19 January 2022
45 Pipitea Street, Wel ington 6011
Phone +64 4 495 7200
Felix Lee
[email address]
Tēnā koe Felix
OIA request 21/22 0412
Thank you for your email of 19 November 2021 requesting under the Official Information Act
‘I would like to fol ow up on the "Summary report: The impact of photographic
identification requirements on people without common photographic documents" found
It says by December 2019 "Internal Affairs will monitor whether the private sector
provides a solution and the extent to which this addresses the problem. Internal Affairs
wil consider if further action is required to stimulate the market." also "Should the
market stil not provide a suitable photographic document, Internal Affairs could consider
further actions, such as procuring the document and relooking at a government-issued
Can I please request any updated reports etc you have made on this topic?’
There are four documents that fal within the scope of your request. The documents are set out
in the table in
Appendix A.
Some information in documents one and two in appendix A have been withheld under section
9(2)(a) of the Act. This section of the Act allows for information to be withheld to protect the
privacy of natural persons.
We intend to publish this response to www.dia.govt.nz, with your personal details removed.
Publishing responses increases the availability of information to the public and is consistent with
the purpose of the Act to enable effective participation in the making and administration of laws
and policies, and to promote the accountability of Ministers and officials.
You have the right, under section 28(3) of the Act, to seek an investigation and review of this
decision by the Office of the Ombudsman. Information is available on the website
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz. Alternatively, you can phone 0800 802 602 or email
[email address].
Naku noa, nā
Anita Balakrishnan
Tumuaki | Director Ministerial, Monitoring, and Capability Group
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Appendix A: Documents to be released
# Name of document
1. Information briefing: The impact of identification requirements on people without
common photographic documents.
2. Information briefing: People without common photographic identity documents.
3. In Person Proof of Identification- Research Projects
4. Te Pou Manawa: Inclusion identity and access
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