This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Appointments'.

27 July 2021  
John Luke  
[FYI request #15745 email]   
Tēnā koe John  
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 11 June 2021, 
requesting various information about the appointment of ministerial or statutory 
You requested: 
  I would like to request a list of vacancy (ministerial or statutory appointment 
only, e.g. board member, Lay member, Trustee etc) that the nomination 
period has been closed but still under consideration by Correction or relevant 

  In your list, can you please included the date that vacancy been advertised 
and when the vacancy been closed as well. Also, Any current live vacancy?  
  Also, I would like to know if you have any future opening in 2021. e.g. the 
position that will call for nomination in the year of 2021, but not yet advertised. 
Generally speaking, how you ensure transparency and seek for public 
nominations for these positions you control and manage. 

As per section 15(1)(b) of the OIA, I am providing you notice that we have decided to 
release this information to you in full as soon as possible.  
I trust the notice of this decision is of assistance. Should you have concerns with this 
response, I encourage you to raise them with Corrections. Alternatively, you are 
advised of your right to also raise any concerns with the Office of the Ombudsman. 
Contact details are: Office of the Ombudsman,  
PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.  
Ngā mihi  
Robert Jones 
Manager, Ministerial Services 
People and Capability