Provide an overview of, and outline key milestones for, the moderation and optimisation of the National Land Transport Programme for Waka
Kotahi as the investor.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has a responsibility under the Land Transport Management Act 2003 for setting dates for developing the
National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) every three years. OFFICIAL
Investment Advisors at Waka Kotahi col aborate with Approved Organisations (AOs), and Waka Kotahi as applicant, to support them in
developing their continuous programmes, Low Cost Low Risk improvement (LCLR) programme and any other improvement activities,
programmes or packages that are seeking inclusion for the 2021-24 NLTP. It’s important for Investment Advisors and applicants to keep in touch
with each other throughout the development of the NLTP and adopt a no-surprises approach.
Prioritisation of programmes and activities is subject to the Waka Kotahi Board making a final decision when it adopts the NLTP. Activities are
assessed for inclusion in the NLTP through a series of bid stages. Initial and final bid stages have fixed deadlines to ensure that applicants get a
reasonable amount of certainty, or signals, about:
• the quality of their supporting information
• how Waka Kotahi wil subsequently determine the funding al ocation in the NLTP.
This staged bid and assessment process enables applicants to plan with greater certainty, respond to assessment feedback and adjust their
evidence and/or planned programmes before the NLTP is adopted by the Waka Kotahi Board. While it is uncommon to have any material
changes between the initial and final al ocations, there is room for review and adjustment between these deadlines. Al bids should pr
1982 ovide
evidence-based proposals that demonstrate the BCA principles.
Moderation is an internal Waka Kotahi business process that ensures a consistent approach is used to assess al funding requests. Typical y,
moderation takes place in stages, focusing initial y on the strategic drivers and qualitative assessment of high-level business case material. This
ensures the most appropriate activities are progressed to subsequent stages with confidence.
Initial bids – Continuous Programmes Critical in providing Waka Kotahi and regional transport committees (RTCs) a first look at funding
proposals. Initial bids are expected to be a robust, realistic signal of the investment proposal.
Setting the scene
Setting the scene is about obtaining a view of the upcoming NLTP from a strategic lens and provides
an initial view of the pressures within the system.
The workshop analyses AO and Waka Kotahi bids and submissions to provide a view across the
activity classes on the committed and available funding.
Continuous programmes -
Preliminary prioritisation and moderation is to chal enge the continuous programme bids including a
preliminary prioritisation and
focus on the quality of the supporting information. An initial moderation of the continuous
programmes is undertaken.
Reset - Setting the scene
After each moderation workshop has been undertaken Waka Kotahi should take stock of its current
position across the activity classes on the committed and available funding. The workshop will also
include indicative balancing of activity classes.
Initial submissions – new
We wil require applicants submit their improvement activities which includes their Low Cost Low Risk
improvement activities
programme and new activities being included in the NLTP.
For each new improvement activity an Investment Prioritisation Method (IPM) profile should be
For Low Cost Low Risk activities, the IPM profile is set at a programme level. During this step,
applicants will confirm their improvement activity submissions.
Note: For continuous programmes an IPM profile is not required to be provided as a default profile is
used for these programmes.
Improvement activities - preliminary Preliminary prioritisation and moderation involves chal enging Low Cost Low Risk programmes and
prioritisation and moderation
new improvement activities. An initial moderation of these activities is undertaken.
Final bids – Continuous Programmes Determined through negotiations between Waka Kotahi and the AOs fol owing submission of initial
bids. Final bids should have:
Final submissions – improvements
- more detail than the initial bid
- be supported by more robustly developed evidence
- have strong local governance support for inclusion in the NLTP
- applied the BCA in developing information and supporting evidence
- self-evaluated that evidence using assessment of the business case models.
Continuous Programmes
Funding is effective immediately at the start of the NLTP period, so all information required for Waka
Kotahi assessment needs to be provided with final bids. There should be no outstanding issues.
Low Cost Low Risk
Funding is al ocated to an AO or Waka Kotahi at the start of the NLTP period. AOs or Waka Kotahi will
need to have completed their three-year detailed LCLR programme in order to draw down their
al ocated funding.
Improvement Activities
Funding is only prioritised against new activities at the start of the NLTP period. AOs or Waka Kotahi
should discuss next steps with their investment advisor.
Note: Some business cases may have progressed sufficiently to be recommended for funding approval
when the Board adopts the NLTP. Where possible Waka Kotahi should align funding approval with
NLTP adoption to provide greater certainty that the NLTP represents the three-year investment
programme of Waka Kotahi.
Continuous programmes - final
Final prioritisation and moderation is a further chal enge of continuous programme bids, while
prioritisation and moderation
looking to resolve outstanding issues and confirm the programme.
During the session there is also a focus on the results from a review of finalised programmes and
includes comparisons (benchmarking) between similar proposed programmes and their pairs.
Improvement activities - final
Final prioritisation and moderation is a further chal enge of Low Cost Low Risk programmes and new
prioritisation and moderation
improvement activities, while looking to resolve outstanding issues and confirm programmes and
The session includes a final moderation of these activities/programmes which involves ensuring
critical parts of dependent projects are above the cut-off and confirming prioritisation ratings for
Suggested al ocations across activity classes and scenario planning is also undertaken.
Process to confirm al ocations between the funding ranges set by the GPS for each activity class. This
is an outcome view to ensure we are optimising value for money while meeting our requirements
under the GP
After each moderation session (workshop) feedback is provided within Waka Kotahi and to AOs to ensure they can firm up their investment bids.
For example, the focus of the Investment Advisor when progressing from initial to final bids for a road maintenance programme is to improve
the quality of the AMP as a business case.
The moderation and optimisation of the NLTP has the fol owing steps and responsibilities.
Waka Kotahi Responsibilities
Investment templates 18 August 2020
Lead Role
NLTP Development Lead - NLTP Development Team
develops and prepares the templates for
Supporting Roles
• Inform and support applicants:
o Public Transport Team
o Regional Investment Advisors
o Partnership Investment
o Activity Class Managers
• Inform and support Waka Kotahi:
o Design Practice Solutions
o Activity Class Managers
Initial bids – continuous 21 September 2020 Lead Role
Manager Treasury & Cashflows - Treasury Cashflow Team Manage and analyse data within
Primary Roles
Operational Policy & Standards Team – Responsible for the State Highway Maintenance
Road Safety Partnership Team – Responsible for the Road Safety Partnership Programme
Regional Investment Advisors – Support Approved Organisations in developing their LCLR
and Maintenance Operation & Renewals (MOR) programmes
Partnership Investments - Support regional and unitary authorities in developing their
Public Transport (PT) programmes.
Technical Services Team – Supports Waka Kotahi in developing their continuous
Setting the scene
6 October
Lead Role
Manager Treasury & Cashflow – The Treasury & Cashflow Team will provide information on
committed and new activities by activity class
Supporting Role
Activity Class Managers - Represent their activity class and their current position in terms
of committed and new activities
External Engagement & Communications Team – Communicate the latest investment
signals to the sector
Continuous programme October/
Lead Role
Investment Quality
November 2020
Senior Manager System Management – Regional Investment Advisors complete IQA
Assurance (IQA) initial
reviews over the Approved Organisation activity management plans and initial
maintenance operations & renewals programme
Manager Partnership Investments – The team is responsible for completing IQAs over
initial public transport continuous programmes and the documents that support the
Manager Technical Services – The team is responsible for completing IQAs over Waka
Kotahi continuous programmes and the documents that support the programmes
Team Lead Road Safety Partnership – The team is responsible for lead the development
of the Road Safety Partnership Programme and supporting the programme’s IQA.
Primary Role
External Quality Assurance – An assessor with NZ Police experience completes the IQA review
over the programme. The reviewer is independent to Waka Kotahi and NZ Police.
Supporting Role
Design Practice & Solutions – the team wil support the Manager Technical Services in
completing IQAs over Waka Kotahi continuous programmes and carry-out the
IQA/Assessment of Waka Kotahi Road Safety Promotion activities.
Investment Assurance – the team supports assessors in completing their IQA over the
continuous programmes.
Note: Oversight of Low Cost Low Risk programmes wil be managed by Regional Investment
Advisors for road control ing authorities, the Partnership Investment for regional councils and
Investment Assurance for Waka Kotahi.
Initial submissions –
21 September until Lead Role
new improvement
the 30 October
Manager Treasury & Cashflows - Treasury Cashflow Team Manage and analyse data within
Primary Roles
Operational Policy & Standards Team – Responsible for the Waka Kotahi Investment
Proposal and the State Highway Maintenance Programme
Planning & Performance Team – Responsible for the Waka Kotahi Low Cost Low Risk
Road Safety Partnership Team – Responsible for the Road Safety Partnership Programme
Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal Team – Responsible for identifying and incorporating
nationally delivered activities into the NLTP
Supporting Roles
Regional Investment Advisors – Support Approved Organisations in developing their LCLR
and MOR programmes
Partnership Investments – Support Approved Organisations with any new starts for
inclusion into the 2021-24 NLTP
Public Transport Team – Support regional and unitary authorities in developing their PT
and LCLR programmes.
Technical Services - Support Waka Kotahi in developing its and LCLR programmes
Design, Practice & Solutions - Support Waka Kotahi with its new starts
9 November 2020
Lead Role
programmes -
Assessment & Prioritisation Lead – Assessment & prioritisation team facilitates the
moderation and optimisation process
prioritisation and
Primary Role
Partnership Investments – Represents the public transport continuous programmes
Regional Investment Advisors – Represents maintenance operations and renewals
continuous programmes
Technical Services Team – Represents Waka Kotahi continuous programmes
Activity Class Managers – Lead the prioritisation and moderation process workshop.
Represent their activity class and chal enge programmes and new starts within their
activity class
Supporting Role
Investment assessment working group - reviews and agrees the assessment profiles and
prioritises activities nationally. The working group develops recommendations for
inclusion and/or funding allocations for the Waka Kotahi Board’s final approval. The group
should be made up of representatives from:
UNDER o Transport Services - System Planning
o Transport Services - System Management
o Transport Services - System Design
o Transport Services – Operational Policy, Planning & Performance
o Corporate Support – Enterprise Change
o Corporate Support – Investment & Finance
o Safety Health & Environment – Road Safety and Environment and Sustainability
External observers - For example representatives from the Transport Special Interest
Group, which is drawn from regional council staff
Reset - Setting the
16 November 2020 Same responsibilities as setting the scene.
Feedback preliminary
November 2020
Lead Role
prioritisation and
Senior Manager System Management – Regional Investment Advisors will provide
feedback to Approved Organisation’s MOR
- Continuous
Manager Partnership Investments – The team wil provide feedback to AOs on there PT
continuous programme
Manager Technical Services – The team will provide feedback to Waka Kotahi, as
applicant, on their continuous programmes.
Team Lead Road Safety Partnership – The lead is responsible for providing feedback into
the Road Safety Partnership Team on the Road Safety Partnership Programme.
Final bids - continuous 11 December 2020 Same responsibilities as initial bids.
Continuous programme January/ February
Same responsibilities as continuous programme Investment Quality Assurance (IQA) initial
IQA Final bids
Improvement activities 16 February 2021
Lead Role
- preliminary
Assessment & Prioritisation Lead – Assessment & prioritisation team facilitates the
prioritisation and
moderation and optimisation process
Primary Role
Partnership Investment – Represent the new starts from Approved Organisations
Design Practice & Solutions - Represents the Waka Kotahi new starts
Regional Investment Advisors – Represent road Control ing authority LCLR programmes
and provide feedback on these programmes to AOs
Technical Services Team – Represents the Waka Kotahi LCLR Programme
Activity Class Managers – Lead the prioritisation and moderation process workshop.
Represent their activity class and chal enge programmes and new starts within their
UNDER activity class
Supporting Role
Investment assessment working group - reviews and agrees the assessment profiles and
prioritises activities nationally. The working group develops recommendations for
inclusion and/or funding al ocations for the Waka Kotahi Board’s final approval. The group
should be made up of representatives from:
o Transport Services - System Planning
o Transport Services - System Management
o Transport Services - System Design
o Transport Services – Operational Policy, Planning & Performance
o Corporate Support – Enterprise Change
o Corporate Support – Investment & Finance
o Safety Health & Environment –Road Safety and Environment and Sustainability
External observers - For example representatives from the Transport Special Interest
Group (TSIG), which is drawn from regional councils
25 February 2021
Same responsibilities as the preliminary prioritisation and moderation workshop.
programmes - final
prioritisation and
Reset – Setting the
4 March 2021
Same responsibilities as setting the scene.
Feedback final
March 2021
Same responsibilities as feedback initial prioritisation and moderation.
prioritisation and
- Continuous
Feedback preliminary
March 2021
prioritisation and
Senior Manager System Management – Regional Investment Advisors will provide
feedback to Approved Organisation’s LCLR programmes
- Improvement
Manager Partnership Investments – The team wil provide feedback to AOs on there
public transport continuous programme
Manager Technical Services – The team will provide feedback to Waka Kotahi, as
applicant, on their continuous programmes.
Team Lead Road Safety Partnership – The lead is responsible for providing feedback into the
Road Safety Partnership Team on the Road Safety Partnership Programme.
Indicative al ocations
22 April 2021
Lead Role
for continuous & LCLR
NLTP Development Lead – The NLTP Development Team drafts the Board paper to agree the
indicative al ocations for the continuous & LCLR programmes
Primary Roles
External Engagement & Communications Team – broad key messages from the NLTP
Investment Assurance – Input into the development of the Board paper
Waka Kotahi Board – Endorse the indicative allocations
Supporting Roles
Chief Financial Officer – Endorse the Board paper
General Manager Corporate Support – Endorse the Board paper
Final submissions –
21 May 2021
Same responsibilities as initial submissions.
improvement Activities
NTLP Audit
End of May 2021
Lead Role
Senior Manager Risk Assurance – Risk Assurance has oversight of the NLTP development
process to ensure legislative compliance and robust process has been fol owed to develop the
Improvement activities 10 June 2021
Same responsibilities as the preliminary prioritisation and moderation workshop.
- final prioritisation and
Reset – Setting the
17 June 2021
Same responsibilities as setting the scene.
Interim funding
24 June 2021
Same responsibilities as indicative al ocations for continuous & L
arrangement from 1
July until 31 August
Receipt final Regional
End of June 2021
Lead Role
Land Transport Plans
RLTP Development Lead – Ensure Regional Councils are aware of RLTP deadlines and liaise
with TSIG to ensure RLTPs are finalised on time and submitted into TIO.
Supporting Role
TSIG – Represents regional councils. Establishes the sector’s RLTP timeline and provides a
forum to meet with Waka Kotahi.
Treasury & Cashflow Team – Confirm final RLTPs have been submitted into TIO.
15 July 2021
Lead Role
NLTP Development Lead - Leads the discussion on the al ocations between the min/max
ranges set by the GPS for each activity class. This is an outcome view to ensure we are
optimising value for money.
Primary Role
Activity Class Managers - Represent their activity class and provide detailed information
on the programmes and new starts within their activity class
Treasury & Cashflow Team – Presents information of the cashflow between the activity
classes and the overal financial position of the NLTF
Supporting Role
Investment Assurance – oversight of the optimisation process.
Approved NLTP
31 August 2021
Lead Role
NLTP Development Lead – The NLTP Development Team drafts the Board paper to
1982 adopt the
Primary Roles
Risk Assurance – Endorsed NLTP audit report included with the paper to the Board
External Engagement & Communications Team – Key messages and an outline of now
the NLTP wil be launched
Investment Assurance – Input into the development of the Board paper
Waka Kotahi Board – Adopt the NLTP
Supporting Roles
Chief Financial Officer – Endorse the Board paper
General Manager Corporate Support – Endorse the Board paper
Finalise the NLTP
September 2021
Lead Role
NLTP Development Lead – The NLTP Development Team leads the finalisation of the NLTP
Supporting Role
Treasury Cashflow Team – Al ocation funding within TIO against each AO and Waka
Kotahi. Update status of new improvement activities.
Enterprise Change Team – Appoint a date for when RLTPs are to be publicly released.
External Engagement & Communications Team – Finalising messaging and Facilitating the
launch of the NLTP and organisation of applicant communications.
The assessment and prioritisation workstream lead will be organising a meeting with process leads (lead roles) within the moderation process.
The discussion wil be focused on resourcing requirements to fulfil the outlined roles.
Waka Kotahi needs to weigh up and prioritise competing programmes of activities because the funding pool is limited. Al the work leading up to
and at moderation informs these decisions. Waka Kotahi provides advice on the NLTP al ocation in three stages:
• Indicative allocations: AOs are advised an indicative allocation for their continuous programmes prior to the adoption of the NLTP to
help them finalise their long-term plans. Waka Kotahi wil endeavour to provide this advice by the end of April 2021.
• Approved al ocation: AOs receive confirmation and advice of the approved al ocation when the NLTP is published.
• Communicate activities that were not included in the NLTP or those activities that were included but at a different priority order.
Document Outline