13th December 2021
Andrew McGregor
[FYI request #17688 email]
Dear Andrew
Official information request W21-685
I refer to your official information request transferred by the Ministry of Health on the 2nd
December 2021.
The percentage of patients that have been declined referrals from multiple internal and
external requests for gastro-intestinal department
-Multiple being more than 3 separate GP/Doctor referrals
Further clarified on the 5th December 2021 for the timeframe of 1 January 2010 through 1
November 2021.
The information you have requested is below.
Wairarapa DHB are unable to go back as far as 2010 as we only have electronic records for
the last 18 months.
Our electronic records show that no referrals were declined. All referrals are seen by a
specialist, triaged & the appropriate action applied. This may involve coming in to see a
specialist or advice to the GP on a treatment plan.
Please note that this response, or an edited version of this response, may be published on the
Wairarapa District Health Board website no less than one week after the response has been provided
to you. Any personal or identifying information will be redacted from any response published online.
The DHB will endeavour to resolve any concerns you should raise but, subject to any legal grounds for
withholding, ultimately reserves the right to publish any information.
If you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact:
OIA Coordinator
Email: [email address]
Ph: 06 946 9800
Yours sincerely
Dale Oliff
Chief Executive