16 December 2021
File Ref: OIAP-7-22961
Iain Palmer
By email:
[FYI request #17735 email]
Tēnā koe Iain
Request for information 2021-308
I refer to your request for information dated 27 November 2021, which was received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) on 29 November 2021. You have requested the
“What public good activities in the 2020 financial year did GWRC undertake in support of the various
rail heritage groups with the Wellington Region??
Furthermore, what is GWRC / Metlink policy in relation to both supporting and engaging with these
rail heritage groups?”
Greater Wellington’s response follows:
Part one -
What public good activities in the 2020 financial year did GWRC undertake in support of
the various rail heritage groups with the Wellington Region
Metlink provided the following support to rail heritage groups in the Wellington Region:
Enabled usage of station poster holders to advertise heritage trip
Enabled heritage rail trip to stop and use stations (The heritage trip was organised by Steam
Incorporated who run steam train trips periodically. The groups who attend these are varied
as they sell tickets to the general public for these trips. On this occasion it was for a short steam
locomotion excursion between Paraparaumu and Paekakariki on Sunday 30 May 2021 – Kapiti
Family Express.)
Refurbished the Muri Station
Helped provide guidance on who / how the Ganz Mavag in Wellington yard could be removed
with Graffiti
Wellington office
Upper Hutt
Masterton office
0800 496 734
PO Box 11646
PO Box 40847
PO Box 41
Manners St, Wellington 6142
1056 Fergusson Drive
Masterton 5840
[Wellington Regional Council request email]
Support of tram museum in Queen Elizabeth Park (for further information, please refer to
Agenda item 7 of the Transport Committee 19 August 2021 order paper. This can be found on
Part two -
Furthermore, what is GWRC / Metlink policy in relation to both supporting and engaging
with these rail heritage groups?
There are no specific policies on support and engagement with rail heritage groups. However, please
refer to the strategic event support policy for the principles set out to assess whether Metlink should
provide strategic event support
: https://www.metlink.org.nz/assets/Policies-and-reports/Metlink-
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Scott Gallacher
Kaiwhakahaere Matua | General Manager | Metlink
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