Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142, NZ
T: +64 9 921 9999
[FYI request #16678 email]
6 October 2021
Dear A KS
In response to your OIA dated September 8, 2021 asking for extensive details regarding the
syl abus and course content taught as part of the BHS Physiotherapy and previous
examination papers.
Information about this course and the papers taught are available on our website at this
The more detailed information you requested is extensive, and parts of it may be withheld
under section 18 (a) of the Official Information Act 1982 and pursuant to section 9 (2)(i) to
enable the University to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.
In order to ascertain what information might be provided, it will be necessary to collate,
review and assess content from 26 individual papers.
Given the amount of resource required to process this work, we have decided to charge for
the request. We estimate that the maximum charge wil be $3,744. Before we proceed,
please confirm your agreement to the charge and we will provide banking information for
payment to be received prior to the work beginning.
AUT’s staff are currently carrying an additional burden of work linked to the COVID-19
lockdowns, and the resulting extension of deadlines. This means our staff wil not be
available to work on this request until the semester is over and assessment of student work
is completed.
Regarding your second request for examination papers, the approach taken for this course
is one of authentic assessment that includes verbal assessments, assignments, and clinical
assessments when students are on placements. As a result, we do not have examination
papers that can be provided.
Under section 28(1)(a) of the Official Information Act 1982, you may ask the Ombudsmen to
investigate and review our decision to decline to provide some of the official information to
Yours sincerely
Alison Sykora
Head of Communications