not phases 2 and 3.
o S Morley advised that there wil be quite a lot of change within ODNZ as they are significantly
understaf ed with the work they do at the moment. We won’t understand what can be achieved for 6-12
months. It would complicate mat ers if we try and define that structure now.
o Discussion followed around the issue that staf overheads hadn’t been factored in and the Board need
to consider this in terms of discussions with the Ministry.
o P Martin raised the issue of governance and the secretariat of The National Renal Transplant Group
which Nick Cross chairs. Both would need to be done in phase one. S Clif e felt that we could move
quite quickly on that, the money wil come and it wil need to be worked in with S Morley’s clinical
governance framework. This brings in a lot of key relationships in the centre. S Morley added that part
of the Governance framework needs to be developed with the sector.
• Next Steps are presented on page 19, noting the submission to the Minister of Health needs to be ready by 19
October 2020.
• S Clif e had a discussion with S Morley earlier and they felt we need to write the paper for the Ministry together
with EY. We have al the material but need a document that includes a resource budget. There was discussion
around what the Minister would expect and what achievable next steps would look like. The timeframes are tight
and it was agreed that a paper needs to get to the Ministry and our Minister early after the forming of the new
Government. It was noted that S Morley is meeting with the Ministry’s CMO, Andy Simpson next week.
• P Martin noted that we have the information we need for the paper, however there are three points she wanted
like to raise. Firstly, we need to put a case through strongly to the Ministry / Minister for an ongoing funding path.
She also felt we needed to talk the Minister through donation vs transplantation system as there are nuances in
there. Thirdly, the philosophy of the agency, needs to be clear as we have been asked to give effect to
Parliament’s intent which is donations rates are going to increase. The steps are good and we have the beginning
of an implementation plan.
• There was discussion around if there was too much emphasis on renal transplants and it was suggested that if
we get it right for renal it wil be right for the others. It was also noted that the financial analysis is al around renal
and get ing it right is critical. S Morley added that the renal group have a huge influence over the transplant board.
We need to start gently and work on relationships, what we have here is probably as good as it’s going to be for
D Chamberlain thanked L Williams, S McKernan & D Squires-Newby for their time today.
12.30 – 1.00pm break for lunch
Board discussion on Organ donation
There was discussion around who would write the final paper for the Ministry. The work needs to be crystalised to a more
digestible version. S Clif e of ered to write the first draft with S Morley then take it to the Board for refining. There was
general support for this approach and P Martin of ered to help as she felt it would take quite a bit of work to turn it into
something easy to understand.
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D Chamberlain advised that S Clif e should come back to Board by zoom/email. He was keen to see 4-10 pages that say
what we are going to do now. P Martin wil have a go at the first draft.
Annual Report – Final Board review
S Cliffe reminded the Board that we had made the decision not to print both an annual review and annual report. Today
the Board are asked to sign of the Annual Report although we don’t yet have clarity tabling the SOI and SPE noting that
the Minister’s office is working on resolving this.
B Baker noted a couple of errors on page 61 to be amended including some of the Board qualifications.
Any wording changes or typos should be sent to S Clif e by 1 September. The official finances will come to the 29 October
Board meeting and J Harrison wil keep everyone updated with regards to the finances.
The Annual Report was received and noted by the Board.
Formalising the Electronic CFIS Letter of Representation Approval
J Harrison noted this item is a formality and thanked the Board for responding so quickly, further noting the CFIS Letter of
Representation was duly filed on time with the Ministry of Health.
That the Board, for the purpose of the formal minutes:
1) Recorded their prior earning approval of the release of the signed CFIS Let er of Representation to
the Ministry of Health; and
2) Duly noted the Let er of Representation was filed by NZBS on 10 August 2020.
Motion by:
B Baker
Seconded by: F Pimm
Al present in favour
Forex Account Operating Authority – Change of Authorised Signatories – New NZBS Financial
J Harrison had confirmed with the Bank and they were happy for this document to be signed electronical y. This is a
procedural matter and would normal y take place at the May Board meeting. It was noted that Francois Steyl, the new
Financial Control er is fit ing in very wel and three weeks after his arrival managed the whole year end process. D
Chamberlain welcomed Francois into the room to ‘virtually meet’ the Board. D Chamberlain and J Blue agreed to have
their electronic signatures af ixed to the document.
The Board approved the execution of the Westpac changes to authorised signatories / authorised
dealers document and authorised the Chair and Deputy Chair to formal y execute the refreshed
documents on behalf of the New Zealand Blood Service noting execution would be via an electronic
Motion by:
E Moke
Seconded by: R Lind
Al present in favour
Year End Financial Statements and Statement of Performance – Update on Audit Progress
D Chamberlain raised the financial statements and queried if Audit NZ were definite for the October Board meeting? J
Harrison confirmed to the best of his knowledge they were and explained that there was an issue currently with Audit NZ
with the Dilworth capital contributions. Audit NZ see this as a lease incentive and have gone to their technical division for
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technical assessment. They would have us add it as an asset to our books which would have no impact on reported results.
This year’s audit has been exhaustive due to a combination of Covid and the current framework by the Auditor General.
This is also a year where we have a new Audit Director which means no familiarity with NZBS so can be more circumspect
accordingly on al mat ers. There are no other outstanding issues with the auditors at this time.
We are waiting for a report from DataPay on Holidays Act remediation. While every ef ort is made to reflect an accurate
accrual, $1.46m currently, it is dif icult to have total confidence given it is an estimate and we are dealing with a very
complex issue.
J Harrison considered the NZBS year end complete and what had been presented to the Board in July is what is reflected
in the draft annual report.
There was a brief discussion around the Haemovigilance report noting in this particular year we’ve been clear about where
outcomes weren’t achieved and what non achievement was due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Board noted this wil come back at the October Board meeting.
Director Finance Report – Financial Performance – 1 month to 31 July 2020
J Harrison advised that the financial year started strongly and noted a change in the July pool. The organisation is on track
for $13m revenue in August, down by half a mil ion on budget. S Clif e noted that the Ministry has advised us that DHBs
will be addressing delayed and deferred elective surgery. There was further discussion on Ig utilisation and collection
targets with S Clif e reiterating that she wil be addressing usage with the DHB CEOs at their September meeting. There
was also discussion around the iGo app and what reporting is available from this with S Clif e noting she would fol ow up
to see if we have seen any trends yet.
B Baker queried the July pooling loss where we only took immunoglobulin out? J Harrison responded that we had made
assumptions on what we’d take out, we’d budgeted to take Biostate and Prothrombinex which were now coming out in
later pools so the reported loss in July was due to timing.
J Harrison highlighted that we are currently running down the term deposit programme as we had started to utilise the
adverse events reserve funds. If we don’t get the Ministry money in September, it wil be tight given the bolus of CSL
Behring commitment in that month. J Harrison reminded the Board that we do have the MOCL but that is not what is was
designed for. The Ministry were aware that September was a pinch point for NZBS cash flow.
The Board received and noted the Directors Finance report
Motion by:
B Baker
Seconded by: J Blue
Al present in favour
Q3 Organisation Health & Safety Report
S Cliffe took the paper is read and noted that a contractor was injured in a workplace injury on Monday this week. At this
stage it appears that the contractor was at fault due to an inappropriate use of machinery. This incident is currently being
investigated collectively with our redevelopment project manager, health and safety staff, contractors and GHD.
PPE caused us a rash of incidents as a group of people don’t like wearing masks. The health and safety team are dealing
with it and working with individuals concerned.
The Q4 Organisation Health & Safety Report was received and noted
Motion by:
E Moke
Seconded by: J Blue
Al present in favour
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Q4 Contracts & Leases Register
S Cliffe highlighted the contract for courier services for Waikato / Tauranga which was separate from the main contract as
summarised in the findings from the RFP paper that was presented to the Board in August 2019.
The Contracts & Leases Register was received and noted by the Board.
Q4 Statement of Performance Monitoring Report
J Harrison confirmed that the Q4 Statement of Performance Monitoring Report had been sent to the Ministry.
The Statement of Performance Monitoring Report was received and noted by the Board.
Motion by:
F Pimm
Seconded by: P Martin
Al present in favour
Q4 Board Expenditure Overview
The Q4 Board expenditure overview was received and noted by Board.
Q4 Cybersecurity Report
S Clif e highlighted we received an unsolicited report from Datacom with a high level critique of our cybersecurity set ings.
This has spurred a renewed approach from the IS team and they have done a huge amount of work on this. The team
have quickly put together a robust work programme to plug the gaps as seen by Datacom. We would like to put this
programme in place and then get KPMG to independently re-review. At the last review we fell down on the governance of
cyber security issues. We have recently had breaches and we have some staf educational gaps. The level of hacking and
opportunistic phishing to introduce malware for financial gain has gone up over the last few months worldwide.
Management feel our core systems are extremely strong
It was confirmed that the Organisation uses two factoring authorisation.
D Chamberlain initiated a discussion around data privacy and cloud storage as this wasn’t touched anywhere on the paper.
S Clif e noted that the Executive team have a fol owing up session with our Privacy Officer next Tuesday and obligations
we have under European law. There was further discussion around privacy and the implications of where our data is
stored. J Harrison confirmed our Cloud based services are based in Australia.
The Board received and noted the Q4 cybersecurity report.
Motion by:
R Lind
Seconded by: J Blue
Al present in favour
Q4 Organisational Risk Register
S Cliffe noted that she had added a new risk around the DRM (Donor Relationship Management) system which is a critical
piece of software for the organisation. A business case wil come to the Board in due course as costs will be around $1m.
The current system is fragile and will be unsupported by the vendor in the longer term. The process for RFP has been
started. S.9 (2) (b) ( have a DRM system that would sit easily with our current system, however al options wil be explored and
reviewed. It wil be important to have an expert project manager working on this who understands us and can drive this
such as John Cox as it wil not be driven exclusively by the IT team. Discussion fol owed on the level of risk with S Clif e
noting she is happy to escalate this if the Board thinks it’s a higher risk level. The system is fragile because of too much
load and the risk is put ing undue pressure on the system. There are no upgrades or patches available for the system
although it is supported by the vendor for the short term. Reassurance was sought from the Board that there were no new
projects that would interact with this system.
Item 6 – risk of Covid-19 being transmit ed in blood donation/transfusion. There was discussion on the possible risk of
transmission by transfusion noting there was no evidence for this and the Board felt comfortable with this. It was noted
that we had col ected convalescent plasma from some recovered Covid donors and we would do so again if required.
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F Pimm asked if there was an update on the Whangarei Blood Bank? S Clif e advised that it is not the Blood Bank that is
the problem rather the whole laboratory. Informal y we have heard that two key Blood Bank staff want to leave and if the
whole laboratory loses accreditation it would be very serious. IANZ are not of a mind to remove accreditation unless they
have to as it would cause too many issues. The risk for us is low, however the risk to Northland DHB is high and we are
not a party to their plan.
S Clif e further noted that the procurement team were currently re-writing contracts to supply with DHBs.
The Board received and noted the Organisational Risk Register
Motion by:
P Martin
Seconded by: B Baker
Al present in favour
CEO Legislative Compliance Declaration – 12 months to 30 June 2019
S Cliffe advised the Board that the Executive had their annual session with Buddle Findlay where they were able to ask
questions or request more information before signing their annual declarations. The declarations had been signed by the
Executive and their senior managers with best endeavours. The exceptions identified were the Holidays Act and Public
Records/Privacy Acts.
The Board received and noted the CEO Legislative Compliance Declaration noting the exceptions.
There were no information papers for this agenda.
ITEM 11 Correspondence
11.1 Letter from Minister Henare – NZBS SOI extension letter – 18 June 2020
The let er received from the Minister Henare dated 18 June was noted by the Board. S Cliffe clarified that we were of ered
the opportunity for an extension, we hadn’t requested one.
11.2 Letter from the Auditor General on extended AoG Reporting Deadlines – 24 June 2020 The letter from the Auditor General dated 24 June was noted by the Board.
11.3 Letter from Minister Henare on finance issues – 30 June 2020
The letter received from the Minister Henare on financial issue dated 30 June was noted by the Board.
11.4 Letter from SSC – Board members standing for Parliament – 30 June 2020
The let er received from the State Services Commission dated 30 June was noted by the Board.
11.5 Letter from NZBS CEO to Lead DHB CEO re FY21 Price Settings - 30 June - 2020
The let er sent to Lead DHB CEO re FY21 Price Setting dated 30 June was noted by the Board. S Clif e added that she
has had a conversation with Rosemary Clements, our Lead DHB CEO and has a slot at the 10 September DHB CEO
11.6 Letter from Auditor General – 30 June 2020 statutory time frames extended - 6 August 2020
The letter received from the Auditor General on dated 30 June was noted by the Board.
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ITEM 12 General Business
S Clif e noted there will potential y need to be an extra Board video conference meeting before the October Board meeting
regarding the paper to the Ministry on the national agency for organ donation.
J Harrison raised the Deeds of Indemnity and noted that the updated document should have come to this Board meeting.
This may need to be done electronical y to be able to distribute the new deeds unless it is done at the October Board
meeting. D Chamberlain noted that we can’t be sure everyone wil be in the same room in October and electronic signatures
may be preferable as we don’t know when the Board wil be together again in person. New procedures may need to be
adopted. J Harrison thanked the Chair and noted he would proceed on that basis.
ITEM 13 Board Matters
Board Work Programme and Calendar
The NZBS Board Work Programme was noted by the Board.
Board Member Tenure Timetable
The Board Member Tenure Timetable was noted by the Board.
ITEM 14 Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is a scheduled for Thursday, 29 October 2020, at 71 Great South Road, Epsom
commencing at 9.30am
Close of meeting: The meeting closed at 3.05pm.
Certified as a true and correct record:
David Chamberlain – Board Chair
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