Minutes – NZBS Board video conference
Minutes of the NZBS Board
Video conference held at:
New Zealand Blood Service
71 Great South Road, Epsom, Auckland
In at endance by phone:
Mr David Chamberlain (Chairman)
Dr Jackie Blue (Deputy Chair)
Dr Bart Baker
Ms Edie Moke
Dr Paula Martin
Mr Ray Lind
Ms Fiona Pimm
Mr John Harrison (CFO)
Ms Sam Cliffe (CEO)
Dr Sarah Morley (CMO)
Board Secretariat:
Vanessa Siddins (Board Secretary)
Friday, 9 October 2020
The video conference commenced at 9.00am.
F Pimm was an apology and had already given her feedback to D Chamberlain.
Organ Donation submission to Ministry/Minister
S Clif e took the papers as read and noted that we were on a tight timeframe. The paper has been kept high level and a
general approval/acceptability of what we are proposing from the Ministry is required. S Clif e put her thanks on record to
P Martin for her work on the document, it reads wel and tells the story. There are some gaps that need to be discussed
with the biggest challenge around funding. We need to be clear what we believe is the right thing for the
organ/transplantation sector. By the end of today’s session, S Cliffe would like to send this of and is asking the Board for
feedback, rather than approval.
P Martin noted she had concerns that we hadn’t made as much progress as she’d hoped in understanding and defining
roles and functions. A sense of urgency is needed around this and funding is critical at this point. She emphasised that
this paper is intended to go to the Ministry but that a dif erent paper should go to the Minister with more of a flavour about
what we wil aim to achieve and the dif erence we wil make to outcomes. Communications should be kept open with the
Ministry so it is clear we want to work with them on a budget and we will need a response from them on an indicative
pathway as soon as possible. Ideal y this paper wil be finalised today, then once we have feedback from the Ministry we
can write to the Minister in light of that feedback.
B Baker was supportive of paper and covers some of the things that had been talked about previously. He had slight
concerns around partnership with Māori and equity, it needs to be more prominent.
D Chamberlain added that F Pimm’s feedback was that the paper didn’t deal with Māori equity and the Treaty of Waitangi.
E Moke added that in terms of questions regarding treaty partnership, how does ODNZ currently discharge these duties
and how do NZBS? If we are doing that wel now, it’s a mat er of continuing that. This is an area we need to do more work
on and longer term S Cliffe felt that NZBS need to do a specific piece of work around equity. S Cliffe would appreciate
some assistance with wording for the current paper, it needs to be up front and more prominent and she doesn’t think that
NZBS has a model that is applicable. We need to make it clear it’s our intention and a priority. P Martin noted that we could
include a statement about equity upfront in the section on “issues we have considered”. However, we need to be careful
we are not over promising what this agency can do in addressing equity issues on Māori health outcomes given our role
has largely been restricted to increasing organ donation, rather than access to transplantation.
There was discussion on how the paper would be shepherded through the Ministry and what happens next? We need to
make it clear in the cover let er we are seeking their feedback which wil be included in our briefing for the incoming Minister
D Chamberlain asked that any feedback be given to S Clif e by 11.00am then she wil mark up the changes and circulate
back to D Chamberlain, P Martin and E Moke. The paper wil then be sent to the Director General of Health with a cover
let er. The next step is for this paper to be summarised in a BIM for the new Minister, noting that the BIM wil come back
to the Board. Finally, a paper wil go to the Minister including some idea on costs which can be worked on in the
D Chamberlain thanked everyone for their input in particular P Martin for all her hard work
The next Board meeting wil be on 29 October 2020 at National Of ice, 71 Great South Road, Epsom
Close of Meeting: The meeting closed at 10.00am
Certified as a true and correct record:
David Chamberlain – Board Chairman