29 October 2021
Grant Johnson
[FYI request #16948 email]
Ref: DOIA 2120-0757
Dear Grant Johnson,
Thank you for your email of 30 September 2021 requesting under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act), the following information:
“1. The number of skilled migrant stream resident applications awaiting allocation who will not
be eligible for the 2021 Resident visa, broken down by onshore/offshore status of the primary
2. The number of expressions of interest (EOI) in the Skilled Migrant Category pool who will not
be eligible for the 2021 Resident visa, broken down by onshore/offshore status of the primary
For all of the above, please provide both the number of applications/EOIs as well as the number
of applicants these represent (that is, including partners and dependent children).”
Our Response
It is estimated that the 2021 Resident Visa will provide a simplified pathway to residence for around 165,000
migrants currently in New Zealand. The eligibility criteria can be found at the following link at
https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/already-have-a-visa/one-off-residence-visa. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) does not hold information on the number of applicants who will not be
eligible for the 2021 Resident Visa. You are in effect asking INZ to make a prediction and we are not
prepared to undertake such speculation. Any data we attempt to provide at present would not be accurate
due to the multiple variables in the eligibility criteria and would not necessarily reflect the applicants’
circumstances. There are also no reasonable grounds to believe it is held by, or more closely connected
with the functions of, another Minister or agency. Your request is therefore refused under section 18(g) of
the Act because the information does not exist.
You have the right under section 28(3) of the Act to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my
decision to withhold information from the released documents. The relevant contact details are as
Office of the Ombudsman
PO BOX 10152 Wellington 6143
PH 0800 802 602
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, please contact
[email address]. Yours sincerely,
Nicola Hogg
General Manager - Border and Visa Operations
Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment