Southern District Health Board
Dunedin Hospital
201 Great King Street
Private Bag 1921
Chief Executive Officer
Phone 03-476 9456 Fax 03-476 9450
8 June 2021
Brooke Willis
[FYI request #15010 email] Dear Ms Willis
Official Information Act Request 2123
I refer to your Official Information Act request received 6 April 2021 in which you specifically
requested the following:
Information Requested:
1. How much did it cost to fence and board up a) the old Southland Hospital Building b) the old
Southland Obstetrics and Gynae Building, what was the original budget, and how many tenders
were received for this work?
Costs for fencing and boarding to date are $69,183. The original budget was $72,182. We
engaged panel contractors to undertake the work.
1a. How many breaks into both buildings had occurred in the previous four years, and how
much did these break ins cost the SDHB?
There were 92 break-ins documented in the past four years. The recognised physical
remediation costs were $16,226, based on labour of internal staff, external contractors, and
materials. These costs were for the work undertaken by the Southern DHB Facilities team only
and exclude the costs of other Southern DHB employees and the NZ Police.
2. How much has been spent on refurbishing Wakari Hospital main block floors 1-3 in the last
four years in total (by end of year breakdown), and what was the original budget?
The Audiology Department relocation work was completed in June 2017. The final cost was
$1,367,050. The original budget was $1,196,514. There were variations to the original
works which resulted in the final cost being higher than the original budget.
The Breast-feeding room construction refurbishment was completed in November 2020.
The final cost of construction refurbishment was $14,437. The original budget was
The relocation of the offices for the Finance and Information Technology teams is almost
complete. The construction costs to date are $100,362 and the original budget was
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of our decision by the Ombudsman. The
Ombudsman's Office can be contacted on 0800 802 602 or on-line at Yours sincerely
Chris Fleming
Chief Executive Officer
Ref 2123