50 Victoria Street
Private Bag 6995
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
T 64 4 894 5400
F 64 4 894 6100
20 January 2022
Carl McCormack
[FYI request #18095 email]
Ref. NZT-6990
Dear Carl
Thank you for your correspondence of 4 January 2022 regarding expressway signage on State
Highway 2 (SH2) Hutt Road. Your query has been referred to me for response in my role as Senior
Manager Maintenance and Operations.
Unlike motorways, expressways do not have specific legislated requirements. This means that while
motorways have to be signposted to signal the legislated requirements, expressways do not.
I am aware that there is a sign at the end of the Auckland Southern Motorway and beginning of the
Waikato Expressway which states that the expressway begins there. This is equivalent to the
“Motorway Ends” sign located at each end of the Wellington Urban Motorway. As expressways do not
need signage, it is highly unlikely any signage in this style would be installed for SH2 Hutt Road.
Yours sincerely
Wayne Oldfield
Senior Manager, Maintenance and Operations