This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'NZDF Public Affairs Strategy 25'.

R a u t a k i   N g ā   T a k e   T ū m a t a t a n u i   a   
T e   O p e   K ā t u a   o   A o t e a r o a 2 5
Released under the Official Information Act 1982

It supports the NZDF’s Strategy25, 
and confidence. The goals of NZDF 
This NZDF 
and provides guidance to the 
public affairs support the purpose of 
organisations and personnel of the 
public affairs, and directly connect  
public affairs 
NZDF that play a role in the NZDF’s 
to Strategy25. 
public affairs.
The resources described in this 
strategy is an 
The aims of this strategy are to define 
strategy are the ‘what’ that NZDF 
public affairs in the NZDF, to articulate 
uses for public affairs and the 
the purpose and goals of our public 
methods describe ‘how’ the NZDF 
affairs and to describe the methods 
uses those resources to achieve the 
level view of 
and resources used to achieve the 
strategy goals.
goals. Collectively the goals, methods 
the NZDF’s 
The strategy is underpinned by the 
and resources are the ends, means 
NZDF public affairs principles of 
and ways of this strategy.
approach to 
truthfulness, transparency, alignment, 
The definition of public affairs 
action, responsiveness and security. 
public affairs.
connects public affairs activities of the 
This document details the definitions 
NZDF with the effect those activities 
of those principles.
have on the NZDF’s relationship 
Implementation of this strategy 
with external and internal publics. 
requires supporting plans, policy 
The public affairs activities of the 
and doctrine. This includes plans 
NZDF are much broader than just 
for channels, media interaction, 
the activities undertaken by Defence 
engagement, public affairs 
Public Affairs (DPA) as they include 
campaigns, education, and 
activities of senior leaders, public 
monitoring and evaluation.
facing NZDF organisations and our 
people as a whole when they engage 
The public affairs strategy is 
with external and internal publics.
summarised by the ‘plan on a 
page’ graphic (on pages 4-5) of 
The context for the NZDF public 
this publication. The remainder of 
affairs strategy is based on 
the publication details the context 
Strategy25, but also the current 
for NZDF public affairs and then 
strategic and societal landscape and 
explains the elements of the strategy 
characteristics. The context connects 
represented on the ‘plan on a page’. 
the two strategies, as well as other 
considerations that inform how NZDF 
This strategy was approved on 22 April 
should undertake public affairs.
2021 by Chief of Staff HQNZDF following 
consultation with Services, portfolios  
The purpose of NZDF public affairs 
and other key stakeholders.
provides the rationale (the ‘why’) 
for NZDF undertaking public affairs, 
which centres on relationships, trust, 
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N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
Released under the Official Information Act 1982

R A U TA K I   N G Ā   TA K E   T Ū M ATATA N U I   A   
The NZDF conducts public affairs to enhance relationships, strengthen trust,  
T E   O P E   K ĀT U A   O   A O T E A R O A 2 5
inspire confidence and achieve communication and engagement outcomes, in order 
NZDF Public Affairs Strategy25
to enhance the NZDF’s and New Zealand’s strategic and operational effectiveness.
R E S O U R C E S / M E A N S 
M E T H O D S / WAY S 
G O A L S / E N D S 
The NZDF informs, educates and (in 
Successful public affairs by the NZDF will support the following Strategy25 
appropriate circumstances) persuades 
elements, enhancing strategic and operational effectiveness:
identified audiences about the NZDF and 
its activities in ways that are consistent 

Relationships and Organisational Excellence
with NZDF values, adheres to our legal 
Enhanced trust and confidence of the NZ public:
requirements, and meets the moral and 
•  that the NZDF is a professional organisation; 
ethical expectations of New Zealanders.
•  in the mandate of the NZDF and its activities; 
•  Public affairs principles-based decisions
•  in the investment of the government and public into the NZDF; and 
•  that the NZDF is transparent and accountable.
The NZDF has a range of resources 
•  Clear responsibilities, authorities, mandates
that it must use judiciously to achieve 
•  Key themes and messages – focussed and 
public affairs strategic goals.
Joint Operational Excellence
• People
•  Channel, media and engagement plans
A trusted strategic and operational partner through providing 
confidence to our international and domestic counterparts.
• Information
•  NZDF and Service public affairs campaigns
• Relationships 
•  Tailored public affairs planning and execution
• Capability
•  Inclusive communications techniques
The NZDF has a skilled and sustainable workforce by attracting and 
•  Public facing organisations
•  Clear, coordinated, consistent internal 
developing talented New Zealanders who are informed and motivated. 
• Channels
Internal communication enables the success of our workforce by 
•  Clean, contemporary and consistent branding 
keeping our people informed about: 
•  Activities – operations, exercises, 
•  the strategic direction and organisational objectives of the NZDF; 
•  Monitoring, assessment, benchmarking
•  NZDF operational, training and readiness activities;
•  Recruiting marketing activities
•  Risk management
•  the tools, resources and opportunities that NZDF provides to 
•  Social responsibility activities
•  Education and training in public affairs for 
support their success.
NZDF leaders and personnel
•  Public commitments
•  Collaboration with counterparts
•  Policy and doctrine
Operational Domain Mastery
•  Identity and culture
Public affairs are synchronised with NZDF integrated information 
• Reputation
capabilities to achieve NZDF information objectives.
P R I N C I P L E S :             Truthfulness          Transparency          Alignment          Action           Responsiveness          Security
N Z D F   VA L U E S :         Tū Kaha  |  Courage        Tū Tika  |  Commitment        Tū Tira  |  Comradeship        Tū Māia  |  Integrity 
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N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
Released under the Official Information Act 1982

What is public affairs 
in the NZDF?
personnel (past 
The public affairs of the 
actions, can and do contribute to 
headquarters, reserve units, Service 
NZDF includes information 
public affairs of the NZDF. Key 
museums and Service bands. 
and present), 
communication and other 
NZDF personnel, such as senior 
leaders and those in representative 
Public affairs can span from 
activities that contribute 
appointments, have a significant role 
the strategic to the tactical and 
through their 
to the knowledge of NZDF 
in public affairs, particularly when 
straddle both the organisational and 
and attitudes towards its 
making public statements. 
operational functions of the NZDF as 
organisations, activities 
shown in the table below. Public affairs 
actions, can and 
Public facing NZDF organisations, 
personnel provide direct support to 
and leaders by external and 
particularly Defence Public Affairs, 
NZDF senior leaders in organisational 
internal publics. 
Defence Recruiting Organisation, 
and operational headquarters as 
do contribute to 
and Heritage, Commemoration and 
well as deployable teams. They can 
Public affairs activities are undertaken 
Protocol similarly have a significant 
provide support remotely either to 
to build mutually beneficial 
role in NZDF public affairs, along 
NZDF personnel overseas or as a 
public affairs of 
relationships between the NZDF 
with other NZDF organisations and 
reach-back capability for deployed 
and our publics. All NZDF personnel 
entities such as camp and base 
public affairs teams.
(past and present), through their 
the NZDF.
Level of Command
NZDF Organisational Functions
NZDF Operational Functions
NZDF/Service to Public Relationships – 
Military Strategic Effects Planning, 
Trust and Confidence
Advice, Execution
Public Affairs Support to HQ JFNZ 
Public Affairs Support to  
Operational HQ Commanders and Staff
Issue and Activity Public Affairs  
Deployable Public Affairs Teams  
Plans and Tasks
planning and executing
N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
Released under the Official Information Act 1982

C O N T E X T   O F   
P U B L I C   A F F A I R S
The primary 
Public affairs directly contributes to 
To maintain and enhance its 
a number of the targeted investment 
reputation, the NZDF should be active 
reference for 
areas and strategic goals. The red 
with engaging stories, and responsive 
boxes highlight those elements of 
in a timely and accurate manner, using 
the NZDF’s 
NZDF strategy that successful public 
a wide range of channels, including 
affairs will directly contribute to.
traditional media, digital platforms and 
public affairs 
direct engagement. While the NZDF 
The context is also informed by the 
strategy is the 
as an organisation, and its channels 
strategic environment, New Zealand 
and statements are trusted, the NZDF 
society views and expectations, the 
current NZDF 
public affairs approach to different 
characteristics of the NZDF, and the 
ose The NZDF conducts 
public affairs to enhance 
relationships, strengthen 
trust, inspire confidence 
and achieve communication 
and engagement outcomes, 
in order to enhance the 
NZDF’s and New Zealand’s 

channels must continue to evolve 
media and information landscape. 
strategic and operational 
strategy – 
as the media landscape evolves. 
Analysis of these factors (provided in 
We need to be cognisant of the 
Appendix 1) demonstrates that public 
reputational risks and opportunities 
Public affairs activities are 
affairs of the NZDF must clearly and 
that the activities we undertake 
predominantly undertaken to improve 
accurately represent the NZDF and 
offer and the consequences of 
relationships, primarily by enhancing 
the role it plays as part of the  
any perceived shortcomings in 
trust and confidence. Public affairs 
NZ Government. 
professionalism and transparency.
can also achieve other NZDF or 
New Zealand objectives through its 
ability to communicate professionally 
prepared information and messages; 
integrating written, visual and oral 
communication forms; through a 
variety of channels to identified 
audiences. NZDF stakeholders, which 
Purp are audiences for NZDF public affairs, 
are described at Appendix 2.
Public affairs effort should be guided 
by consideration of how activities 
increase the NZDF’s and New 
Zealand’s effectiveness in support of 
strategic and operational objectives.
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Released under the Official Information Act 1982

Successful public affairs by the NZDF supports the 
following Strategy25 elements, enhancing strategic and 
operational effectiveness:

Relationships and  
Organisational Excellence
•  Enhanced trust and confidence of the NZ public:
—  that the NZDF is a professional organisation; 
—  in the mandate of the NZDF and its activities; 
—  in the investment of the government and public into the 
NZDF; and 
—  that the NZDF is transparent and accountable.
Joint Operational Excellence
•  A trusted strategic and operational partner through providing 
confidence to our international and domestic counterparts.
•  The NZDF has a skilled and sustainable workforce by attracting 
and developing talented New Zealanders who are informed and 
motivated. Internal communication enables the success of our 
workforce by keeping our people informed about: 
—  the strategic direction and organisational objectives of the 
—  NZDF operational, training and readiness activities; and
Goals of  
—  the tools, resources and opportunities that NZDF provides to 
support their success.
Operational Domain Mastery
public affairs 
•  Public affairs are synchronised with NZDF integrated information 
capabilities to achieve NZDF information objectives.
Public affairs can’t on its own provide trust and confidence, build trust with 
for the NZDF
partners, or provide a skilled and sustainable workforce. However, successful 
public affairs will complement the actions of the NZDF to enhance the trust and 
confidence of the NZ public and our partners, and improve the workforce by 
assisting with the attraction, retention, inclusion and motivation of personnel.
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Released under the Official Information Act 1982

M E T H O D   F O R   P U B L I C   A F F A I R S 
B Y   T H E   N Z D F
NZDF informs, educates and 
(in appropriate circumstances) 
persuades identified audiences 
about the NZDF and its activities 
in ways that are consistent 
with NZDF values, adheres to 
our legal requirements, and 
meets the moral and ethical 
expectations of New Zealanders.
The following methods are the ways 
The NZDF additionally has the 
which NZDF resources are used to 
following established norms:
achieve public affairs goals:
•  We tell our people first.
Public affairs principles-
•  We ensure that information is 
based decisions
provided on suitable channels and 
Public affairs principles provide a 
•  We are aware of our Treaty of 
foundation for public affairs decisions. 
Waitangi commitments.
There are inherent tensions between 
some principles. The aspiration to be 
•  We acknowledge and celebrate 
both truthful and responsive can create 
diversity (including culture, 
dilemmas as accuracy can compete 
ethnicity, gender, and sexuality) 
with timeliness. Similarly transparency 
and inclusion.
and security can be in tension where 
•  We seek to be respectful of 
the information in question is sensitive 
the local and regional cultural 
to the operations, capability or 
personnel of the NZDF or our partners. 
The tensions must be recognised and 
these principles considered when 
these dilemmas exist.
N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
Released under the Official Information Act 1982

Principles of 
Clear responsibilities, 
Key themes and messages – 
Key themes and messages, and 
authorities, mandates
focussed and consistent
their priority, should consider and 
be coordinated with how NZDF 
Public Affairs
NZDF public affairs is a command 
Consistent use of a common set of 
represents itself to NZ government, 
responsibility at all levels. At the 
key themes and messages provides 
other government agencies and 
highest level, responsibility for the 
the greatest opportunity to ensure 
international partners and how we 
public affairs of the NZDF rests with 
those messages resonate with, 
articulate that in documents such 
the Chief of Defence Force. NZDF 
and are remembered by, identified 
as the Annual Plan and International 
policies, directives and established 
audiences. Key themes and messages 
Defence Engagement Strategy.
norms delegate authority for public 
for both the NZDF and the Services 
affairs responsibilities to staff 
support the achievement of NZDF 
Channel, media and 
The credibility of the NZDF 
Public affairs requires an 
within the Office of the Chief of 
and Service public affairs objectives, 
engagement plans
Of the public affairs principles, 
contributes to operational success. 
active posture to frame public 
Defence Force and to other NZDF 
particularly when the messages are 
transparency is a focus 
Credibility and trust is earned by 
understanding of policies, actions 
organisations and appointments. 
complementary and the use of them  
Clear articulation of how the NZDF 
for the NZDF. The NZDF 
telling the truth and aligning words, 
and events effectively. Without 
Clear articulation of responsibilities, 
is coordinated.
uses its channels and interacts with 
approach to transparency 
images and deeds.
action, the advantage is lost. This 
authority and mandate as well as 
the media to maximise reach and 
is based on credibility, trust, 
In order to prioritise limited public 
may result in the NZDF appearing 
regular review and adjustment if 
engagement provides consistency 
respect and openness.
affairs resources it is necessary to 
unprepared, uncoordinated and 
appropriate, supports public affairs 
and clarity when planning to enhance 
prioritise key themes and messages. 
unresponsive. Delegation of authority 
the success of public affairs activities.
Credibility: We provide 
Having focus areas with identified 
Transparency is the central pillar 
to speak and act on behalf of the 
correct information, are 
The following table details the 
audiences enhances the  
Articulation of the purpose and use 
of liberal democracy. The NZDF 
NZDF empowers our people to take 
honest and value the truth 
indicative command responsibility 
effectiveness of the public affairs 
of owned channels (digital and print), 
remains accountable to the public 
and the role it plays in building 
for issues with a public affairs aspect 
effort by preventing effort being 
and how those channels relate to 
at home and on operations. Public 
on our reputation.
based upon the nature of the issue, 
diluted in an attempt to achieve too 
and support each other, is essential 
affairs plays a key role in meeting 
Trust: We front up and 
noting the responsibility may be 
many objectives.
to ensure information is provided on 
transparency obligations within 
build trust by balancing 
adjusted for specific issues  
suitable channels and platforms. Over 
the requirements of organisational 
Public affairs must aim to be timely 
responsiveness with security, 
when appropriate.
time channels evolve in how they 
and operational security. Providing 
and accurate in responding to 
reflecting at all times the 
are used and who they reach. They 
named spokespeople for interviews 
requests for information or action. 
values of NZDF.
become ineffective if their purpose 
and statements as a norm, supports 
Slow responses erode trust in the 
and use isn’t regularly reviewed.
Nature of issue
organisation’s transparency. Where 
Respect: We respond in a 
appropriate, communication may 
timely matter and engage 
Articulation of how the NZDF 
High profile/high risk issues
need to be a two-way engagement 
proactively with our audiences 
interacts with the media, including 
that accounts for the needs of an 
and value the role of being 
the preparation and approval of press 
Whole of NZDF organisational issues
Consistent messages support 
audience. Public affairs must balance 
releases and media responses, as well 
the strategic narrative, build 
responsiveness with security. 
as the identification of spokespeople 
Openness: We proactively 
credibility and create trust. Public 
NZDF organisational issues specific 
CDF, VCDF or Portfolio Head 
where appropriate, supports all of the 
share information where 
affairs actions should support the 
to a portfolio
public affairs principles.
security considerations 
NZDF Public Affairs Strategy. On 
permit such as by publishing 
Enhancing engagement with 
operations, public affairs actions are 
Public affairs must protect sensitive 
Service issues (raise, train, sustain 
Service chiefs, deputies, 
corporate documents online.
identified audiences is critical to 
coordinated and synchronised with 
and confidential information about 
and service equipment)
component commanders
ensuring the NZDF is able to reach 
other information related capabilities 
the NZDF, its activities and people. 
those audiences with our messages. 
and partners.
Security is paramount but must 
Operational issues
While reaching a large audience isn’t 
be balanced with truthfulness 
Senior National Officer
necessarily a success, failing to  
and transparency. This tension 
reach any audience is almost  
represents a key challenge for the 
certainly failure. 
NZDF, its leaders and personnel. 
Unit issues
Security should not be used as an 
excuse for being unresponsive.
N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
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Released under the Official Information Act 1982

NZDF and Service public 
effective representatives of the NZDF. 
Monitoring, assessment, 
Significant NZDF risk related 
Proactive internal 
affairs campaigns
It enables NZDF personnel to be 
decisions must consider public affairs 
informed of organisational direction, 
implications including risk mitigation 
Public affairs campaigns are a set 
objectives, developments, activities 
Monitoring and assessment of public 
measures specific to the public affairs 
of public affairs activities, sustained 
and events to enable them to be 
affairs, where possible benchmarked 
consequences of the risks. Public 
over a length of time with objectives 
effective in their work and enhance 
either against historic measurement 
affairs risks can create risks for 
their connection and engagement, 
other organisation objectives such as 
associated with a particular issue or 
or counterpart organisations, 
thereby enhancing culture and 
recruiting and retention. 
theme. For key messages that are 
enables the success of public 
enhances morale 
affairs efforts to be quantified and 
focus areas for public affairs effort, 
application of effort to be adjusted 
Public affairs activities (and this 
campaigns offer the opportunity 
Application of best practice internal 
as required. Assessment of both 
strategy) must align with NZDF risk 
to increase both effectiveness and 
communication methods enables 
and empowers 
outputs and outcomes provides the 
appetite settings. Drawing on the 
efficiency in terms of the resources 
NZDF to  have better informed, more 
most comprehensive understanding 
NZDF Enterprise Risk Summary and 
required to achieve public affairs 
effective leaders because internal 
of effectiveness. Public perception 
risk management methodology assists 
outputs and outcomes.
communications provides situational 
our people.
surveys by the NZDF now provide 
public affairs planning to determine 
awareness and puts our leaders 
a substantial historic record of 
the optimal approach to an issue or 
Tailored public affairs 
and managers in a better position to 
perception trends. Future refinements 
planning and execution
respond to current or future issues 
to analysis must consider both the 
and to circumvent problems before 
consistency of the questions with 
Education and training in 
The development and execution 
they occur. 
historic surveys as well as alignment 
public affairs for NZDF 
of public affairs plans, tailored to 
Best practice internal communication 
of data collected against strategy 
leaders and personnel
the circumstance, is a fundamental 
supports crisis communications 
mechanism for undertaking public 
by providing trusted, timely 
As all NZDF personnel can contribute 
affairs. Plans can range from annual 
Measurement of this strategy is 
channels with reach across the 
to or have an effect on NZDF public 
organisational level plans to operation, 
planned to be informed by the 
organisation to inform staff what 
affairs, provision of education and 
exercise or issue specific plans. While 
following surveys:
to do in situations requiring an 
training in public affairs can enhance 
not all issues require written plans, all 
acute response, potentially by a 
•  Public perception survey for NZ 
opportunities and reduce risks. 
issues do require considered planning 
substantial number of our personnel. 
Education and training should be 
and where activities or issues span 
public related goals. 
Change management, whether for 
tailored to the roles personnel fill 
multiple areas, consistent approaches 
structural, cultural or other change 
•  Pulse survey for NZDF personnel 
within the organisation. A learning 
to public affairs planning enhances 
programmes, can substantially benefit 
related goals.
continuum corresponding to career 
the likelihood of successful execution.
through consideration of internal 
development, complemented by 
•  NZ government ‘agency overall 
communications requirements 
role-specific and refresher training 
Inclusive communications 
and sequencing being determined 
satisfaction with NZDF service 
provides a comprehensive approach 
in consultation stakeholders and 
support’ survey for domestic 
to providing our people with public 
affected personnel.
counterpart related goals.
affairs skills and knowledge.
Inclusive communications techniques 
include not just communicating 
Clean, contemporary and 
Risk management
Collaboration with 
in an accessible manner such as 
multiple languages, but also by 
consistent branding
All of the risk appetite anchors, 
incorporating cultural and accessibility 
strategic risks and operational risks 
A brand is the articulation of an 
NZDF Public Affairs effectiveness can 
considerations as part of public 
identified in the NZDF Enterprise Risk 
organisation’s purpose, and the way it 
be significantly enhanced through 
affairs planning. Application of 
Summary have corresponding public 
is presented to external and internal 
collaboration with counterpart New 
these techniques not only provides 
affairs risks. Some elements of that 
publics. Branding is the creation of a 
Zealand government agencies 
the opportunity to reach a broader 
risk summary such as ‘stakeholder 
clear and consistent message for an 
and partner military and security 
audience, but also to enhance 
trust and confidence’, ‘building 
organisation. The goal of branding is 
organisations in the region and 
reputation through how our messages 
and maintain trust’ and ‘erosion 
to foster understanding and goodwill, 
abroad. Effectiveness can be 
represent our organisations.
of strategic relationships’ have a 
which complements public affairs 
enhanced not just by sharing 
very direct relationship to public 
strategic goals. As such, the use of 
knowledge, but also by collaborating 
Clear, coordinated, 
affairs. Other risks such as ‘strategic 
best practice branding methods, 
towards the achievement of common 
execution’, ‘failure in upholding the 
consistent internal 
including consistent use of messages 
or complementary objectives. In 
ethos, values and standards of the 
detailing who we are and what we 
some circumstances developing 
NZDF’,  ‘operational effectiveness’ 
do, as well as a strong visual identity 
common approaches and a deeper 
and ‘organisational efficiency and 
Proactive internal communication 
representing the NZDF and its 
understanding of other organisations’ 
affordability’ can all impact the public 
enhances morale and empowers 
organisations, supports public affairs 
practices can substantially enhance 
affairs goals of the NZDF.
our people, creating proud and 
N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
N Z D F   P U B L I C   A F FA I R S   S T R AT E GY 2 5
Released under the Official Information Act 1982

R E S O U R C E S   T H A T   C O N T R I B U T E   T O 
P U B L I C   A F F A I R S   O F   T H E   N Z D F
While it is in the interest of NZ to have 
•  Information – public affairs 
Public facing organisations
•  Defence Recruiting Organisation 
be coordinated and aligned to the 
a strong relationship between the 
inherently involves the 
(DRO) – DRO aims to inspire, 
achievement of public affairs goals.
NZDF and the NZ public, NZDF must 
communication of information. 
has a range 
While all NZDF personnel can 
engage and recruit the number of 
ensure it is sparing in the amount of 
Ensuring the information is accurate 
contribute to public affairs of the 
personnel required by NZDF with 
resources utilised for public affairs to 
and timely is a responsibility 
of resources 
NZDF, some organisations within the 
the quality and diversity needed 
avoid detracting from delivery of core 
shared by all that contributes to 
NZDF have functions which have 
to support Strategy25. Its vision 
The NZDF owns a variety of print and 
outputs. Judicious prioritisation of 
the development, recording and 
that it must 
a substantial focus on interacting 
is to seamlessly connect future 
digital channels including the Service 
the limited resources of public facing 
storage of information, as well 
with the NZ public. Within HQ NZDF 
generations of sailors, soldiers and 
magazines, a variety of NZDF external 
organisations of the NZDF is therefore 
as the organisation’s information 
use judiciously 
this includes Defence Public Affairs, 
airmen with a career that reflects 
websites, social media accounts on 
required to achieve the goals of 
management systems.
Defence Recruiting Organisation and 
their values and goals.
a variety of platforms, and the NZDF 
this strategy. Similarly, public affairs 
Heritage, Culture and Protocol.
internal intranet and digital poster 
•  Relationships – effective 
to achieve 
•  Heritage, Culture and Protocol 
activities, whilst important for NZDF 
boards throughout camps and bases. 
relationships are critical to public 
•  Defence Public Affairs (DPA) 
(HCP) is the CDF’s principal policy 
objectives, must be cognisant of the 
This variety of channels provides a 
affairs. Relationships internal to 
public affairs 
– DPA creates, engages, 
advisor on NZDF’s military and 
extent of the demand for resources 
number of avenues to communicate 
the NZDF and well as between 
educates and advises to enhance 
tikanga ceremonial protocols, its 
they create across the organisation 
with different audiences. The high 
the NZDF and domestic and 
strategic goals.
relationships, strengthen 
heritage and medallic recognition; 
and the resulting tension that may 
level of trust the NZDF has with the 
international partner organisations 
trust, inspire confidence and 
planning and delivery lead for the 
create against other requirements. 
NZ public means our channels are 
enables collaboration. Relationships 
achieve NZDF communication 
organisation of New Zealand’s 
considered credible, and provide the 
with media and communications 
and engagement outcomes. 
overseas military commemorations 
People, Information, 
opportunity to directly engage with a 
organisations supports a 
The role of DPA is to provide 
and  NZDF support to state 
variety of audiences.
Relationships, Capability 
mutual understanding of each 
communication, media and public 
and national occasions: and 
– the Strategy25 Targeted 
other’s drivers, constraints and 
affairs expertise and services. 
organisational lead for CDF-hosted 
Investment Areas.
It develops communication 
senior military visits and  
strategies and sponsors media and 
specified activities.
NZDF operations, exercises, courses 
All four targeted investment areas  
•  Capability – the capabilities 
communications policy; provides 
and other activities are the ways in 
of Strategy25 contribute to public  
developed and maintained by the 
media liaison services; manages 
Collaboration and coordination between 
which NZDF capability is developed 
affairs strategy. 
NZDF are the means by which 
external internet news content 
NZDF organisations interacting with 
the NZDF delivers its outputs for 
or utilised. Telling the story of these 
and internal intranet news content; 
the public is essential to ensure 
•  People – the stories of the people 
the NZ Government. The stories 
activities, particularly operations and 
produces NZDF, Navy, Army and 
effort to achieve the objectives of 
of the NZDF provide some of our 
of those capabilities and their 
major exercises is a key component 
Air Force magazines; generates, 
respective parts of the organisation are 
most engaging content. Relatable 
value to NZ is therefore central 
of the NZDF story. Operations in 
processes and/or disseminates 
complementary. Numerous other parts 
stories that present the human side 
to telling the NZDF story. The 
particular demonstrate the NZDF 
official imagery and video; manages 
of the NZDF such as camp and base 
of the NZDF have broad appeal and 
military capabilities that utilise the 
delivering outcomes for the NZ 
NZDF social media channels; 
headquarters, reserve units, Service 
provide the opportunity to engage 
equipment such as military ships, 
government and public. Given that 
produces NZDF graphical products 
museums and Service bands can also 
sections of NZ public that might not 
aircraft, land-based vehicles and 
many areas of operations are difficult 
and provides subject matter 
substantially contribute to public affairs. 
otherwise be interested in NZDF 
weapons can provide engaging 
to access, NZDF resources are critical 
expertise in visual identity.
The efforts of those organisations 
related issues.
content for a variety of public 
to engage the public should also 
for developing high quality written and 
affairs purposes. 
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Released under the Official Information Act 1982

visual material for communicating the 
the NZDF’s reputation, supporting our 
public affairs planning  
conduct and purpose of operational 
public affairs. These include: 
and execution.
activities within the constraints of 
•  Rainbow Tick Accreditation.
operational security.
Identity and culture
•  White Ribbon Accreditation.
A well-articulated and widely accepted 
Recruiting marketing 
•  Adoption of the United Nations 
identity connects the people of the 
Women’s Empowerment Principles.
organisation to its public image. The 
The NZDF’s primary marketing purpose 
•  Committing to address the gender 
collective purpose articulated as ‘A 
is to achieve recruiting objectives. The 
pay gap via the Gender Pay Gap 
Force for New Zealand’ and the NZDF 
public relations industry concept of 
Action Plan. 
values articulate central components 
‘integrated marketing communications’ 
of NZDF’s identity and provide a frame 
provides a philosophy to connect 
Policy and doctrine
for public affairs messages.
recruiting activities with public affairs 
A range of policy and doctrine 
NZDF organisational culture, which 
activities that contribute to recruiting 
supports the conduct of public affairs 
draws on the NZDF values, as well as 
objectives. Integrated marketing 
of the NZDF. 
organisational norms, attitudes, and 
communication aims to blend 
beliefs is integral to how our people 
communication activities towards 
•  NZ Government, Ministry of 
represent themselves. Characteristics 
common goals. Close coordination 
Defence and NZDF policy, plans 
of NZDF culture include our bi-
between public affairs and recruiting, 
and strategy provide the context 
cultural heritage and our connections 
including understanding respective 
within which the NZDF exists, and 
to the story of New Zealand as a 
priorities, aligns to an integrated 
its role. These documents inform 
nation. The NZDF’s identity and 
marketing communications approach.
and drive many of the key themes 
culture is central to how the NZDF 
and messages for public affairs of 
and our people represent themselves, 
Social responsibility 
the NZDF.
and therefore maintaining a strong 
•  NZDF orders, instructions and 
identity and culture is critical for the 
It is in the interests of NZDF 
directives provide parameters 
NZDF’s public affairs.
relationships with the public to act, and 
and explicit tasks for NZDF 
be seen to act, as a socially responsible 
organisations and personnel 
organisation. Activities undertaken to 
conducting public affairs related 
endorse or support causes and charities 
activities. Specific orders with 
The NZDF has a strong reputation 
should be aligned with NZDF values and 
direct relevance include those 
with the NZ public and many 
NZDF objectives. Judicious selection 
covering official information, 
international groups of importance 
of official causes or charities, based on 
release of publication into the 
to New Zealand. Surveys indicate 
alignment of purpose and organisational 
public arena and assistance to 
that the NZ public perception is 
goals, can ensure that effort and effect 
community organisations.
consistently high relative to many 
counterpart organisations. A strong 
isn’t diluted and that the amount of 
•  Doctrine assists planners and 
reputation is hard won but easily lost. 
NZDF effort that is contributed to non-
commanders by providing 
As such, while NZDF can leverage 
core outputs is appropriate.
guidelines on the ‘how’ to plan and 
a strong reputation to support its 
execute activities in support of 
public affairs effort, NZDF must also 
Public commitments
objectives. Public affairs doctrine 
continuously strive to maintain and 
is valuable for standardising 
NZDF’s public commitments and 
enhance its reputation.
understanding and approaches to 
associated accreditations contribute to 
•  New Zealand Defence Force, Strategy25
•  Australian Defence Force Publication, ADFP 3.13.2 Military Public Affairs, Ed 1, 14 February 2020
•  Ronald D. Smith, Strategic Planning for Public Relations, 5th edition, 2017, Routledge.
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Released under the Official Information Act 1982

A P P E N D I X   1
A P P E N D I X   2 
C O N T E X T   A N A L Y S I S
S T A K E H O L D E R   A N A L Y S I S
Implication for NZDF
Major Groupings
•  Increased competition between 
•  NZDF needs to be clear about 
NZ Public
•  General Public (regional/local communities)
major powers, increased use of 
how to projects itself publicly 
•  NZ Government Leadership (inform)
information and mis-information as a 
and represents its activities both 
tool in that competition. 
domestically and internationally to 
•  NZ Government Agencies
accurately represent the role it plays 
•  Increased competition in our region.
as part of the NZ Government. 
• Iwi
• Media
NZ society view of 
•  Prospective recruits/staff
•  Many New Zealanders are relatively 
•  NZDF needs to be active with 
the NZDF and their 
positive about NZDF but ambivalent 
engaging stories to connect with 
•  Career influencers
interaction with 
about its role.
the NZ public, including actively 
different media
engaging with traditional media and 
•  While use of social media continues 
continued development of social 
•  Whole of NZDF
to rise, traditional media still achieves 
a much greater reach for NZDF to 
•  Services (incl/excl Civ staff)
the NZ public than social media.
•  Civilian Staff

•  Organisations (HQ, Components, Formations, Units)
NZ society 
•  Increasing expectations for 
•  Lapses in transparency or failure 
•  Locations (Defence House, Bases, Camps)
expectations of  
transparency of government 
to support community and non-
the NZDF
departments including the NZDF.
traditional tasks may present 
•  Staff led networks
•  Increasing expectations of 
reputation risks for NZDF. 
community involvement and 
Defence Community
•  Family/friends of NZDF members
contribution to non-traditional 
military tasks.
•  Former members of NZDF

• Veterans
•  NZDF is a relatively small, 
•  NZDF channels and public 
•  Cadet forces
of the NZDF 
professional force.
statements are generally considered 
•  NZDF has a relatively high level of 
trustworthy by the NZ public.
trust within the NZ population.
Defence Industry
• Domestic
• International
•  Current trends include convergence, 
•  NZDF needs to continue to evolve in 
increasing use of digital mediums, 
its understanding of contemporary 
•  Partner militaries
and increasing prevalence of mis-
media and how to work with it to 
•  National populations especially in our region
engage with the NZ public.
•  Citizen Journalism – anyone can 
• Governments
be a journalist as a result of social 
• Media
media platforms and smart phones. 
Traditional media also use social 
media for tip-offs and news.
•  New Zealand media appears to be 
reaching a degree of stability after 
several years of turmoil.
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Released under the Official Information Act 1982

Released under the Official Information Act 1982