This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'WCC Final Spatial Plan - Information on Rapid Transit Services and Rapid Transit Stops'.
Andrew Wharton
Elliot Higbee
FW: Rapid transit definition for RLTP
Tuesday, 2 February 2021 3:38:00 pm
Base template.pdf
Andrew Wharton
Principal Advisor LGWM Interface | Wellington City Council
021 365 051 
From: Fleur Matthews <[email address]> 
Sent: 01 February 2021 4:41 PM
To: Jason Holland <[email address]>; Stewart McKenzie
<[email address]>; [email address]; Hamish Wesney
<[email address]>; John McSweeney <[email address]>; Kate
Pascall <[email address]>; Kim Kelly <[email address]>
Cc: Amy Helm <[email address]>; Amy Kearse <[email address]>; Andrew
Wharton <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Rapid transit definition for RLTP
Kia ora koutou
Thanks to everyone for your comments and engagement last week on how the rapid transit
definition will apply in the Wellington region – particularly given the short turnaround time.
Attached is the text and map that is included in the draft RLTP going to the Regional Transport
Committee for sign off on 9 February ahead of public consultation. On balance, it was decided
that, at this stage, no reference to rapid transit stops should be made.
We propose that the next step on this work is to get together with Metlink to find out more
about planned service improvements, get an overview of the national-level work on the One
Network Framework (including classification of rapid transit) and discuss next steps in the RLTP
process. Amy Helm will be in touch with you to arrange this session.
As a group we also need to look more broadly at how we are going to implement Policies 3 and 4
of the NPS UD, including consideration of walkable catchments, how subsection (d) applies, and
qualifying matters. I suggest we begin this work immediately following the session referred to
Any questions or comments, please let me know.
Ngā mihi
Fleur Matthews (she/her)
Kaitaki-a-tīma | Team Leader, Environmental Policy
Greater Wellington Te Pane Matua Taiao

100 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Follow us online: Facebook | Twitter
From: Fleur Matthews 
Sent: Wednesday, 27 January 2021 1:35 PM
To: Jason Holland <[email address]>; Stewart McKenzie
<[email address]>; Emily Thomson - Upper Hutt City Council
([email address]) <[email address]>; Hamish Wesney
<[email address]>; John McSweeney - Wellington City Council
([email address]) <[email address]>; Kate Pascall
([email address]) <[email address]>
Cc: Amy Helm <[email address]>; Amy Kearse <[email address]>; Andrew
Wharton <[email address]>
Subject: Rapid transit definition for RLTP
Importance: High
Kia ora koutou
The Regional Land Transport Plan TAG met this morning and discussed how the RLTP will define
‘rapid transit’ in the Wellington region, using the guidance on the NPS UD and various national
transport documents. The TAG agreed to include the attached text, with amendments to the
map to remove the names of the stops (so just referring to the names of the rail lines) and
remove the purple lines. This document was developed by the GW Transport team with input
from WCC, Waka Kotahi and me.
Can you please provide any feedback by 5pm tomorrow (Thursday 28 January)? Apologies for
the short turnaround time.
The attached text and map will be included in an Appendix to the RLTP in a section called ‘Our
Transport System’. It will be one of a series of maps.
Keep in mind the context for this definition and that being considered a rapid transit stop
doesn’t automatically mean 6 storeys, and likewise, an area with good transport links (that’s not
strictly rapid transit) can be intensified as appropriate. We will need to continue working on this
wider picture to ensure we have a regionally consistent approach to it.
Ngā mihi
Fleur Matthews (she/her)
Kaitaki-a-tīma | Team Leader, Environmental Policy
Greater Wellington Te Pane Matua Taiao

100 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Follow us online: Facebook | Twitter
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