6 August 2021
John Luke
[FYI request #15992 email]
Dear John
Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Education on 7 July 2021, following up your Official
Information Act request of 28 January 2021.
At this stage we have no further updates regarding timelines for implementation of dispute
resolution panels. As you will appreciate, New Zealand’s recovery and rebuild from COVID-
19 was the priority in Budget 2021.
The Government remains committed to implementing its response to the Review of
Tomorrow’s Schools, and, as advised earlier this year, we anticipate that Ministers will make
further decisions on the implementation of dispute panels during this parliamentary term.
Yours sincerely
Ben O’ Meara
Group Manager
System and Schooling Policy
Education System Policy
National Office, Mātauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140. Phone: +64 4 463 8000 Fax: +64 4 463 8001