CED transferring to SSH wards (possible, probable or confirmed
Ready to Leave CED having completed the usual
text communication and bed booking process.
CED: Shift Co-ordinator or Responsible
Parent/ Caregiver:
Patient: Wears a mask if tolerated. If
Nurse to phone the ward to handover and
Ward Shift Co-ordinator: Will ensure the
Must wear a surgical mask
mask not tolerated, a clear pathway
inform them that a possible, probable or
corridor is clear for arrival. Ward nurse to
must be provided to the ward by the
confirmed COVID-19 patient is now ready
Don PPE to receive patient.
clean CED staff member.
for transit to the ward.
Leave CED
Patient will transit from CED with 2 staff members.
Clean CED staff member and the CED Nurse in PPE.
Clean CED Staff Member:
Wears surgical mask and acts as an escort, walks
ahead of bed carrying notes, clearing pathway and
Pushes patient bed/wheelchair/pumps
opening/ holding doors, or using the CED
Arrive to Ward
PPE CED Nurse:
Transfer patient onto ward bed. Finalise handover
Clean CED Staff Member:
PPE Ward Nurse: Receives notes in PPE at nurse’s station
with PPE Ward Nurse in room. Doff mask and
Hands notes to Ward Nurse and waits to escort CED
and checks PEWS, Drug Chart and Fluid Charts, then enters
googles and place on CED bed. Return to CED in
Nurse back to CED.
patient room to finalise handover with CED Nurse.
same PPE with Clean CED Staff member as your
Return to CED
Clean CED Staff Member:
Pushes CED bed/wheelchair/pumps back to CED in same
Acts as an escort clearing pathway and
PPE. Returns CED bed to bed space. Strip linen off bed and
Version 21.
opening/ holding doors, or using the CED
place in yellow linen skip. Doff PPE as per CED
Authors: Julie Smith and Briege McAteer.
instructions. Arrange
Red clean of bedspace.
Authorised by: Mike Shepherd
Updated: 20/08/2020