13 December 2021
Kaikoura District Council
P O Box 6
Kaikoura 7340
By email: [email address]
Dear whom it may concern
Transfer of request for official information
I write concerning an official information request received from Tim Adriaansen on
17 November for a breakdown of al Low Cost Low Risk projects which were al ocated
funding under the Low Cost/Low Risk category, for the period 2018-2021, in the 2015 RLTP.
We realise this transfer is outside the 10 day timeframe, however an attempt was made on
26 November 21 via www.fyi.org.nz to reach out to Tim to discuss his request in further
detail. He has not responded to our request for him to contact us.
Please treat this letter as a formal transfer of the request under section 12 of the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act. You should be aware that a response
must be provided to the requester as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 20
working days after the day this transfer is received by your agency, unless an extension of
time is required and notified to the requester.
Yours sincerely
Katherine Trought
Director Strategy & Planning
Encl copy of correspondence from Tim Adriaansen of 17 November 2021
Copy of correspondence to Tim Adriaansen of 13 December 2021
Our Ref: