This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Rakaia Catchment Environmental Enhancement Society Funds'.

2 December 2021  
Mr David Haynes 
Via Email [FYI request #17725 email]    
Dear Mr Haynes 
Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act 1987 (LGOIMA) Request 
I refer to your official information request received by this Council on 26 November 2021 
requesting ‘dates, dol ar amounts and number of donations received from the Rakaia Catchment 
Environmental Enhancement Fund and for each donation what the money was used for.’ 
We have transferred your request to Environment Canterbury Regional Council (ECan). We have 
been involved in some joint project/s with ECan, however ECan has been the applicant and 
recipient of any funds.  Therefore we believe that this request to be more closely connected with 
the functions of ECan.  In these circumstances, we are required by section 12 of the LGOIMA to 
transfer your request. 
You will hear further from ECan concerning your request. 
Yours sincerely 
David Ward 
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston   |  PO Box 90, Rolleston 7643  |  P: 03 347 2800  |  F: 03 347 2799 
E: [email address]   |   W:   |