Our ref
Julie Smith
16 December 2021
T Barnett
By email:
[email address]
Dear T Barnett
Expected and average wait times for a complaint to be resolved
Thank you for your email dated 13 November 2021. Your questions and the answers to those
questions are set out below.
What is the expected wait time for a complaint to be resolved?
The Chief Ombudsman is committed to dealing with complaints as swiftly as is
reasonably practicable. Some complex cases may take more time, but the targets for the
year ending June 2021 were to complete 70% of complaints within three months, 80%
within six months and 95% within one year. These targets, set out in th
e Strategic
Intentions 2021-2026, were based on expected intake levels of around 3,700 new
What is the average wait time (this year) for a complaint to be resolved?
For the year ending June 2021, there were 5,580 new complaints, the increase largely
due to COVID-19 specific issues. 72% were resolved within three months of receipt, 82%
were resolved within six months and 93% were resolved within one year. More
performance-related information can be found in the Ombudsman’s
2020/21 annual
What systems/process do you use to prioritise complaints?
When a complaint is first received there are initial assessments for urgency, risk and
priority and updated assessments may occur as appropriate. You can find out more
about the investigative process in
An Ombudsman's investigation and review under the
FAQ's about official information requests during COVID-19.
We hope this is helpful but let us know if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely
Alex Schröder
Manager Strategic Advice