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Andrew Ecclestone
Deputy Chair, New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
[FYI request #17458 email]
Our ref: OIA 91918
Dear Mr Ecclestone
Official Information Act 1982 Request: United Nations Convention against Corruption
Thank you for your email of 5 November 2021, in which you requested information
concerning the United Nations Convention against corruption (UNCAC) review, under the
Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act). Specifically, you requested:
1. Please provide us with a copy of New Zealand’s Self-Assessment Checklists
created under the first and second cycle of the implementation review of the UN
Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). If these documents are available in
several languages, please provide them in all available languages. In case these
documents are already publicly accessible online, please provide us with the
link(s) to them.
2. Please provide us with the full review reports on New Zealand's implementation
of the UN Convention against Corruption from the first and second
implementation review cycles. If available in several languages, please provide
us with the documents in all available languages. In case these documents are
already publicly accessible online, please provide us with the link(s) to them.
3. Did any representatives of civil society, non-governmental organisations or other
non-state actors participate in, or contribute to, the first and second cycle of the
implementation review of the UN Convention against Corruption?
a. If yes, please provide us with a list of the organisations, entities or non-State
actors who participated in or contributed to the review processes, including
information to which review cycle the respective person or organisation
contributed to.
b. Please provide us with available information on the form of their participation and
contributions, and available information on how these contributions were invited
or facilitated by the government (for example, if comments on documents were
sought, if written contributions were received and if so, how many, if there was a
meeting with the country reviewers and non-state actors, and if so, how many
organisations and who participated).
4. Please provide us with information on the current status/stage of the second
review cycle of the UN Convention against Corruption.
5. Please provide us with the name and contact information (department,
organisation and email) of the government’s UNCAC focal point (the person
coordinating the second cycle of the UNCAC implementation review).
6. Please provide us with information and any relevant documents regarding actions
that have been taken to discuss, address and implement findings and
recommendations made in the first and second cycle of the implementation
review process of the UN Convention against Corruption.
A response to your request is being prepared. However due to the need for extensive
consultation, a response cannot reasonably be made in the time limit. Accordingly, I am
extending the due date of your request by 20 working days under section 15A of the Act and
will respond to you by 21 January 2022. Please note this date takes into account the Official
Information Act request stand down period that allows for the Christmas break. This runs
from 25 December – 15 January. We wil endeavour to respond to you earlier than this.
You have the right under section 28(3) of the Act to complain to the Ombudsman about the
decision to extend your request. The Ombudsman may be contacted by emailing
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Jan Morison
Team Leader, Ministerial Relations and Services