21 June 2021
Anatoly Kern
[FYI request #15113 email]
Dear Mr Kern
Inland Revenue has noted your email of 16 May 2021. You made the following comments:
Ah, still pretending, through on the 'clearly'/'obviously' level. Without even touching
on the decision to consider public information as private (the translation that should
have been a result of interaction with a third party, e.g. recognized translator)...
May I kindly ask for clarification on what section of the Privacy Act allows the denial
of the request based on the form of it? Not that I believe that serial criminals, killing
several hundred people every year care about legislation, but anyway, would be nice
to know the way psychopaths think.
Inland Revenue did not refuse your Privacy Act request of 9 April 2021. We responded to
your personal email address on 10 May 2021 and explained how we translated the
comments you made to us in Russian.
Your requests for information continue to use language that is offensive or abusive and
have become an excessive and disproportionate approach to the issue that concerns you.
It is not reasonable to expect Inland Revenue to tolerate such requests. Future requests
that contain offensive or abusive language will be considered under section 18(h) of the
OIA as being vexatious.
Yours sincerely
Josh Green
Domain Lead, Governance & Ministerial Services
Ref: 21OIA1605