28 January 2021
Alan Thompson
[FYI request #17881 email]
Tēnā koe Alan
Request for Information – Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
(LGOIMA) 1987
We refer to your official information request dated 8 December 2021, requesting the following
information about the flooding of the Hutt River on 6 December 2021:
1. From what time on the 6 December was the Council monitoring the rising river levels
and flow with respect to the impending danger and developing situation?
2. What currently are the trigger points and locations (with respect to the river height
and/or flow) that the Standard Operating Procedures require that the river car park be
3. Similarly, what currently are the trigger points that determine:
when car owners and/or other registered parties receive advice (e.g. TxT) warning of
the danger?
- when the Council will engage a tow firm to remove vehicles threatened by rising Hutt
River waters?
4. Were the above trigger points reached and the standard procedures enacted?
The information you have requested is provided below.
From what time on the 6 December was the Council monitoring the rising river levels
and flow with respect to the impending danger and developing situation?
The river level started being monitored on 5 December and was continued on 6 December.
What currently are the trigger points and locations (with respect to the river height
and/or flow) that the Standard Operating Procedures require that the river car park be
Trigger points exist across the length of the Hutt River however the key level is 3 metres. At
3 metres, the Council, contractors and volunteers begin a series of actions and transition from
monitoring to response.
What currently are the trigger points that determine when car owners and/or other
registered parties receive advice (e.g. TxT) of the danger? When does the Council
engage a tow firm to remove vehicles threatened by rising Hutt River waters?
Car owners who have signed up for a text alert are notified when the Hutt River reaches the
3 metre level.
Contractors and towing vehicles are notified when the Metservice indicates in the 48-hour
forecast that heavy rain is predicted. They deploy to forward locations when the Hutt River
reaches 2 metres and is either rising or additional rain is predicted.
Were the above trigger points reached and the standard procedures enacted?
Yes, the necessary trigger points were reached, and the standard procedures enacted.
I trust this information is useful to you.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note that this letter may be published on the Council’s website.
Nāku noa, nā
Susan Sales
Senior Advisor, Information Management and Privacy
Hutt City Council