4 June 2021
Dear Lynn,
Official Information Request – Drug and alcohol testing
I refer to your official information request received by Western Bay of Plenty District Council
on 9 May 2021 where you requested information relating to ‘drug and alcohol pathology
testing at Western Bay of Plenty District Council’.
Does the organisation carry out drugs and alcohol testing (among employees or other
Presently, Council do not undertake any form of drug or alcohol testing.
2. If drug and alcohol testing does take place at the organisation:
Not applicable.
3. Who currently provides the testing service i.e., name of service provider(s)?
Not applicable.
For each (named) service provider:
4. What is the nature of the drug & alcohol testing service delivered e.g., saliva, urine,
breath and alcohol and synthetic cannabinoids?
Not applicable.
5. In what geographic location(s) is the service delivered?
Not applicable.
6. Is the service provided under contract? If yes:
Not applicable.
7. How many contracts does the provider have with your organisation?
Not applicable.
8. What is the term of that/those contract(s)?
Not applicable.
9. What is the dollar value of that/those contract(s)?
Not applicable.
10. Are there options for renewing that/those contract(s)?
Not applicable.
11. What organisation(s)/company(ies) previously conducted drug and alcohol testing for
your organisation (repeat all of ‘b’ for previous service providers)?
Not applicable.
Yours faithfully
Jan Pedersen
Group Manager People and Customer Services