This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Glenview Holiday Park Information'.
Kerry Fabrie
FW: Official Information request - Glenview Holiday Park Information
Thursday, 24 June 2021 8:42:53 AM
Good morning Kerry,
This has come through infobox.
Thank you
From: Colin L Campbell <[FYI request #15885 email]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2021 3:56 PM
To: INFO <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Glenview Holiday Park Information
Dear South Waikato District Council,
Can you detail the following for Glenview Holiday Park(GHP):
1) What types of dwellings are licensed to be occupied at GHP?
2) How many occupants are allowed per unit licensed? Are you aware of -or- have set any limits
on occupation? Do you know how many people are living on the property? Should you know?
3) Why are the rates for a business entity that has multiple occupants so low ($21xx)?
4) Explain the formula used to calculate the rates on GHP?
5) What licenses have been issued for GHP, the date they were issued and the last time any
compliance review/check was completed? 
6) Why does such a large commercial business that is accommodating so many people not
warrant regular inspections under the various Acts and regulations of NZ and WDC itself? (a
previous FOIA reply implied this, if this is wrong please detail what monitoring WDC does do)
7) Has WDC been given any exemptions (of any nature, verbal or written) to GHP in the last five
years? Do any prior exemptions exist that are still in effect for GHP?
8) Has GHP any outstanding building consent requests or amendments? Please detail if any.
9) If GHP was to build a cabin like structure -or- caravan like structure for occupation be required
to get it certified by council? Would you even be aware of this activity under existing rules/laws?
If so is this notifiable pre or post installation? Would it be inspected/certified?
10) Have WDC set a limit on the number and type of dwellings and/or occupants at GHP (please
detail)? If not why not?
Yours faithfully,
Colin L Campbell
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