22 September 2021
Will Maynard
By email:
[FYI request #16561 email]
Ref: OIA-2021/22-0177
Dear Will Maynard
Official Information Act request for evidence of the efficacy of mask wearing
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 29 August 2021.
You requested:
“Please provide the evidence/studies and efficacy with wearing any type of masks to
prevent/reduce the spread of covid19 and any other respiratory illness, the risk and safety
factors and the decision paper where it was decided to implement mask requirements.”
I have decided under section 15A of the Act to extend the time limits for deciding on your request by
an additional 20 working days. Consequently, the extended due date for your response will be
22 October 2021.
The extension is required because of the consultations needed to make a decision on your request.
Despite the extension, a response will be sent to you as soon as possible.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under section 28(3)
of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Sarah Corbett
Manager, Ministerial and Business Services
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9700 Facsimile 64 4 472 3181 www.dpmc.govt.nz