Te Tari Taiwhenua
Internal Affairs
18 June 2021
Ministerial and Secretariat Services
45 Pipitea St, Thorndon
Lional Jones
PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Phone +64 4 495 7200
[email address]
Fax +64 4 470 2942
Website www.dia.govt.nz
Dear Lional Jones
Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) Request 2021-0672
I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request to the Department of Internal
Affairs (the Department) of 24 May 2021, requesting the following information:
1: Can you confirm if Judith Collins was charged $171 per hour for the dollar figure quoted
in the NZ Herald 24 May 2021, and the PM was only charged $68 per hour.
In your 2020 Annual Report you note the VIP transport service bring in revenue of $8.77m
against a forecast of $9.0m.
2: Does the revenue collected from Judith Collins in question 1 contribute to the $8. 77m
revenue figure and if so, what was the proportion Judith Collins contributed to the figure
against the PM's contribution?
3: What was the total annual operating budget for VIP transport in the year for 2020?
4: The OIA response mentioned above says there is a "separate annual available fee,
calculated proportionally against all jobs calculated". Can you please explain what that
actually means?
The 2020 Annual Report notes revenue of $8.77m. I assume the $68 and $171 per hour
make up that plus the "separate annual available fee".
5: For the year 2020 (and I assume these are all financial years quoted) can you advise
what was the split of the hourly fee and the annual available fee towards the $8. 77m figure
and if there was any additional fees or revenue that went into it.
I searched limo rates in Wellington and the Limo Club pricing for their fleet show similar
cars with an hourly rate of minimum of $295 per hour. I spoke to their operator and we
discussed how you could operate at $68 per hour if you had to cover costs. He said it was
impossible. Even taking into account their profit margin (which I would assume you don't
have to worry about) there seems a massive difference in hourly rates. We'd like to know
the following:
6: How many hours did you charge in the 2020 year?
7: How many hours were the Crown limos in use but not charging the hourly rate in the
2020 year? In other words, how many hours were they sitting ready to go but not earning?