Paramics Discovery Systems Specification
Specifying a PC for Paramics Discovery
Paramics Discovery runs on desktop and laptop PCs
We recommend a minimum of 4GB of memory.
running Microsoft Windows.
The specification of the hardware requires care and
this fact sheet is intended to help you make an
We recommend a two-button mouse with a scroll
informed choice.
Operating system
Graphics card and monitor
Paramics Discovery is available for Windows 10 (64
Graphics cards with AMD and NVIDIA GPUs are
Intel GPUs are not supported for use
We do not recommend or support the use of any
with Paramics Discovery due to a number of
other version of Windows.
stability issues. Se
e knowledgebase article for more
We do not support Paramics Discovery on virtual
platforms (see factsheet 803, Virtual Machines and
The graphics card is key to obtaining good visual
Paramics Discovery).
simulation performance. Paramics Discovery requires
a 3D accelerated graphics card with at least 256MB
of memory and support for OpenGL 3.0 or higher.
Paramics Discovery requires a minimum screen
We recommend at least a 1 GHz processor with two
resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels. We recommend
cores. Higher processor speeds will give better
that users choose the largest monitor they can justify
performance. Paramics Discovery will run on a single
and a higher resolution than this.
core but multiple cores are recommended for
performing multiple simulations concurrently.
Users may wish to consider two monitors, if the PC
will support it, so Paramics Discovery can be
Disk space
displayed on one monitor and other applications on
the other.
A full installation of Paramics Discovery and its
under the Official Information Act 1982
associated software requires approximately 300MB.
USB Port
Paramics Discovery model files are generally small,
but producing output files for large and complex
The most common method of Paramics Discovery
models can be extensive. It is not uncommon to have
licence control uses a local dongle, for which one
in excess of 1GB of outputs from one model.
USB port is required.
Users should allow disk space for outputs from
Access to the Internet is required during installation
multiple model runs.
and whilst updating licenses.
Model files can be stored locally or on file servers.
Settings for USB port security may need to be altered
to allow the USB dongle to function correctly.
Users should consider the management, backing up
and archiving of Paramics Discovery data.
Fact sheet 812, May 2021
Paramics Microsimulation, SYSTRA Limited
[email address]
Prospect House, 5 Thistle Street, Edinburgh EH2 1DF
T: +44(0)131-460-1847