Bridget Kool
Heather Merrick; Marcus Roberts
Bronwyn Davies; Kevin Morris
RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thursday, 24 June 2021 4:50:40 PM
I agree that this is acceptable, you are changing the mode not the assessment type.
Ngā mihi nui | Kind regards
Bridget Kool
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 4:14 PM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>; Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
HI Marcus,
Kevin and I just had a chance to catch up on this – we think because the Faculty is not changing
the type of assessment (i.e. it’s still an exam), but rather the mode of assessment that it is a
reasonable adjustment to make.
Bridget, would you agree?
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:36 AM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thanks Heather, any guidance would be much appreciated.
We understand that as the policy stands at the moment we can't change the assessment
(because the teaching is halfway completed) but would like to change to in person exams if
possible since we are concerned about academic integrity for these foundation courses.
Thanks again and looking forward to hearing from you
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 11:33 AM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Ah, of course. Apologies, I didn’t read your email properly. The second part of an AB is
technically the part that is assessed, but I think we’d have to check with John that he’s happy for
the policy on assessment changes to be applied in this way. There may be other courses in the
same category (Nursing?)
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:15 AM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thanks Heather, I hope that applies, but I'm just worried whether that still applies if the
full year classes have already started teaching in sem 1?
Have a great day
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 7:26 AM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Morena Marcus
I think the provision allowing ‘substantive changes’ to assessment up until the start of teaching
would cover this. Kevin, would you agree?
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2021 4:20 PM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Dear Heather,
I’ve caught up with Bronwyn re the discussion around exam policy in sem 2 at the ADcop
meeting on Monday.
I would like to ask that, if possible, the policy should make it clear what we can do for papers
which have already started teaching but have advertised that they are having an online exams. Is
there any possibility to change to in person exams for these courses in light of our experience re
academic integrity with sem 1 exams?
In particular, we have six full year courses which we would like to move to in person exams but
the DCOs etc have been saying they will have online exams since the start of the year.
Any help/guidance much appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance
From: Marcus Roberts
Sent: Friday, 18 June 2021 3:28 pm
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Hi Heather,
Thank you very much for these. Unfortunately I can’t be there on Monday as I’m teaching, but
Bronwyn will be flying the law flag.
However, two points I’d like to note:
1. Law will be applying for exceptions for most/all (depending on course director approval)
of our Council of Legal Education (CLE) courses to be examined and invigilated on campus.
At most, that will be 10 courses. This is in light of the experience of exams in sem 1,
collaboration allegations and the risk assessment that it is less likely we will slip into
lockdown in November! Not sure if other faculties will ask for exemptions, but it might be
interesting to see indicative numbers and what impact that has on the process of approval
and time frame (both of which would be good to have asap).
2. The course offerings online for overseas students from 2022 will be of two types: those
we need to offer because they are CLE requirements and those that are being offered
because we think they will work well online. We need to think how we communicate that
to students overseas since the CLE required courses won’t necessarily be gold standard
online offerings, but are only offered because we have to. That is, we won’t be effectively
teaching two courses (online and on-campus) for the CLE courses, but the other, elective
courses we say are available to be offered online will be because they do work well online.
Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions at all!
Have a great weekend
From: [email address] <[email address]>
On Behalf Of
Heather Merrick
Sent: Friday, 18 June 2021 3:06 pm
ADs COP <[email address]>
Cc: Lisette Montgomerie <[email address]>; Bridget Kool
<[email address]>; Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: [adcop] Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Kia ora koutou,
Apologies for the late Friday afternoon email, but as we have a full agenda at our Monday COP
meeting Kevin has asked me to send you the attached documents.
There are several matters to work through on Monday, most of which are marked in the
attached documents. If you are unable to attend, please send through any comments you have
and I will do my best to pick them up in the discussion.
Ngā mihi,
~ ~ ~
Heather Merrick
Manager, Academic Quality Office | Poutaki Te Tari Kounga Pūmātauranga
The University of Auckland
~ ~ ~
Ph: (09) 373 7599 ext 81398
DD: +64 9 923 1398
Mobile: 021 024 26063
Level 1, 105-135
the Official
Act 1982
Julia Tolmie
Marcus Roberts; Anna Hood; Jesse Wall; Mark Henaghan; Arie Rosen; Timothy Kuhner; John Ip; Edward
Willis; David Grinlinton; Peter Devonshire
Louise Allan; Bronwyn Davies
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Friday, 25 June 2021 1:58:57 PM
I am happy for criminal law to get an exemption to online delivery.
Many thanks
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Date: Friday, 25 June 2021 at 1:57 PM
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>, Jesse Wall <[email address]>, Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>, Arie Rosen <[email address]>,
Timothy Kuhner <[email address]>, Julia Tolmie
<[email address]>, John Ip <[email address]>, Edward Willis
<[email address]>, David Grinlinton <[email address]>, Peter
Devonshire <[email address]>
Louise Allan <[email address]>, Bronwyn Davies
<[email address]>
In person exams in sem 2?
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
the Official
Act 1982
Mark Henaghan
Marcus Roberts
Anna Hood; Jesse Wall; Arie Rosen; Timothy Kuhner; Julia Tolmie; John Ip; Edward Willis; David Grinlinton;
Peter Devonshire; Louise Allan; Bronwyn Davies
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Friday, 25 June 2021 2:09:09 PM
I’m happy for an exemption too for 131 Marcus . Thank you very much for doing this.
Nga mihi
Sent from my iPhone
On 25/06/2021, at 1:57 PM, Marcus Roberts <[email address]> wrote:
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams
would be held online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to
avoid a repeat of last year when the exams had to go online halfway through
the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic
misconduct in the law exams. Official
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to
happen as the year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive
believes that the reasons to keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than
they were. This is particularly true of our CLE mandated papers (Contract,
Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our papers which provide
entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to apply for
exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person,
invigilated on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to
prepare an online exam format for these papers as well in case we go into
lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let
me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your
exam at the end of sem 2 back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we
can apply for exemptions from the Uni and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time
limited and uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
the Official
Act 1982
Peter Devonshire
Marcus Roberts; Anna Hood; Jesse Wall; Mark Henaghan; Arie Rosen; Timothy Kuhner; Julia Tolmie; John
Ip; Edward Willis; David Grinlinton
Louise Allan; Bronwyn Davies
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Friday, 25 June 2021 2:14:58 PM
Dear Marcus,
Thank you very much for this advice.
I would appreciate an exemption for Equity to enable the second semester exam to be
taken on campus and invigilated in the traditional way.
Kind regards,
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: 25 June 2021 13:57
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>; Jesse Wall <[email address]>; Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>; Arie Rosen <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>; Julia Tolmie <[email address]>; John Ip
<[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>; David Grinlinton
<[email address]>; Peter Devonshire <[email address]>
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>; Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
the Official
Act 1982
David Grinlinton
Peter Devonshire; Marcus Roberts; Anna Hood; Jesse Wall; Mark Henaghan; Arie Rosen; Timothy Kuhner;
Julia Tolmie; John Ip; Edward Willis
Louise Allan; Bronwyn Davies
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Friday, 25 June 2021 2:26:56 PM
Dear Marcus,
I would also like an exemption for Land so that the final exam will be taken in person on campus
by students.
Best regards,
From: Peter Devonshire <[email address]>
Date: Friday, 25 June 2021 at 2:14 PM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>, Anna Hood <[email address]>,
Jesse Wall <[email address]>, Mark Henaghan
<[email address]>, Arie Rosen <[email address]>, Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>, Julia Tolmie <[email address]>, John
Ip <[email address]>, Edward Willis <[email address]>, David Grinlinton
<[email address]>the
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>, Bronwyn Davies
<[email address]> Official
Subject: Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear Marcus,
Thank you very much for this advice.
I would appreciate an exemption for Equity to enable the second semester exam to be
taken on campus and invigilated in the traditional way.
Kind regards,
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: 25 June 2021 13:57
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>; Jesse Wall <[email address]>; Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>; Arie Rosen <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>; Julia Tolmie <[email address]>; John Ip
<[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>; David Grinlinton
<[email address]>; Peter Devonshire <[email address]>
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>; Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Jesse Wall
Marcus Roberts
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Friday, 25 June 2021 3:20:13 PM
Yes Marcus,
As I understand it, following your meeting with the Executive, you intend to apply and you
have my acquiescence.
On 25/06/2021, at 3:15 PM, Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Hi Jesse, do you mean you’d like to request an exemption for 141?
From: Jesse Wall <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 25 June 2021 3:14 pm
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Subject: Re: In person exams in sem 2?
On 25/06/2021, at 1:57 PM, Marcus Roberts
<[email address]> wrote:
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that
all exams would be held online and uninvigilated. This was to
provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year when the
exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1,
there are very good reasons to believe that there has been
increased incidents of academic misconduct in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less
likely to happen as the year continues (famous last words I
know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to keep the sem 2
exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly
true of our CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public,
Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our papers which provide entry
into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to apply
for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in
person, invigilated on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID).
We will have to prepare an online exam format for these papers
as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please
be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or
not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2 back on
campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for
exemptions from the Uni and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be
online, time limited and uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Act 1982
[s 9(2)(g)(i)]
the Official
Act 1982
[s 9(2)(g)(i)]
the Official
Act 1982
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Date: Friday, 25 June 2021 at 13:57
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>, Jesse Wall <[email address]>, Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>, Arie Rosen <[email address]>,
Timothy Kuhner <[email address]>, Julia Tolmie
<[email address]>, John Ip <[email address]>, Edward Willis
<[email address]>, David Grinlinton <[email address]>, Peter
Devonshire <[email address]>
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>, Bronwyn Davies
<[email address]
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
the Official
Act 1982
Bronwyn Davies
Marcus Roberts
Louise Allan
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Monday, 28 June 2021 1:25:52 PM
Thanks Marcus - a yes from me to in -person exam as discussed.
Bronwyn Davies Associate Dean (Academic)
DDI + (649) 923 3840 extn 83840
The University of Auckland |Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau
The Faculty of Law | Te Wāhanga Ture
Building 810, 5/F | 1-11 Short Street |Auckland |New Zealand
Private Bag 92019 |Auckland 1142 |New Zealand
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 1:57 PM
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>; Jesse Wall <[email address]>; Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>; Arie Rosen <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>; Julia Tolmie <[email address]>; John Ip
<[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>; David Grinlinton
<[email address]>; Peter Devonshire <[email address]> 1982
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>; Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Act 1982
Anna Hood
Marcus Roberts
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Monday, 28 June 2021 8:01:14 AM
Thanks heaps Marcus - have a good week too
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2021 9:20 PM
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>
Cc: Dylan Asafo <[email address]>; Tracey Whare <[email address]>
Subject: Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear Anna (and Dylan and Tracey),
Thank you very much for letting me know.
That's great - everyone seems to be on the same page :)
Have a great weekunder
From: Anna Hood <[email address]>
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2021 8:05 AM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Dylan Asafo <[email address]>; Tracey Whare <[email address]>
Subject: Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Kia ora Marcus,
I've been in touch with Dylan (cc'd) as he's teaching 121 next semester. Given what we've
been through in first semester he would like to seek an exemption to the online rule so
that 121 can have an in-person exam in semester 2.
If you have any questions or need more info, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Many thanks and have a lovely weekend,
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 1:57 PM
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>; Jesse Wall <[email address]>; Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>; Arie Rosen <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>; Julia Tolmie <[email address]>; John Ip
<[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>; David Grinlinton
<[email address]>; Peter Devonshire <[email address]>
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>; Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Jo Manning
Marcus Roberts
Timothy Kuhner
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Tuesday, 29 June 2021 1:48:57 PM
Hi Marcus,
Yes, I agree that it is necessary, but is there any way that the Torts exam could be typewritten
not handwritten? That would make a big difference for me, and I think also, Tim, who I see is
cc’d in.
Regards, Jo
Jo Manning
Faculty of Law
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Tel: DD 64-9-923-8804
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From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 11:07 AM
To: Joanna Manning <[email address]>
Cc: Tim Kuhner <[email address]>
Subject: FW: In person exams in sem 2?
Hi Jo,
We’re looking at getting CLE exams in sem 2 back in person after our experience with academic
misconduct in sem 1 exams. (see me email below)
Would you be happy for torts to go back in person at the end of sem 2? If you could let me know
asap that would be great.
All the other courses have decided to go back.
Thanks so much
From: Timothy Kuhner <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 11:05 am
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Subject: Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Hi Marcus,
I’d defer to Jo on this, as she’s the course director for Torts (both semesters now). My own
preference is for an in-person exam, for whatever it’s worth!
All the best,
Timothy K. Kuhner (he/him)
Ahonuku |Associate Professor
Te Wāhanga Ture o Tāmaki Makaurau, Waipapa Taumata Rau | Auckland Law School, University of Auckland
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 10:55 AM
To: Edward Willis <[email address]>, John Ip <[email address]>, Tim
Kuhner NZ <[email address]>
Subject: RE: In person exams in sem 2?
Great, thanks Ed. Will add to list.
From: Edward Willis <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 10:55 am
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>; John Ip <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>
Subject: Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Hi Marcus
Looks like there is a strong preference for an in-person exam among the public law
lecturers, consistent with other courses.
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 10:53 AM
To: John Ip <[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>
Subject: FW: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear John, Ed and Tim,
Just wondering if you have had a chance to consider whether you want public and torts exams to
be held in person at the end of the year?
If you could let me know asap that would be great.
From: Marcus Roberts
Sent: Friday, 25 June 2021 1:57 pm
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>; Jesse Wall <[email address]>; Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>; Arie Rosen <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>; Julia Tolmie <[email address]>; John Ip
([email address]) <[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>;
David Grinlinton <[email address]>; Peter Devonshire
<[email address]>
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>; Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Importance: High
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
the Official
Act 1982
Marcus Roberts
Bridget Kool; Heather Merrick
Bronwyn Davies; Kevin Morris
RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Tuesday, 29 June 2021 2:16:11 PM
Dear Bridget, Kevin and Heather,
After discussing with the relevant course directors, the Law School wishes to apply for an
exemption to conduct the following exams on campus in semester 2:
Law 121G Law and Society
Law 131 Legal Method
Law 141 Legal Foundations
Law 201 Criminal Law
Law 211 Public Law
Law 231 Law of Torts
Law 241 Law of Contract
Law 301 Land Law
Law 306 Equity
Law 458 Jurisprudence
These courses are either a requirement for selection into a limited entry programme or are
required for professional accreditation.Official
If the exemptions are granted, the students and Exams Office will be advised as soon as possible.
Thank you very much in advance
From: Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 4:51 pm
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>; Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
I agree that this is acceptable, you are changing the mode not the assessment type. 1982
Ngā mihi nui | Kind regards
Bridget Kool
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 4:14 PM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>; Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
HI Marcus,
Kevin and I just had a chance to catch up on this – we think because the Faculty is not changing
the type of assessment (i.e. it’s still an exam), but rather the mode of assessment that it is a
reasonable adjustment to make.
Bridget, would you agree?
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:36 AM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thanks Heather, any guidance would be much appreciated.
We understand that as the policy stands at the moment we can't change the assessment
(because the teaching is halfway completed) but would like to change to in person exams if
possible since we are concerned about academic integrity for these foundation courses.
Thanks again and looking forward to hearing from you
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 11:33 AM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Ah, of course. Apologies, I didn’t read your email properly. The second part of an AB is
technically the part that is assessed, but I think we’d have to check with John that he’s happy for
the policy on assessment changes to be applied in this way. There may be other courses in the
same category (Nursing?)
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:15 AM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thanks Heather, I hope that applies, but I'm just worried whether that still applies if the
full year classes have already started teaching in sem 1?
Have a great day
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 7:26 AM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>; Kevin Morris
<[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Morena Marcus
I think the provision allowing ‘substantive changes’ to assessment up until the start of teaching
would cover this. Kevin, would you agree?
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2021 4:20 PM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Dear Heather,
I’ve caught up with Bronwyn re the discussion around exam policy in sem 2 at the ADcop
meeting on Monday.
I would like to ask that, if possible, the policy should make it clear what we can do for papers
which have already started teaching but have advertised that they are having an online exams. Is
there any possibility to change to in person exams for these courses in light of our experience re
academic integrity with sem 1 exams?
In particular, we have six full year courses which we would like to move to in person exams but
the DCOs etc have been saying they will have online exams since the start of the year.
Any help/guidance much appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance
From: Marcus Roberts
Sent: Friday, 18 June 2021 3:28 pm
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Hi Heather,
Thank you very much for these. Unfortunately I can’t be there on Monday as I’m teaching, but
Bronwyn will be flying the law flag.
However, two points I’d like to note:
1. Law will be applying for exceptions for most/all (depending on course director approval)
of our Council of Legal Education (CLE) courses to be examined and invigilated on campus.
At most, that will be 10 courses. This is in light of the experience of exams in sem 1,
collaboration allegations and the risk assessment that it is less likely we will slip into
lockdown in November! Not sure if other faculties will ask for exemptions, but it might be
interesting to see indicative numbers and what impact that has on the process of approval
and time frame (both of which would be good to have asap).
2. The course offerings online for overseas students from 2022 will be of two types: those
we need to offer because they are CLE requirements and those that are being offered
because we think they will work well online. We need to think how we communicate that
to students overseas since the CLE required courses won’t necessarily be gold standard
online offerings, but are only offered because we have to. That is, we won’t be effectively
teaching two courses (online and on-campus) for the CLE courses, but the other, elective
courses we say are available to be offered online will be because they do work well online.
Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions at all!
Have a great weekend
From: [email address] <[email address]>
On Behalf Of
Heather Merrick
Sent: Friday, 18 June 2021 3:06 pm
To: ADs COP <[email address]>
Cc: Lisette Montgomerie <[email address]>; Bridget Kool
<[email address]>; Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: [adcop] Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Kia ora koutou,
Apologies for the late Friday afternoon email, but as we have a full agenda at our Monday COP
meeting Kevin has asked me to send you the attached documents.
There are several matters to work through on Monday, most of which are marked in the
attached documents. If you are unable to attend, please send through any comments you have
and I will do my best to pick them up in the discussion.
Ngā mihi,
~ ~ ~
Heather Merrick
Manager, Academic Quality Office | Poutaki Te Tari Kounga Pūmātauranga
The University of Auckland
~ ~ ~
Ph: (09) 373 7599 ext 81398
DD: +64 9 923 1398
Mobile: 021 024 26063
Level 1, 105-135
Edward Willis
Marcus Roberts; John Ip; Timothy Kuhner
Re: In person exams in sem 2?
Tuesday, 29 June 2021 10:55:10 AM
Hi Marcus
Looks like there is a strong preference for an in-person exam among the public law
lecturers, consistent with other courses.
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 10:53 AM
John Ip <[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>
Subject: FW: In person exams in sem 2?
Dear John, Ed and Tim,
Just wondering if you have had a chance to consider whether you want public and torts exams to
be held in person at the end of the year?
If you could let me know asap that would be great.
From: Marcus Roberts
Sent: Friday, 25 June 2021 1:57 pm
To: Anna Hood <[email address]>; Jesse Wall <[email address]>; Mark
Henaghan <[email address]>; Arie Rosen <[email address]>; Timothy
Kuhner <[email address]>; Julia Tolmie <[email address]>; John Ip
([email address]) <[email address]>; Edward Willis <[email address]>;
David Grinlinton <[email address]>; Peter Devonshire
<[email address]>
Cc: Louise Allan <[email address]>; Bronwyn Davies <[email address]>
Subject: In person exams in sem 2?
Importance: High
Dear all,
At the start of semester 1 this year the Uni made a decision that all exams would be held
online and uninvigilated. This was to provide certainty and to avoid a repeat of last year
when the exams had to go online halfway through the exam period.
However, after our experience of uninvigilated exams in sem 1, there are very
good reasons to believe that there has been increased incidents of academic misconduct
in the law exams.
With that in mind, and with the hope that lockdowns will be less likely to happen as the
year continues (famous last words I know…) the Executive believes that the reasons to
keep the sem 2 exams online are less strong than they were. This is particularly true of our
CLE mandated papers (Contract, Torts, Public, Criminal, Land, Equity, Ethics) and our
papers which provide entry into part II (121, 131 and 141). If you are willing, I intend to
apply for exemptions from the University for these papers to be held in person, invigilated
on-campus (just like they were prior to COVID). We will have to prepare an online exam
format for these papers as well in case we go into lockdown quickly.
Therefore, as course directors of these papers, would you please be able to let me know
by Wed next week (30 June) whether or not you would like your exam at the end of sem 2
back on campus. The shortened timeframe is so we can apply for exemptions from the Uni
and then let the students know asap.
If you do not wish to change, then your exam will continue to be online, time limited and
uninvigilated (as the sem 1 exams have been).
Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
All the best
Marcus Roberts
Senior Lecturer
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Law
University of Auckland
Room 810-537
(09) 373 7599 ext 88802
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Act 1982
Louise Allan
Marcus Roberts
RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Friday, 16 July 2021 11:16:21 AM
Thanks Marcus. I will work on these after the Examiners Meeting.
Many thanks,
Louise Allan
Poutaki Pūmātauranga Tauira, Ratonga ā-Rōpū | Student Academic and Group Services Manager
Te Wāhanga Ture o Tāmaki Makaurau, Waipapa Taumata Rau | Auckland Law School, University of
Ex 89826|
P 09 923 9826
A 801-304, 9 Eden Crescent
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 16 July 2021 11:08 am
To: Louise Allan <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Latest update from Kevin: Firstly, apologies for the delay in confirming the policy—a few
complications at our end. The Provost will review and confirm the document as soon as
So looks like we probably won’t know today as they are still seeking feedback re the policy!
From: Louise Allan <[email address]>
Thursday, 15 July 2021 5:22 pm
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thanks Marcus. If no news tomorrow, I will just note that we have requested an exemption…
Louise Allan
Poutaki Pūmātauranga Tauira, Ratonga ā-Rōpū | Student Academic and Group Services Manager
Te Wāhanga Ture o Tāmaki Makaurau, Waipapa Taumata Rau | Auckland Law School, University of
Ex 89826|
P 09 923 9826
A 801-304, 9 Eden Crescent
From: Marcus Roberts <m roberts@auckland ac oz>
Sent: Thursday, 15 July 2021 9:30 am
To: Louise Allan <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
From: Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 15 July 2021 9:15 am
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>; Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
[summary :
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Provost is reviewing and will approve the
Sent: Wednesday, 14 July 20218:35 PM
document at the VC's request; no indication
of changes to the latest draft]
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Thanks Heather, would be good to know before class starts again next week.
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 4:32 PM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Sorry to hold you up Marcus. BK and KM are discussing finalisation of the policy today; at this
stage we have not made any changes to the criteria set down to allow exemptions for on campus
delivery (i.e. accreditation, selective entry, performance etc). However, I can't swear to that
until the policy is finalised.
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 14 July 2021 2:55 PM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Hi Heather, any news on this?
From: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2021 2:33 pm
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Cc: Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Hi Marcus
Kevin and I are meeting in half an hour, and with Bridget later, with a view to finalising the policy.
I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2021 2:31 PM
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Cc: Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Dear Heather and Kevin,
We are starting the draft data collection for sem 2 and need to confirm in course view whether
the exams are in person or online.
Have we got to the stage where we can confirm that the exemptions for sem 2 exams will be
granted? We need to start letting students/course directors know as well if possible.
Thanks very much
From: Marcus Roberts
Sent: Friday, 2 July 2021 1:57 pm
To: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Statement on Dual Delivery 2022 and Updated Assmnt Policy sem 2, q3 and 4
Importance: High
Dear Heather,
Please find below the number of online students in each course for law exams asking for an
exemption for on campus exams at the end of sem 2.
Please note that the following is the headcount by course at as today. LAW121G, 131, 141 and
LAW458 numbers are subject to changes, as the last day to change Sem 2 enrolments is Friday
30th July. Especially for LAW131 and 141, we are likely to drop over 100 students from both
courses, once LAW121G Sem 1 results are out and there will be over 100 students not meeting
the minimum grade to progress to 131/141. Therefore, we may run a student list now as an
indication, and run a final list after Friday 30th July. (FYI – the last day to change double-semester
AB enrolments was 26th March, so we don’t expect any change in the Pt 2 or Pt 3 double-
semester courses.)
NZ Offshore
New Zealand Onshore Online
International Offshore
Law subject
student may be counted in more than one courses.
Thanks so much
Act 1982
From: Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, 22 July 2021 7:59 AM
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Examination exemption sem 2
Thanks Marcus, pleased we could help.
Regards BK
On 21/07/2021, at 7:38 PM, Marcus Roberts <[email address]> wrote:
Kia ora Bridget,
Thank you very much, that’s great to hear.
Take care
From: Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 July 2021 5:57 pm
To: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>; Kevin Morris <[email address]>
Cc: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Examination exemption sem 2
Kia ora Marcus
I give my approval for the following courses to have an exemption to conduct in-person exams for
the fol owing courses at the end of semester 2:
• Law 121G Law and Society
• Law 131 Legal Method
• Law 141 Legal Foundations
• Law 201 Criminal Law
• Law 211 Public Law
• Law 231 Law of Torts
• Law 241 Law of Contract
• Law 301 Land Law
• Law 306 Equity
• Law 458 Legal Ethics
Ngā mihi nui | Regards
Associate Professor Bridget Kool
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
University of Auckland, New Zealand
E: [email address] | Phone: +64 9 373 7999 ext 83871
From: Marcus Roberts <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 July 2021 3:34 pm
To: Kevin Morris <[email address]>; Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Cc: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Examination exemption sem 2
Good afternoon all,
Sorry for this confusion but that list is incorrect in one respect – the last course should read
458 Legal Ethics”. The course number is correct, but the name is not. Everything else is as stated.
Marcus Roberts
Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 2021 10:19 am
To: Kevin Morris <[email address]>; Bridget Kool <[email address]>
Cc: Heather Merrick <[email address]>
Subject: Examination exemption sem 2
Dear Bridget,
In accordance with cl 14 of the Semester 2 Teaching Delivery and Exams Policy just published, the
law faculty would like to apply for an exception to conduct exams in person for the following papers
at the end of semester 2:
Law 121G Law and Society
Law 131 Legal Method
Law 141 Legal Foundations
Law 201 Criminal Law
Law 211 Public Law
Law 231 Law of Torts
Law 241 Law of Contract
Law 301 Land Law
Law 306 Equity
Law 458 Jurisprudence
These courses are either a requirement for selection into a limited entry programme or are required
for professional accreditation.
Thank you in advance for your response. It would be great if we would like to let students know as
soon as possible, particularly those in the full year courses.
Al the best