This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Plan to maintain Citizenship By Grant applications being processed during Omicron outbreak'.
Gemma Palmer on behalf of Julia Wootton
All Users Level 2 Waterloo Quay
Waterloo Quay Red Traffic Light Arrangements
Thursday, 27 January 2022 1:32:10 PM
Kia ora tima,
I trust you are all keeping well and adjusting to life under the new Covid protection framework
red settings.
In Maria’s email on Sunday you will have seen her mention the need for us to distribute ourselves

across the two floors at Waterloo Quay temporarily in order to support the continued health,
safety and wellbeing of our kaimahi and ensure the ongoing delivery of priority services to
customers. This approach replaces the previous “rostered bubbles” we used when the

overarching aim was elimination of Covid19 and aims to use physical separation of people to
prevent and slow down the spread of any cases and preserves our ability to continue to maintain
service delivery to our customers.
Over the past few days, our leadership teams have been working to coordinate our planning with
Te Waka Aukaha (other than the Design Services team who will relocate to level 2 Waterloo
Quay) and Te Pou Manawa who are relocating to levels 10 and 3 at Pipitea Street respectively,
and the relocation of some of our people from level 2 to level 10 in this building and into two
zones on level 2.

This email contains important information about this plan including: who is moving, when the
move will take place, and what we all need to do to ensure that this move achieves the goal of
creating physical separation of people to ensure that in the event that we do have omicron cases
in the workplace, we reduce the likelihood that it spreads, and that we have a level of
contingency for our service delivery. This will involve us all playing a part in new ways of working

to support these aims.
Who is moving?

In order to create the right level of separation we are spreading people who complete the same
tasks across the two floors and creating two zones on level 2 – Harbour and Parliament.
Your manager will advise you where you will be moving to.
Each zone will have Managers, Team Leaders and SLISOs available to continue to support LISOs
undertaking their mahi and we have used the following principles in our planning:

Large groups of LISOs doing the same tasks will be spread into different zones to create
physical separation of function
People who work in specialist teams including Content, Service Advice and Support,
Forecasting and Planning, Data and Technical Capabilities, Business Capability,
Operational Policy and Official Correspondence will use flexible working arrangements to
split into two squads alternating working from home and in the office to create physical

When will the move take place?
Level 10 at Waterloo Quay is progressively being vacated by Te Pou Manawa and Te Waka
Aukaha over the course of today with the aim of being vacated and lockers cleared by 3pm today.
After 3pm today we will be able to begin moving gear up to level 10 and moving between zones
on level 2.

From Friday morning we will be operating the 3 distinct zones and people will need to remain
with their zone group for the duration of this change.
What do we need to do?
With our new arrangements there need to be new ways of working to preserve the integrity of
the zones.

Movement between buildings needs to be managed carefully  –  for example; it’s fine to
attend meetings at Pipitea Street however, upon return to WQ you must return to your
zone. However, if there are others attending the same meeting from different zones, you

will need to be in separate rooms or use Zoom.
Each zone will be allocated shared spaces for people to use - including kitchens, bathrooms
and exits and entrances. It is important that people strictly adhere to the spaces they have

been allocated.
South entrance and South toilets are strictly for use by the Harbourside zone
North entrance and North toilets are shared as this is deemed a public space (though we
encourage Harbour zone users to use the South end as much as is practical). Masks are
required when entering this space.

Please avoid getting into lifts if there are people from other zones in them.
Please maintain physical distancing if you encounter people outside of the workplace from
outside your zone.
In your zone you will be allocated a fixed desk (where practical) – you will be responsible

for keeping your work area clean and tidy
Reminder that you need to take personal responsibility for meeting room etiquette, dishes,
lockers etc.
Capacity restrictions on meeting rooms will be lifted.
If you are moving, please only take with you only what is required for your mahi. This
includes bringing your keyboard and mouse from your current station to your new desk. A

separate communication will come regarding releasing your locker and claiming a new one
in your new zone.
Contactless drop off and pick up available from the level 2 North End hatch, and from a

dedicated spot on Level 2 to allow for movement of files between L2 zones
Bathrooms in the North end of level 2 are in a public space – couriers and others use this
space so mask wearing is required and hand sanitiser should be used before re-entering
the workplace.

It is important to emphasize that these moves are temporary, for the duration of the red traffic
light settings being in place, and are being made as a precautionary measure. Our Executive
Leadership team consider that all our DIA workplaces are safe, and we are taking all reasonable
steps to protect and preserve personal safety. Only fully vaccinated people are allowed onto our
sites and we are following all public health advice about how we operate.
DIA remains open for business – where people can do their mahi from home, the usual flexible
working arrangements will apply. If people cannot do their role from home, and don’t wish to

come into the office, they may need to look at using their leave. This is a conversation people
should have with their managers in the first instance.
Thanks in advance for your continued cooperation as we implement these changes.

Ngā mihi
Julia Wootton

Julia Wootton | General Manager, Services and Access
Service Delivery and Operations
Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs | Mobile: 9(2)(a)
45 Pipitea Street | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |  