12 August 2022
[FYI request #18475 email]
Ref: OIA-2021/22-0953
Dear Harold
Official Information Act request relating to the Australia-New Zealand National
Security Dialogue
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 7 February
2022. You requested:
“ONE: A copy of the full document Australia-New Zealand National Security Dialogue:
Briefing Pack (12 March 2021) – i.e. including the parts of this document not processed
for release for the OIA request above as they were not in scope.
TWO: Copies of all other “Briefing Packs” produced for each Australia-New Zealand
National Security Dialogue since the inaugural dialogue in October 2016.”
On 4 March 2022, the time frame for responding to your request was extended under section
15A of the Act by 60 working days because a search through a large quantity of information,
and consultations was needed before a decision could be made on the request.
On 2 June 2022 DPMC contacted you to advise that we would not be able to meet the
extended timeframe with a decision on your request. Staff absences impacted on the ability
of DPMC to progress this request in a timely manner, specifically the assessment of the
classified information as this task can only be completed by staff with the appropriate security
classification clearance in our designated secure workspace. I apologise for this delay and
are now in a position to respond.
The Australia-New Zealand Security Dialogue is an annual meeting between senior trans-
Tasman government officials to discuss shared challenges and key priorities in national
security between the two countries.
I am releasing to you the 2021 Australia New Zealand National Security Dialogue briefing
package. Some information in this document has been withheld under section 6(a) of the Act,
as the release of the information would be likely to prejudice the national security and/or the
international relations of New Zealand.
Please note that pages where the information is withheld in full or are blank have been
removed from this release document.
Regarding part two of your request, this information is still in the process of being prepared
for release and will be provided to you as it becomes available, subject to information being
withheld under the grounds of the Act noted above.
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698 www.dpmc.govt.nz
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
This response will be published on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s
website during our regular publication cycle. Typically, information is released monthly, or as
otherwise determined. Your personal information including name and contact details will be
removed for publication.
Yours sincerely
Tony Lynch
Deputy Chief Executive,
National Security Group