ROADING RELATED LOW COST -LOW RISK ACTIVITY LIST - Supporting list for activities less than $1,000,000 total cost
Council/ organisation
Timaru District Council
2018-2021 NLTP
Date of last update
Budget cost
Ref #
Project / Activity name
Location /site description
Brief Description
Type of intervention
1 Completed
Safety Improvements
Analysis of CAS data has shown that mid block loss of control crashes are a significant
Minor geometric improvements
210,000 199,360 650,000
problem in Timaru District. - Out of context curve treatments, intersection upgrades,
hazard removal or protection.
2 In Planning (Agreed)
Traffic Calming (Selwyn/Essex, Denmark, Shaw, Dunkirk, Timaru, Temuka and Geraldine urban
Speed in some urban area's is being recorded as high and safety risk from traffic counts
Traffic calming
151,000 366,000 150,000
Ormsby, Broadway)
and speed surveys. - Intersection treaments and pavement width reduction to create side
friction and lower vehicle speeds
3 In Planning (Agreed)
Active Transport mode provision
Timaru, Temuka, Geraldine and Peel
The Timaru District Active Transport Strategy identifies a number of walking and cycling
Cycling improvements (incl. paths; 46,000 159,000 50,000
improvements that will provide increased mobility for transport disadvantaged and reduce lanes; markings; signage; facilities;
community severance. - New cycleways / walkways, safety improvements.
4 Completed
Bridge Renewals
A number of small bridges are at the end of their useful life and need replacement to
Replacement bridges and
485,000 591,000 500,000
maintain accessibility within the network particularly HCV's. Projects have been identified structures
through bridge inspections by Opus Consultants. - Replacement of bridges identifdied as
structurally unsound and needing replacement.
5 Completed
Seal Widening
Narrow rural roads and increasing HCV's and farm machinery have been increasingly
Seal widening
1,500,000 458,000 500,000
causing seal edge break. This has been increasing road maintenance costs and is also a
safety issue. - Seal widening.
6 Completed
New Drainage
Improvements in drainage is required to protect road pavements and improve resilience. - Drainage (incl. kerb and channel)
10,000 20,000 250,000
New culverts, road runoff treatment facilities to improve water quality.
7 Completed
New signs and delineation and guardrails where
A recent NZTA network audit identified deficiencies in our road network delineation and
Signage / delineation / pavement 97,000 51,000 50,000
appropriate to reduce out of context curves.
signage - Installation of new signs and delineation.
9 Completed
Residential road upgrades
Land use change to allow residential expansion in Temuka requires existing narrow rural
Seal widening
- 610,000 200,000
typs roads to be upgraded to urban stanadrds. - Seal widening and new kerb and channel,
intersection upgrades to ensure the road network meets the needs of the changed land
use and is to urban standard.
10 Completed
New cycleways
Urban areas
The lack of cycling infrastructure is seen by road uses as barrier to using this mode based Cycling improvements (incl. paths; 55,000 43,000 50,000
in road safety. This has been identiified in our actove transport strtaegy, school travel
lanes; markings; signage; facilities;
safety planning and road user surveys. - Installation of new off-road or on-road cyclelanes.
11 Completed
new kerb and channel
Some urban roads lack kerb and channel drainage that is causing pavement damage. -
Drainage (incl. kerb and channel)
60,000 187,000 150,000
Installation of new kerb and channel.
12 In Construction (Agreed)
Guard rail upgrades
Network audits have identified some guardrails with sub-standard ends. These need to be Guardrail improvements
55,000 160,000 150,000
upgraded to improve safety. - Upgrade of deficient guardrails.
13 Agreed with NZTA
Flag lighting at rural intersections
Network audits have identified some intersections that the installation of new flag lighting Lighting improvements
- - 20,000
would improve road safety. - Installation of new flag lights at rural interections.
14 Completed
New bus service infrastructure
Lack of bus shelters as major stops is causing customer discomfort and a potential barrier Bus or transit lane / priority
- 25,000 50,000
to peoiple using the PT service. This has been identified in road user surveys and PT
surveys/consultation. There is also a commitment in the Timaru Metro strategy to install
two bus shelters per annum. - Installation of new bus shelters at high use stops.
15 Completed
Intersection approach sealing
Recent NZTA network audit identified safety improvement opportunities to seal rural
Intersection improvements (inc.
362,000 210,000 350,000
unsealed road approaches to sealed roads. This allows improved braking surface, driver
signalisation / roundabouts, traffic
awareness of intersection with change in environment and the ability to add intersection
islands, slip lanes)
delineation. - Intersection approaches sealed and delineation installed.
16 Completed
Pedestrian crossing facilities ( Coonoor Rd, Talbot,
Urban areas
Major roads through Timaru and Temuka limit pedestrian crossing opportunities and
Walking improvements (incl.
4,000 - 30,000
Station St)
safety. This results in community severance that has ben identied as a TDC problem
pedestrian, pram or Kea crossings;
statement. - New pedestrian crossing facilities such as drop kerbs, refuge islands and
pedestrian refuges; mid-block
improved delination.
crossing; new footpaths)
17 Completed
Rural intersection realignments
Recent NZTA network audit identified safety deficiencies and potential improvement
Intersection improvements (inc.
47,000 - 850,000
opportunities at rural intersections. - Intersection alignment, delineation improvements.
signalisation / roundabouts, traffic
islands, slip lanes)
18 In Planning (Agreed)
Timaru Port Southern access improvements
The Timaru Port suthern access is critical for efficiency and resilience providing a
Resilience improvements
- 4,000 700,000
secondary non-bridge access to the port area. This access crosses the SIMT railway,
KiwiRail land and sidings. A formal deed of grant has recently been signed providing a 15
year acccess agreement that has allowed the deferrment of the proposed overbridge
project. A condition of the Deed is the TDC requirement to upgrade the existing road over
KiwiRail land and corridors. - Upgarde the road across KiwiRail land and two rail/road
crossings including pavement renewals/strengthening, drainage delineation
19 In Planning (Agreed)
Levels Plain/Foley/Falvey Road intersectioon upgrade
Levels Plain Timaru
This five road intersection was particularly noted as a safety risk during network safety
Intersection improvements (inc.
- - 350,000
audits and there are recorded crashes and near misses includinga fatal crash. - Road
signalisation / roundabouts, traffic
realignment to improve intersection safety, seal widening, hazard removal and flag
islands, slip lanes)
Project co-ordination with Opuha Water - asset renewal
Doc # 1472897
20 Completed
Washdyke Flat Road upgrade (seal widening, new
Washdyke Timaru
Land use change requires Washdyke Flat Road to be upgraded to Industrial standards. This Seal widening
42,000 616,000 250,000
drainage, pavement strengthening)
oad is also an HPMV route. - Seal widening for cater to HCV's, new kerb and channel and
treatment facilities, pavement overlay to improve capacity.
21 In Planning (Agreed)
Kellands Hill/Washdyke Flat intersection improvements
Washdyke Timaru
This intersection is prone to flooding that restricts access. The predominant traffic is also Resilience improvements
- - 250,000
onto the side road. - Raise intersection and change the priority of traffic.
22 Completed
Arowhenua Road widening
Level Plain, Timaru
Arowhenua Road is a SH bypass between Temuka and Pleasant Point that has high HCV use Seal widening
230,000 581,000 850,000
including significant proporetion of HPMV's. The road is a primary Collector but does not
meet acceptable seal width requirements for this heirachy. Parts of the road are failing
due to weak road pavements. - Seal widening and pavement stregthening
24 Completed
New footpaths
Some roads in urban area's currently do not have a footpath. A new fhis will provide
Walking improvements (incl.
160,000 179,000 170,000
walking as a safe transport choice. - Construction of new footpaths in roads that currently pedestrian, pram or Kea crossings;
do not have one.
pedestrian refuges; mid-block
crossing; new footpaths)
25 Completed
New bridge Powerhouse stream
Rangitata Gorge
Existing ford is not providing the access reliability required. - Installatiuon of a new
Resilience improvements
- - 180,000
bridge/box culvert.
26 Completed
Road upgrades - Wallingford Temuka
Upgrade of a residential street with new K&C, footpath and traffic calming
Traffic calming
27 Completed
Seal Widening/Route Improvements - Muff Road
Muff Road
existing route to Fonterra factory too narrow, increasing ede break faults. - Seal widening Minor geometric improvements
and geometric improvements.
28 Completed
Seal Widening/Route Improvements - Earl Road
Earl Road rp 4000 to RP 7800
Foresty/Dairy Route - too narrow. - Seal widening and geometric improvements
Minor geometric improvements
Doc # 1472897