Level 1
32 Oxford Terrace
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4134
Christchurch Central
[email address];
3 February 2022
Paul Blackham
Email: [FYI request #18404 email]
Dear Paul Blackham
RE Official Information Act request WCDHB 9662
I refer to your email dated 1 February 2022 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act
from West Coast DHB. Specifically:
The number of people that have visited any/all hospitals and doctor's surgeries within the WCDHB for
any/all heart related issues, (including but not limited to pericarditis, myocarditis, heart attacks and
strokes). The data requested is for the 11 month period from February 2021 until December 2021
inclusive, displayed in month by month format, and compared to the monthly data for the previous
three years.
I am advised that the people who could provide the information to respond to your request have been redeployed
to the Emergency Operations Centre and are involved in the planning and preparation for dealing with
Omicron/Covid-19. They are also currently involved in dealing with the State of Emergency which was declared
following the heavy rain warnings for Buller and Westland. This work must take priority and means we are unable
to make a decision on your request within the original time limit (3/3/2022).
The West Coast District Health Board (WCDHB) therefore requires further time prior to making this decision. The
period of the extension is to 4/6/2022. We apologise for the delay and will use our best endeavours to make a
decision and provide a response to your request before that date.
We are permitted to make this extension under Section 15A of the Official Information Act 1982.
You have the right to complain to the Ombudsman about our decision to extend the time for responding.
Information about making a complaint is on the website of the office of the Ombudsman
( You can also contact the office on 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Ralph La Salle
Senior Manager, OIAs
Canterbury DHB & West Coast DHB