21 February 2022
[email address]
Ref: DOIA 2122-1465
Dear A KS
Thank you for your email of 21 January 2022 to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
(MBIE) requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following information:
“In one of the old OIA requests from Nov2021, you mentioned that a briefing would be made
available on the parliament website by end of Nov 2021
Please refer to your response above.
1. Could you confirm if this briefing is available on the parliament website as I can’t find it
after searching a lot. If it has not been released could you tell by when we can expect that to
2. Could you provide the Total Count of EOIs currently in the Parents residency visa pool. If you
can provide the count of persons that will be great too as 1 EOI can have more than 1
3. Could you provide the count of EOIs which were submitted before 15 September 2018 and
are still in the pool. If you can provide the count of persons that will be great too.”
Our Response
1. Could you confirm if this briefing is available on the parliament website as I can’t find it after
searching a lot. If it has not been released could you tell by when we can expect that to happen?
I can confirm the briefing paper is not available on the Parliament website. Please refer to Appendix
One for the information requested.
Please note that some information is withheld on the following grounds:
• Section 9(2)(a) of the Act, to protect the privacy of individuals.
• Section 9(2)(f)(iv) of the Act, to maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being
which protect the confidentiality of advice tendered by officials.
• Section 9(2)(h) of the Act, to maintain legal professional privilege.
• Annex One was withheld under section 18(d) because it is publicly available here:
2. Could you provide the Total Count of EOIs currently in the Parents residency visa pool? If you can
provide the count of persons that will be great too as 1 EOI can have more than 1 applicant.
As at 3 February 2022, there were 5,523 Parent Residence Expressions of Interest (EOIs) in the pool.
These EOIs have a total person count of 8,713 people.
3. Could you provide the count of EOIs which were submitted before 15 September 2018 and are
still in the pool? If you can provide the count of persons that will be great too.”
As at 3 February 2022, there were 3,593 EOIs accepted into the pool before 15 September 2018. These
EOIs have a total person count of 5,898 people.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802
Yours sincerely
Nicola Hogg
General Manager Border and Visa Operations
Immigration New Zealand