20 August 2021
Tim Adriaansen
[FYI request #16166 email]
REF: OIA-8518
Dear Tim
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982
Thank you for your email
of 23 July 2021 requesting the following information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
In documents released related to the NZUP programme, and Northern Pathway specifically, a
number of statements are made for which I am requesting supporting documentation.
Document bri-2174 (northern pathway options summary) dated 11 May 2021, paragraph 27 notes
in relation to lane reallocation of the harbour bridge that "Converting a single lane was also
considered, however this is not considered safe given the resultant width and speed differential
between users."
- Please provide the engineers/consultants report or other documentation on which this
conclusion was based, including lane-width assessments and layout designs upon which the
assessment was made.
Paragraph 28 of the same document states "Removing a lane will increase emissions. Modelling
indicates the resultant congestion will encourage general traffic to uptake the alternative longer
SH16 route and these emissions will exceed any reductions from users transferring to walking
and cycling."
- Please provide all modelling and reports (both traffic and emissions modelling) on which this
conclusion is based.
Appendix 1 of BRI-2118 Northern Pathway Project Update is in scope of your first request. I am
refusing this part of your request under section 18(d) of the Act as this document is publicly available
online at: www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/Roads-and-Rail/20-011/bri-2118-northern-pathway-project-update-
Please find attached a copy of Cross Harbour Walking and Cycling Connection Draft Transport
Modelling and Economic Evaluation, which is in scope of the second part of your request.
Certain information has been withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Act. This section allows for the
withholding of information to protect the privacy of individuals. With respect to the information that has
been withheld, I do not consider there are any other factors which would render it desirable, in the
public interest, to make the information available.
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision to
withhold this information. The contact details for the Ombudsman can be located at
If you would like to discuss this reply with the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, please contact
[email address]
Yours sincerely
Josh Driscoll
Principal Advisor Ministerial Services