20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph 09 355 3553
Fax 09 355 3550
9 February 2022
Adam Parkinson
[FYI request #18011 email]
Kia ora Adam,
The information you requested - CAS-484985-C5M7V7
Thank you for your request for information dated 20 December 2021 regarding the
covering/scaffolding that covers the footpath on 85 Customs Street, City Centre between
Gore and Fort St as part of the Seascape Development.
Gantries are used to protect pedestrians and to al ow for their safe passage past worksites on
the same side of the road while still allowing the site to work. They are expected to provide
adequate space for people to pass other pedestrians and to have open sides at least on the
roadside so as not to create an enclosed tunnel. There may be safety rails however so that
people don’t inadvertently step into the road but there should be sufficient openings to al ow
visibility from outside.
There should be suitable ramps at each end to al ow al types of users whether on foot or in
a mobility device to use the path safely. Ideally the width should be 1.2 metres but if possible
wider and the surface should be of a slip resistant material.
The safety of pedestrians is an important aspect of any worksite traffic management plan and
having gantries rather than making pedestrians cross the road is one way of addressing this.
All these long-term sites will be monitored regularly by our Compliance auditors and any
issues found should be raised with the site and repaired.
Since your LGOIMA request was submitted and after an inspection, the fol owing actions have
been taken with accompanying photographs:
• Trip hazards have been removed on the east and west access points to the walkway
• We have dril ed more holes at the low point of the walkway for water to drain through
• We have identified one more low point along the walkway and will drill more holes in
this area on the weekend. Once this is done, I wil send you more photos of the same.
• We wil continue to monitor these areas and attend to any potential hazards.
Since the last inspection of the site, we have asked the construction company to cut holes in
the side panels to al ow more light in the tunnel and escape points if necessary, while still
protecting pedestrians from the traffic.
Should you believe that we have not responded appropriately to your request, you are able
to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman in accordance with section 27(3) of the
LGOIMA Act and seek an investigation and review in regard to this matter.
Yours sincerely
Tracey Berkahn
Group Manager Services and Performances
Document Outline