Guideline re Employee transfer to Recruit
Applications by Employees and Authorised Officers for Recruit
Employees and authorised officers may apply for recruit positions and are subject
to the normal recruitment process as for any other recruit applicant. This
includes, but is not limited to, any relevant vetting or security checks which are
normally required as part of the recruitment process.
An employee or authorised officer may choose whether they wish to resign prior
to taking up a recruit role. Current employees are not required to resign,
however if they wish to it is their choice and the consequences are summarised in
the Implications table below.
Implications for Conditions of Employment
Police employees are responsible for managing their own superannuation
entitlements. As a general comment the superannuation providers will require a
Police employee to have left the Police before the Police employee can access
their superannuation benefits. A change in employment status does not meet the
criteria of leaving Police. The Police employee should therefore check with their
scheme provider prior to taking any action which could potentially impact on their
superannuation entitlements and/or ability to access those entitlements. Police do
not determine the conditions under which staff members may access their
superannuation entitlements; this is the responsibility of the Trustees / Board of
the relevant superannuation provider. Police does not provide any advice or
guidance or guarantees to Police employees regarding their superannuation
Police employees are responsible for managing their own insurance entitlements.
Recruits and Constables receive an insurance subsidy as part of their TR (Total
Remuneration). This subsidy is not paid to other employees.
Recognition of Previous Service
Police employees who have changed employment status will be able to have their
previous Police service recognised in their new status, provided that the service
meets the requirements outlined in the relevant employment agreement.
This recognition of previous service applies to:
annual leave
sick leave
long service leave
but does not include leave without pay, except for parental leave.
E.g. an employee works for Police for 3 years 6 months prior to becoming a
recruit, their service will keep extending so at the end of the recruit training they
would have 4 years service rather than 6 months as per other recruits.
All recruits receive a recruit's salary - this applies regardless of the previous
service or remuneration received in their employee or authorised officer role.
Leave Entitlements
A Police employee who changes their status will carry with them any accrued
leave balances. Districts may request that excessive leave is taken prior to
becoming a recruit and/or require a leave management plan is discussed and
agreed when they take up their probationary constable role (on assumption the
recruitment course is passed and further offer of employment given and
The new leave entitlement will be in accordance with the role the individual is
commencing and the relevant employment agreement.
Note: if the employee was employed prior to 1 July 2003 the grandparented LSL
provisions are significantly more beneficial. Should the employee resign and then
take up the recruit role they would have a new "employed by" date which would
impact the amount of LSL granted in the future (while the previous service would
be recognised the "employed by" date would be the date hired as a recruit).
NZ Police does not cash up leave for Police employees who remain in NZ Police
employment as this does not meet Holidays Act requirements.
Implications of resigning or transferring without resigning
Implications on:
If the employee resigns
If the employee doesn't resign
CSI Date
receive a new Police
keep their original Police
anniversary date being the
anniversary date
date they commence as a
Previous service
have to apply but any
automatically have any previous
qualifying previous service
service carried over
with Police would be
recognised provided service
recognition payments had
not already been made.
Leave Entitlements receive the amount of
Leave accrual continues
annual leave etc contingent
unchanged, sick leave balances
on their years of service
remain and continue to accrue at
recognised. Sick leave is as the rate and allocation date as per
per a new employee role.
original position.
Note: if employed prior to 1
July 2003 LSL provisions
change significantly.
Leave Balances
are paid out their leave
keep their existing leave balance
balances as per a standard
which is carried forward. They will
cessation of employment
not have an opportunity to take
that leave during the recruit course
therefore will keep the balance for
when/if they graduate and accept a
permanent role within a district.
The leave will be paid at the higher
of the employee's ordinary rate or
average weekly earnings at the
time of taking the leave which may
be lower than their rate prior to
becoming a recruit. If the recruit
fails and their employment ceases
at the end of the course, all leave
will be paid out as per a standard
cessation of employment.
have to receive a new QID
keep their original QID
Other conditions,
cease upon acceptance of Recruit
eg grand-parented
provisions, FEO etc
Other Conditions of Employment
Where a Police employee receives an entitlement or condition of work as part of
their current employment status (eg Flexible Employment Options, study leave or
a grand-parented provision), the Police employee is responsible for seeking HR
advice on the future validity of the entitlement or condition of work should they
change their employment status. In general these arrangements will cease upon
transferring to the Recruit agreement.