Phil Hokianga
Board Members
Heather MacKay, Nick Clayton, Amos Kamo, Craig West, Honor Columbus
General Manager
Bharti Raniga
In Attendance
Vanessa Nash (ConCOVE Executive Assistant)
Craig West (leaving early), Pamela Bel , Graham Burke, David Fabish,
Martin Carrol
Whakatau and Karakia
Given by Phil
Register of Interests
Phil - Director of Te Toi Rawhiti. $200m of funding to build 500 whare down
coast. (Conflict of Interest Register #3)
Minutes of last meeting
Confirmed by Heather MacKay, seconded by Craig West
Phil and Graham did a HERA podcast. If Board is interested in speaking about how
co-chairs work, let Phil know. (Actions Register #101).
Actions Table
Risk Register
Revised high-level risks, no new risks added
Board-Only Time
Closing Karakia
Given by Amos
1. General Manager’s Monthly Report
included in report
included in report
included in report
included in report
1. Surplus funds sitting there due to late recruitment. In a healthy position. Wel in line for spending. Online
meetings saved us money.
1. Some Project Leads and Researchers in place, offers out – Lydia Zhu and Priyanka have accepted offers for
researchers. Only vacancy is entry project lead. Getting leads from advisory groups and ConCOVE team.
Stakeholder Engagement
1. Had a lot of stakeholder engagement, Tony and Mani been to Dunedin, initiatives list updated
2. Successful event on Friday, next event in Wel ington.
1. ConCOVE members massive increase.
1. Chal enges – multiple programmes of work across New Zealand that are funded by government
overlapping or duplicating – eg Diversity Works funded by MBIE. Almost same pieces of work as us.
Bharti met with them to make sure we aren’t duplicating. Charlotte meeting with them tomorrow to
discuss. Being careful of asking questions, understand what others are doing, so not to waste time.
2. 3 LIT reviews due end of month to TEC. Project Leads and researchers working hard to get these docs
drafted up. Stretched for time.
3. POAP – everything on track, making progress with recruitment.
1. Paho newsletter went out, a lot of posts and articles out, meetings and events held.
2. Press releases on team, Advisory Groups, stakeholder event
1. Calendar of events – no questions.
2. Please support Wel ington event.
2. General Business
Introductions –
1. Everyone gave condolences to Craig regarding a staff member passing away.
2. Nick – had a catch up with Pam, chat around ConCOVE. Wel ington region impact – market increase in
shortage of labour requirements, rol s through training platforms. Lot of change in a market that is
overheated in Wel ington. Reinforces drivers behind what we are trying to do is very topical in Wel ington
right now.
3. Amos – huge amount of cross overs with Kaianga Ora and central government with ConCOVE. Connected
with Whitiora, conflicts with Kaianga ora – talking about how to work in the space together.
4. Heather – getting back into consultancy space.
5. Phil – opened new training facility in Hamilton. Vertical Horizonz tendering for a national MSD contract –
focus to deliver training in rural areas.
6. Honor – in a transition as a researcher at Canterbury.
7. Everyone is very busy.
Disruption Project Title
1. Discussion occurred – vote passed to keep it as ‘Disruption’. No change to ‘Disruptive Technology’.
(Decisions Register #38).
ConCOVE Maori Name
1. Would it be Better to go to Kings Office to get this– can Phil initiate this? Could engage a recognised
translator – wil be a cost. Couple of options to consider. (Action Register #108).
Marketing –
1. Update from Dom – marketing looking at opportunities to leverage the company. Since started, building a
platform which we should be able to build a proper marketing plan. Pitching stories to media. Webinars
to discuss important information from PL’s or Board. Podcast platform. Working on a plan for YouTube
videos for understanding how ConCOVE works. Grassroots level in plan. Creating ‘friends of ConCOVE’ –
building communication, engagement model. Interview style of conversation with key industry people.
2. Event update – very successful for first event, 57 attended. Quality speakers, discussions re advisory
groups, enthusiastic presentations (Minas about robtics). Attendees had a lot of information to take back,
direct conversations with Project Leads, how as a stakeholder they could contribute. Amazing event.
Bharti had HR and some GM’s / CEO’s contact her to engage in future to col aborate. Site Safe CEO wants
to col aborate. Fosters impressed. People came in and got a chance to have a variety of information.
Broken barrier for our team to get in initiatives. Real y good outcome. See report at end of minutes.
3. Nick – future roadmap of marketing plan – prioritised items, can you share this plan with the board? Yes.
(Action Register #102).
4. Craig – positive feedback on Linked In numbers.
5. Honor – liked ‘friends of ConCOVE’ idea.
6. Nick – is there a need to map out when we feed back into WDC’s and other areas so we can communicate
how we plan to translate research into action? Marketing and comms back into industry. Wil work this
into stakeholder engagement piece of how and when. (Action Register #103)
7. PowerPoint produced and sent – has everyone viewed? Intention was to give confidence to engage with
people, platform that is consistent. Feedback - content good, it would help to show feedback loop, when
we take the research into action points. The process needs to be shown, a flow chart. How construction
sector goes through the change process. At the moment we map out how different bodies exist and
relate, but don’t tie feedback loop together. (Action Register #103). Add a contact details slide. (Action
Register #104).
8. Stil unsure about what RSLG’s, WDC’s, do – slide that breaks it down into talking points. FAQ’s to create a
convo. Clarity. Help respond to questions. It’s stil changing – we wil go back and understand where they
are at now and we wil come back to you. Roles and accountabilities are defined, can map out easily.
Sectors of understanding of acronyms. Put into marketing plan. (Action Register #105).
9. Hand out to leave with people – send Board stakeholder event pieces. (Action Register #106 and #107).
ConCOVE team introductions and update
1. From Mani, Saba, Mahrukh, Dom, Charlotte, Tony
2. Tony update – last week in Dunedin with Mani, met a lot of stakeholders, took a lot out of it, caught up
with Jason from Naylor Love. Covered some Entry project topics as wel . A lot of schools don’t have
access to Trades Academy – in terms of entry level this hinders it. Students don’t have soft skil s.
Attended career expo. Doing Lit Review. Comparing what happens in large cities to smal er rural
townships – discrepancies. Tony in Wel ington in a few weeks, wil catch up with Nick.
3. Advisory Group Update
1. Advisory Group meetings have happened, chairs in place, wel underway. Meetings are excel ent points of
col aboration. Great conversation. Kinds of initiatives and programmes being run in own organisations
are amazing.
2. Future advisory group meetings – board input – we wil advise when the meetings are, the topics to be
discussed, and whoever is interested from the Board is welcome to attend. Al online meetings.
3. Advisory Group minutes sent to everyone – any questions or further information, get in touch with Bharti.
4. Phil – impressed with having attended a couple of the hui. Like the frankness and honesty and robustness
of meetings. They are putting people to task. Encouraging the convo’s they have, and their passion and
desire to get changes put into place. Encourage Board Members to join even for 10 minutes.
5. Advisory Groups want to see things activated. Chair facilitates, we find out programmes around NZ e.g.
NorthPower getting Maori into senior positions. We ask to see the data etc, col aboration, so we can
watch it from a scientific perspective, so we can conclude that programme does, or doesn’t work.
6. Before we transition from Lit Review to research pieces, we wil share Lit review, then create objectives
and targets and research programmes and share with them. Suggest – relationship building, when we
present Lit Review, present methodology (indigenous), if they can see we have intention to do it on
shared values, this would be positive.
4. Closing Comments from Board
1. Nick – was happy with board pack.
2. Heather – team is shaping up and looking forward to getting through Lit review and shaping the next
phase. Excited about it.
3. Honor – thank you for al work done in last month. Can see lots going on and ConCOVE coming alive.
Engagement is great. Acknowledge mahi. Looking forward to Wel ington event.
4. Amos – echo Honor. Great to have team introduced this morning. It would be great to meet these guys
face to face to present what they are doing, and how board can support projects.
5. Phil – knows how hard we have been working. Amazing getting everyone together so quickly.
Appreciation and thanks for al the good work.
Post Event Report
Event Name: Stakeholders Meeting
Event Date: 11th June, 2021
Attendees: Total headcount for the event was 57.
Brief Overview:
First event of the ConCOVE calendar, the Stakeholders Meeting was a perfect platform to bring people with
common ideas and goals under one roof. Bharti took the opportunity to introduce ConCOVE and its team to
the members. It was an amazing opportunity for the ConCOVE team to introduce themselves, share their
experiences and the vision for the year ahead. The distinguished speakers for the event had some great
insights on the future of technology, setting up apprenticeship degree, col aborative sustainability and
robotics. The topics of discussion found a good foothold with the attendees and resonated even after the
event had concluded.
Event Flow:
The event started with Bharti welcoming the attendees, briefing them about the vision and mission of
ConCOVE. Tony Atina welcomed the members with a Gagana fa’aaloalo (“Samoan respect speech”). The
event rol ed out as planned with the ConCOVE team being introduced first, sharing their insights on the
projects being handled and the roadmap ahead. Our advisory group speakers were introduced and each of
them had some valuable contributions to the discussions.
This was fol owed by key note speeches from our panel for the evening, starting with James Mackay
discussing the new apprenticeship degree being piloted by Otago Polytech. Next, we had Minas Liarokapis
speak about Robotics and how the future of tech in construction and infrastructure was promising and could
very wel take off from New Zealand. Terry-Ann Berry was quite enthusiastic about the col aborative
sustainability research currently underway at the Environmental Solutions Research Centre. Her depiction
about the lifecycle of a home and the sustainability issues currently being worked on was quite il uminating.
Graham Burke (Co-Chair, ConCOVE board) closed the event with his vision for ConCOVE and that the road
ahead for the team was quite promising.
Key Take-aways: The event was a huge success and the primary objective of introducing the ConCOVE team
was achieved. It was a perfect platform to network with members from the industry and exchange ideas and
Images from the event:
Will add them in the final draft.
ConCOVE Post Event Report (003)
ConCOVE Board Action Register
Due Date
Status (In progress
or Closed)
23 Investigate if the MIT Marae could ‘gift’ ConCOVE a name Bharti
In progress
Update – In progress, Wiremu is translating our proverb,
and wil use this to choose a name
57 Logo – can we add under Construction and Infrastructure Bharti
In progress
‘Vocational Excel ence’? If we are gifted a Māori name,
that can be incorporated as wel . Wait until marketing
specialist starts to act on this.
Update – Waiting on the Maori name, and then wil
update the logo.
76 Offer roles for Project Leads.
In progress
Update – Three project leads have started, one starts 5
July. Stil looking for Entry Project Lead.
77 Offer roles for Researchers.
In progress
Update – Two researchers have started, three offers out.
84 If Board has any contacts for training initiatives /
Board / Project 12-May-21
In progress
information sharing let us know.
Update - no one responded. Project Leads to get in touch.
88 Marketing person to work on grassroots level engagement Dom
In progress
90 Adjust Diversity Project scope after meeting with Diversity Bharti
In progress
93 Board to get people interested in events, nominate
In progress
speakers from your contacts, or yourself.
98 Board to let Bharti know if they hear of any similar
In progress
projects happening
100 Vanessa to let Board know dates of Bharti’s travel. Board Vanessa
In progress
to send connections for Bharti to meet face to face on her
101 Phil and Graham did a HERA podcast. If any Board are
In progress
interested in doing an interview in Manukau to talk about
how co-chairs works. Let Phil know if you’re interested.
102 Future roadmap of markting plan, prioritised items, Dom Dom
In progress
to create and share with Board
103 Map out when we feed back into WDC's so we can
In progress
communicate how we plan to translate research into
action (feedback loop / flow chart). Stakeholder
engagement piece - how and when.
104 Add slide to PowerPoint presentation with contact details Dom
In progress
/ sign up for membership
105 PowerPoint presentation slide - RSLG's, WDC's - find out Dom
In progress
where they are at. Add in acronym explanations.
107 Create a booklet of PowerPoint to leave with people
In progress
108 ConCOVE Maori name - would it be Better to go to Kings Phil
In progress
Office to get this– can Phil initiate this? Phil to investigate
costs of translator etc.
ConCOVE Board Decision Register
25 Charter document approved and passed
Board group email
26 Women's Advisory Group - 12 members selected, group formed
Board group email
27 ConCOVE Member accepted - Paul Merson
Board group email
28 ConCOVE Member accepted - Doug Leef
Board group email
29 ConCOVE Members accepted - Andrew Cowan, Jacqui Neilson, Bruce
Board group email
Whittaker, Mike Grumbal
30 Maori Advisory Group - 10 members selected, group formed
Board group email
31 Proverb agreed on - "The role of the skil ed (pūkenga) wayfinder is to know the 5-May-21
Board group email
start, envision the destination and chart the journey."
32 ConCOVE Members accepted - Simon Carrol , Harp Davenport, Isaac Liava'a,
12-May-21 Board meeting
Kieren, Matthew Fiso, Sadegh Aliakbarlou, Teresa Poli
33 Pasifika Advisory Group - 7 members approved, yet to make a decision
12-May-21 Board meeting
regarding Mark.
34 Mark Talanoa approved as a Pasifika Advisory Group Member
25-May-21 Board group email
35 ConCOVE Members accepted - Maurice Ridler, Wayne Kohi, Andrew Olsen,
27-May-21 Board group email
Adrienne Mil er, Ian Chamberlain, Ian Satherley, Megan Darby, Craven Wetere,
TJ Daly
36 Change to diversity project description - "Identify and understand the barriers 1-Jun-21
Board group email
for the diverse range of people entering …"
37 ConCOVE Members accepted - Michel e Miranda, Pete Sleeman, Joanne Verry, 16-Jun-21
Board group email
Michael Braggins, Adrienne Mil er, Joseph Rosendaal, Darren Stanton, Andrew
Donohue, Stuart Hindley, David O'Connor, Jay Vaai, Manu Palelei, Mahrukh
Khan, Mani Saini, Mark Talanoa, Graham Burke, Vanessa Veart-Smith, Vanessa
Nash, Saia Finau Latu, Dennis Keys, Wendy Baker, Nigel Sun, Sue Brotherton,
Theresa Rongonui, Pauline Sutton, Liz Watson, Claire Johnson, Minas
Liarokapis, Wayne Maynard, Kingsley Hannah, Linda Aumua, Saba Shaffakat,
Travis Timoko, Marion Nieuwland, Dave Watson, Terri-Ann Berry, Katherine
Hal , Courtenay Hurt-Suwan, Sarah Toase, Tash Nansen, Terekino Vaireka,
James MacKay
38 Change Disruption project title to 'Disruptive Technology' - vote occurred, no 16-Jun-21
Board meeting
change. To remain as 'Disruption'.
ConCOVE Board Members –
Conflict of Interest Register
Conflict Date
Conflict of Details
Number Conflict Member
8.3.11 & Heather
Ann “As advised at our last meeting I have registered
31.3.11 McKay
conflict of interest in this specific application
(Stonyer) application
from Terri Ann and am not taking further part in
this discussion.
project lead At the time last meeting, I did register my
agreement in principle for groups to be
considered for al projects where this provided
us with access to existing capability that would
accelerate delivery proving we had a lead w/i
the group. Tbh I was expecting a col aborative
group being likely to apply in the diversity
I also want to confirm I have not entered into
any discussions with Terri Ann regarding her
application aside from ensuring the
advertisements for lead roles were circulated
internal y.”
Update – concluded. Terri-Ann is not going to
proceed with the position at ConCOVE.
13.5.21 Martin
Ann As Martin is DCE at Unitec, where Terri Ann is
employed, he registered a potential conflict of
sustainability Update – concluded. Terri-Ann is not going to
project lead proceed with the position at ConCOVE.
17.5.21 Phil
Toitu Tairahiti Housing Limited Project. Iwi –
Hokianga Tairahiti
Government giving them $200m to build 500
whare different Iwi locations. Waikato - $4B.
Inland port at Ngaruawahia.