This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) required to give effect to GPS per LTMA 2003 #2'.
50 Victoria Street 
Private Bag 6995 
Wellington 6141 
New Zealand 
T 64 4 894 5400 
F 64 4 894 6100 
15 October 2021 
Bevan Woodward 
f [email address] 
REF: OIA-8834 
Dear Bevan 
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982 
Thank you f or your email of 23 September 2021 requesting the following information under the Official 
Inf ormation Act 1982 (the Act): 
1.  Please provide a copy of the material (eg: reports, analysis, minutes, resolutions and advice) 
that was relied on or pertains to NZTA’s responses to the following information requests: 
2.  Given the approach taken by the NZTA’s Investment Prioritisation Method approach of rating 
for GPS alignment "based on the highest expected contribution to a single GPS strategic priority”, 
how is NZTA ensuring the NLTP 2021-24 will meet the requirement of para 7 (and 51) of GPS 
2021 that "a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions will be achieved through action across all 
priorities, programmes and activity classes”? 
3.  Given the approach taken by the NZTA’s Investment Prioritisation Method approach of rating 
for GPS alignment "based on the highest expected contribution to a single GPS strategic priority”, 
how is NZTA ensuring the NLTP 2021-24 will meet the requirement of GPS 2021, para 113: "the 
focus of the investment in the activity classes is on improving safety, better travel options, 
improved freight connections, and climate change." Please provide three actual examples of how 
NZTA is meeting this requirement; one from State Highway Improvements activity class, one from 
Walking and Cycling Improvements activity class and one from Local Road Improvements activity 
4.  How is NZTA ensuring the NLTP 2021-24 has met the requirement of GPS para 89 for each 
investment proposal that “Funding applicants need to show that they considered alternatives, and 
how they compare in meeting the results set out in Section 2.6. This includes considering whether 
there are better ways to operate and maintain the existing land transport system before 
considering new improvements.” 
5.  Please provide three actual examples of how NZTA is giving effect to para 89, one from State 
Highway Improvements activity class, one from Walking and Cycling Improvements activity class 
and one from Local Road Improvements activity class. 


6.  In preparing the NLTP 2021, please advise how NZTA has given effect to para 67 of GPS 
“Investment decisions will support the rapid transition to a low carbon transport system, and 
contribute to a resilient transport sector that reduces harmful emissions, giving effect to the 
emissions reduction target the Climate Change Commission recommended to Cabinet until 
emissions budgets are released in 2021.” 
7.  Please advise NZTA’s understanding of the amount and timeframe of emissions reduction 
target the Climate Change Commission has recommended to Cabinet per para 67 of the GPS 
8.  Can NZTA confirm it will meet the emissions reduction target the Climate Change Commission 
has recommended to Cabinet (as required by para 67 of the GPS 2021)?  Please provide details 
on NZTA’s predicted emissions compared to the Climate Change Commission recommended 
9.  How is induced traffic is accounted for in NZTA’s GHG emissions models? 
10.  Please provide the forecast emissions impacts for Penlink (Whangaparāoa) and the Otaki to 
north of Levin roading projects.  
11.  Please advise which investments in the NLTP 2021-24 activity classes of State Highway 
Improvements and Local Road Improvements are forecast to increase greenhouse gas emissions. 
12.  Please advise which investments in the NLTP 2021-24 activity classes of State Highway 
Improvements and Local Road Improvements that have not been assessed for greenhouse gas 
13.  How is NZTA ensuring that NLTP 2021-24 is “accelerating mode shift” as required by clause 
145 of GPS 2021? 
14.  Please provide an update of dates and status of activities for NZTA’s “Keeping Cities Moving” 
Attachment 1: “Timeline for the National Tactical Plan” published September 2019. 
15.  Please advise NZTA’s predictions for mode share for the years 2021 – 2031, as compared to 
a baseline of 2020. 
16.  How is NZTA having “a greater role in long-term, integrated planning for the sector” as 
required by para 146 of GPS-LT 2021? 
17.  Please provide evidence of the work done by NZTA to “work closely with MoT and local 
government in developing and implementing the NLTP to give effect to the GPS” as required by 
para 147 of the GPS 2021. 
18.  Does an updated version of Toitū te Taiao (originally published April 2020) exist?  If so, please 
provide a copy, or advise whether a date has been set for an update. 

As your request necessitates a search through a large quantity of information, meeting the original 
time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations of Waka Kotahi. Theref ore, Waka Kotahi is 
extending the 20 working days available to respond to your request, as allowed for under section 15A 
of  the Act. 

Waka Kotahi requires an additional 10 working days to respond to your request. We will therefore 
send a response to you on, or before 5 November 2021.  
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to complain to the Ombudsman about the extension. 
More inf ormation about the Ombudsman is available online at  
Finally, regarding question 17, your request could potentially apply to a significant volume of 
inf ormation held by Waka Kotahi. To help us respond to this question we would like to ask you to 
ref ine and clarify your request by specifying which category of documents are of interest to you, for 
example, business cases / proposals submitted by local government, and/or responses from Waka 
Kotahi. It would also be helpful if you could specify a date range for the information you have 
requested and any  particular topics of interest (for example, information concerning the National Land 
Transport Programme (NLTP) as an overall programme rather than information concerning a particular 
activity in the NLTP).  
If  the scope of your request means that substantial collation is required, Waka Kotahi may decide to 
ref use that part of your request under s 18(f) of the Act or charge a fee for answering the request. 
If  you would like to discuss this reply with the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, please contact 
Ministerial Services by email to [email address]. 
Yours sincerely 
Jurgita Klein 
Manager, Ministerial Services