23 May 2014
David Zanetti
[FYI request #1707 email]
Dear David Zanetti
On behalf of Gabriel Makhlouf, Secretary to the Treasury, I acknowledge receipt of
your letter requesting:
On the 23rd of May 2014, the Taxpayers Union issued a press release stating
that an error found in the 2014 Budget would be corrected by Treasury in an
The press release can be found here: http://us7.campaign-
I request a copy of all correspondence relating to the discovery of the error, and
an estimate of the total cost (incl. aforementioned correspondence) to issue the
Your request was received by the Treasury on 23 May 2014 and will be dealt with in
accordance with the provisions of the Official Information Act.
Yours sincerely
S Charles
Sherida Charles
Ministerial Coordinator