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Joe Hewitt
Adam McCutcheon; Andrew Wharton
Forming guidance from Waka Kotahi
Tuesday, 16 March 2021 3:30:09 pm
NZPTDG_Getting to and from public transport_v13_Jacobs 16032021.docx
Hi gents,
I’m on the PT Design Guidance reference group.  This draft guidance was circulated today and the
team is trying to get it published on their website by the end of the month in draft form.
I thought you might be particularly interested in the Table 1 on page 9. It , given the 5 and 10
minute catchments currently influencing spatial plan thinking. Table 1 goes up to 15 minutes which
might be applicable at sites like Johnsonville, Tawa etc.
Happy to discuss.
Cheers, Joe
Joe Hewitt
TL Transport Strategy | City Design & Place Planning | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8650 | M 021 247 8650
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