Public Transport
The classification for Public Transport movement has been developed in
consultation with specialists in PT and multi-modal transport within Waka
Strategic Significance
Kotahi. The ONF project seeks to align with other frameworks and approaches
Strategic significance describes the extent to which the particular corridor
in general use across the transport sector, and in this case with how PT
contributes to the Public Transport Network. For PT this ranges from dedicated
practitioners view their network.
corridors that support rapid transit to corridors where low volumes of targeted
PT services operate.
Public Transport Service Level descriptor
The service level descriptor wil be included in the ONF as it underpins the
Indicative Vehicle volume (at peak)
cornerstone concept of the ONF of creating a common language for use
Vehicle volume is the combined number of services per hour (at peak) that
across all disciplines within the transport sector. The descriptor is a useful
would be observed for all services passing a point on the section of street
short-form label for each of the PT classes that quickly invokes the nature of
being classified. Where the street supports more than one PT service then the
the PT service or route.
vehicle frequency wil be higher than for the individual services. For example,
if two services which both have a 15 minute headway at peak (4 services per
Distinguishing between PT Services and Movement
hour) utilise the same street for part of their route, the effective vehicle volume
would be 8 services per hour along that section of street. Vehicle volume then
is an indication of the total demand on the street section by public transport.
In order to standardise the contribution of public transport to the movement
Vehicle volumes usually increase as PT routes get closer to central business
function of a corridor, the distinction needs to be made between a Public
districts and key transport interchanges.
Transport Service and Public Transport use of a corridor. A PT service has
attributes such as headway (the regularity of a particular service), and service
Metro Rail and Ferries
start and end points, that do not apply to the corridor. A corridor may support
more than one PT service, so the cumulative result of all services using a
By definition, all Metro Rail lines and ferry sea lanes would be classified as
corridor wil be what defines the PT movement categorisation.
PT1 as they are considered rapid transit corridors irrespective of headway,
availability and or volume of people movement. For this reason, all Metro Rail
and ferry services are described in Vehicle Volume as PT1.
Movement and Place Classification | Detailed Design | Final Draft
People Movement
Public transport is a very efficient means of moving people, with a fully laden
44 seat bus equating to at least 35 private motorcars, even more efficient for
higher occupancy PT vehicles like double-decker buses that are becoming
increasingly common in NZ. ONF is concerned with people movement rather
than traffic volumes. Using the movement of people or freight along a corridor
over a period of time (standardised to daily counts) also allows for direct
comparisons across transport modes in their contribution to transport
School Buses
School buses can be included within the classification consideration of a
particular corridor if the route the school bus takes is shared with other public
transport services. If the route is only used for school buses, then the corridor
would be classified as Targeted.
Movement and Place Classification | Detailed Design | Final Draft
Public Transport
Strategic Significance
Indicative vehicle volume
Indicative People
(At peak)
(Role in Public Transport Network)
Strategical y significant corridors where
‘rapid transit’ services are
Al metro rail corridors and dedicated corridors for
Dedicated or largely separated public transport corridors provide for the fast and efficient
operated, providing a quick, frequent, reliable, and high-capacity service non-rail public transport: al services.
movement of people by rapid transit. By definition, they include dedicated busways and al
>3000 per day
that operates on a permanent route (road, rail or sea lane) that is
Buses, ferries and other non-rail public transport on
metro rail lines. They are only service public transport (excepting rail lines that can also provide
dedicated to public transport or largely separated from other traffic.
largely separated corridors: > 12 services per hour.
a goods movement function under the freight mode.
Strategical y significant corridors where many frequent services operate
Spine corridors are where many inbound services come together or outbound services
many different bus services merge together to create very
operate, usual y within city centres or at major transport interchanges, and much of the street
high frequencies and overall passenger movement. Any
>12 services per hour
1000 to 10000+ per day space can be dedicated to public transport infrastructure, including significant space utlitised
deficiencies on these corridors affect multiple services and large parts
for bus stops. Examples are Symonds Street in Auckland central, and Manners Street in
of an urban area.
Primary public transport corridors occur on the parts of the network where frequent service can
Relatively Strategic corridors where
frequent public transport
be expected. This could be for part of route where the col ection of services operating results
services operate, providing regular (generally at least once every
> 4 services per hour
500 to 2000 per day
in a better than 15-minute headway frequency of that part of the route. These corridors are
15 minutes) services across most of the day, seven days a week.
more likely to be on major arterial roads.
Corridors where
PT services operate at most times of day, but less
Secondary public transport corridors occur in the parts of the network providing local access
frequently. The main focus of PT services using these corridors is to
< 4 services per hour
100 to 1000 per day
and coverage, but at reduced schedules. Routes typically traverse local streets and minor
provide basic access and coverage.
arterial roads
These services provide a basic level of access to public transport, but on a much-reduced
Corridors where services only operate at certain times of the day (e.g.
< 100 per day
schedule, typically only once a day return, such as school bus services, and long-distance
peak only) or for specific trip purposes (e.g. school buses only).
commuter services, or at peak times only.
Note: Not all classes of Public Transport wil be applicable to all RCAs. It is expected that only large metropolitan councils wil likely have corridors rated as PT1. Some smaller authorities also may not have corridors that would have the required frequency of operation or level of people movement to be classed
as PT2 or even PT3. Councils are welcome to define ferry-based public transport services in line with whichever PT class they feel is more appropriate to reflect the strategic significance of the service.
Movement and Place Classification | Detailed Design | Final Draft
Document Outline
- Introduction
- One Network Framework – an evolution of the One Network Road Classification
- Why evolve?
- What’s in it for you?:
- Principles:
- Place
- Intended nature of place
- On-street activity
- Catchment significance and connection to community
- Adjacent Land-use
- Interaction with movement function
- Intensity of use
- Street Families
- Street Family Classification matrix
- Differentiation of Urban and Rural
- Name
- Description
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Nature of Place
- On-street activity
- Adjacent Land-use
- Nature of Movement
- Walking (Pedestrian Activity)
- Cycling
- Public Transport
- May be used as a PT4 Secondary PT route for longer distance services between cites and satellite towns.
- General Traffic
- Freight
- Indicative mode share
- Movement of People and Goods
- People movement
- Linking locations of significance
- General Traffic
- Rural / Urban difference
- Strategic significance
- Freight
- Strategic Significance
- Goods Movement
- Public Transport
- Cycling
- Strategic Significance
- People Movement (indicative)
- PIKB Definition
- Off-road cycling corridors
- Walking
- Pedestrian activity within street categories
- Intended Function
- Connections to Public Transport
- Approach to classification
- Collaborative multi-discipline approach