45 Pipitea Street
27 January 2022
Wel ington
Phone: 0800 25 78 87
Victoria Muninn
[FYI request #16957 email]
Tēnā koe Victoria,
Thank you for your follow-up email of 11 November 2021, requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act):
‘…please provide a list of organisations partnered with government departments and
corporate bodies.’
As noted in our previous response to you, sent on 11 November 2021, the Department has a
commercial relationship with Microsoft that supports agencies’ use of Microsoft’s products
and services in line with Government Procurement Rules.
The Department is the Lead Agency for New Zealand’s Microsoft Cloud, Software and
Services Agreement. This is an all-of-government Microsoft licencing agreement covering a
range of Microsoft services, and leverages the scale of New Zealand’s government agencies
as a single customer. On 11 November 2021, we referred you to the
website. This holds more information on this agreement and other digital products and
services available to government agencies.
In your follow-up request of 11 November 2021, you clarified that you are interested
specifically in information relating to Government departments’ partnerships with
multinational tech companies, such as Microsoft, on a range of initiatives, either directly or
through other agencies.
The Department does not hold a list of such partnerships, nor does it track or hold
information on the relationships between other agencies and their digital service providers.
I therefore am refusing your request under section 18(e) of the Act, as the information
requested does not exist.
We intend to publish this letter to
www.dia.govt.nz, with your personal details removed.
Publishing responses increases the availability of information to the public and is consistent
with the purpose of the Act to enable effective participation in the making and
administration of laws and policies, and to promote the accountability of Ministers and
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of my decision under section 28(3) of
the Act. Information about how to make a complaint to the Ombudsman is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Naku noa, nā
Anita Balakrishnan
Tumuaki | Director Ministerial, Monitoring, and Capability Group
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