21 March 2022
Zachariah Davis
By email:
[FYI request #18664 email]
Dear Mr Davis,
Request pursuant to Official Information Act 1982 – Jacob Jake Wil iams
I refer to your email dated 24 February 2022 requesting information from the Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment (
MBIE) pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982
the OIA).
In your email you requested:
“Have you received any complaints about Jacob Jake Wil iams?”
On 1 March 2022 an MBIE Senior Ministerial Services Advisor emailed you seeking further
information from you so that your request could be directed to the right part of the
organisation for a response.
On 1 March 2022 you advised that you were seeking information from all of the departments
within MBIE, but “
mainly companies office and insolvency”.
On 10 March 2022 I emailed you seeking further clarification in relation to the date or time
period for which you were seeking information in relation to.
I further advised you that if you were requesting information on behalf of Jacob Jake Williams,
his permission would be required for personal information to be released.
No response was received to my email.
Your request is refused under section 9(2)(a) of the OIA on the ground that
the withholding of
the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons.
You have a right under section 28(3) of the OIA to seek an investigation and review of this
response by the Ombudsman, whose address for contact purposes is:
Intergrity and Enforcement Team
PO Box 5004 Wel esley Street, Auckland 1141, New Zealand
National: 0508 446 834 International: +64 3 943 5962
The Ombudsman
Office of the Ombudsman
PO Box 10-152
By email:
[email address]
If you wish to discuss an aspect of this response, you may contact me via email –
[email address]
Yours faithfully,
Vanessa Cook
Manager Integrity and Enforcement
Integrity and Enforcement Team
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment